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1、Unit one Text A 1.Throughout history, man has stood perplexed and apprehensive before the dark prospect of death.(para.1) -Man has always felt confused and worried whenever they think of the issue of death. 2.The problem with fear of death is that it can paralyze ones ability to enjoy life and erode

2、 ones confidence that there is meaning to life. (para.1) - Fear of death can make people unable to enjoy life and gradually destroy their confidence in a meaningful life . 3.“Death is not inextricably intertwined with the definition of life.“ (para.4) -”Death does not necessarily get connected with

3、the definition of life.“ 4.“aging can be better described not as a clock but as a scenario, which we can hope to edit.“(para.4) -“Aging is not irreversible, but something you can change.” 5.In fact, we need not worry about what happens to us after death, any more than we worry when we see someone sl

4、eeping soundly.(para.10) - We dont have to worry aboutjust as we dont worry when we see someone sleeping deeply and peacefully Text B 1. Allowing people to die by withdrawing or withholding life support is a form of euthanasia - One form of euthanasia is to let people die by removing or refusing to

5、give life- sustaining support. 2. Euthanasia is the only legally protected alternative in the United States to maximum health care treatment. - AS to maximum health care treatment, euthanasia remains the only choice protected by law in the U.S. . 3. Euthanasia is the act of killing an incurably ill

6、person out of concern and compassion for that persons suffering.- Euthanasia is the act of stopping people suffer from incurable illness by killing him out of care and sympathy.4.Euthanasia is a divisive topic, and different interpretations of its meaning, practice, and morality abound. Euthanasia i

7、s a controversial topic, and people have different viewpoints concerning its meaning, practice and morality. 5. Opponents of active euthanasia argue that it undermines the value of, and respect for, all human life; erodes trust in physicians; desensitizes society to killing; and contradicts many peo

8、ples religious beliefs. -Opponents of active euthanasia have ideas that it damages the respect for human life, decreases the value of human beings , weakens the sensitivity of society to murder, leads people do not trust doctors any more, and is not consisted with many peoples religious beliefs. 6.

9、The AMA(American Medical Association) considers euthanasia to be a breach of professional. -Euthanasia is considered by the AMA as being in a violation of/ disregarding professional ethics. 7. Brain death becomes a crucial issue in part because of the importance of organ transplants.-The reason why

10、brain death becomes a significant matter is that it partly has something to do with the importance of organ transplants. 8. Assisted suicide, even by a physician, is a felony offense in most states. -Physician-assisted suicide is sentenced as a grave crime in most states. 9. They envision its leadin

11、g to a devaluation of human life and even a genocidal killing of vulnerable or so-called undesirable individuals. - They expect that assisted suicide will make human life more unvalued, and large- scale killing will happen to the vulnerable groups 10. Some statutes penalize assisted suicide under gu

12、idelines established for murder or manslaughter -Assisted suicide is punished as a crime of murder or killing according to some legislations. 11More than thirty states have passed statutes criminalizing assisted suicide. -Assisted suicide is considered as a crime in more than 30 states. Unit 2 1. “I

13、f a house went on the market, theyd get half a dozen bids right away,” -whenever there is a house on the market, people will be soon in the market (interested in buying). 2.Although prices have softened only slightly so far, bidding wars are now a thing of the past as buyers mull over an inventory o

14、f unsold homes that has tripled since the same time last year. -Despite the slight reduction of house prices, people became less eager to buy, however, they are waiting for (thinking about) more and more unsold homes to be sold at even cheaper prices. 3. “But there comes a point where theyll have to

15、 give in.” - But at particular (lower) price they will agree to sell their houses. 4.Whether that means the nations housing boom will end with a loud bang or a slow “pfttt” depends largely on where you live. -Where you live, to a great extent, determines on whether the house prices drop drastically

16、or slightly. 5. If you own a house you like, have a fixed-rate mortgage, and dont plan to relocate anytime soon, theres no reason to lose sleep. -You dont have to worry about the buying and selling if you dont plan to move by selling the house you feel satisfied with 6. you recently bought a condo with plans to flip it for a fast buck, you could be in for(要遭到)a rude awakening(唤醒的,激励的). (后悔莫及)


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