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1、关于组织开展本科学生英语能力测试训练工作的通知校属各教学分院根据学校评建工作安排,经学校同意,决定在全校本科学生中开展英语能力测试训练工作,现就有关事宜通知如下一、训练内容以与学生日常生活关系密切的话题为材料,着重进行日常交流基本用语的听、说能力训练。由外国语学院组织教师编写训练材料、外籍教师录音,学校印发材料样本,各分院复印下发给训练学生。二、训练形式以学生自学为主,集中训练为辅。学生可借助多媒体、调频台等形式进行自学,调频台播放时间为每天:7:007:30、12:0013:00 和 17:0020:30。各班英语任课教师利用课内或课外时间,每周至少集中组织举办一次的英语口语强化训练。三、组

2、织管理由外国语学院大学英语本科教研室具体实施,各本科专业所在教学分院组织和要求学生参加训练。四、训练时间2010 年 3 月中旬4 月中旬五、检查评比2010 年 4 月中旬,以在全校不同本科专业学生中随机抽取的形式进行检查评比。附:Topic about the oral English training(可在校园网教学管理下载专区内下载)凯里学院教务处、外国语学院二一年三月九日1附:Topic about the oral English trainingOne EmploymentA: How do you think of the future of collegians employ

3、ment in China? B: I think the employment competition will be tough for all the college graduates because job opportunities are fewer than the number of the students who graduate annually. A: What is your view of employment now? B: In my opinion, college graduates should change their traditional view

4、 on employment, only competing for “Iron Bowel” jobs, such as teacher, government clerk and so on. We should broaden our accesses to employment, such as opening business by ourselves, finding a job in private companies or family factories. A: What is your major? B: My major is chemistry/computer/ Ch

5、inese. A: What occupation/ job do you intend to take first after graduation? B: I want to be a teacher, if I can. I know it is not easy to get a teaching position in any school. A: If you can not take a teaching job, what other jobs are within your choices. B: I can work as a technician in a private

6、 computer company or work as a computer salesman. Maybe I can earn more money on computer business. A: Do you want to take the annual examination for public service occupations? B: Yes, I want to try it and make my luck. A: Thank you for answering my questions and finally I wish you a good luck in y

7、our future employment. B: Youre welcome. Two My College LifeHow time flies! Recalling about the past one and half year, so many thoughts are flooding in my mind. The memory is so fresh and all the things happened just like yesterday!The first day I went to school, I really felt that the school was n

8、ot as good as I expected .Because the school was under construction. But it did not matter. “Take things as they come” I thought. I knew if I was determined to stay here, I should do my best and make more progress.And then I came to my dormitory by myself. I noticed that most of them came from Guizh

9、ou and they were chatting with a happy voice, but I could not understand them.Just staying for a week , we would begin military training. This was the second experience I had, I really knew it was not an easy job to do. So many interesting things in the training ,I can not list them one by one .Afte

10、r a storm comes a calm .I said to myself. As a girl, everything attracted my eyes .Gradually I made friends ,chatted with them and we got along well with each other .Every day except chatting just chatting , maybe something about scholarship. In the final exam ,I got the scholarship .To be honest ,I

11、 am proud of myself .No pain,no gain .I got it thought my hard work .The next term is different from the last one ,we got more class ,more exam .We always worried about score after examnation .If it was low ,we found the mistake we made ,and told ourselves to be more careful . Saying goodbye to the

12、freshman ,we become sophomores now. We become mature a bit and puzzled with future .We are facing more problems and care about what we will do after graduation. What I can say are only those .This is my college life which is not so good as I supposed ,but it is real ,we can not change .No one can te

13、ll what we will become ,your future depends on yourself .2Three My Learning ExperienceYear and a half has passed, and Im a sophomore in the second semester now. From the year and a half of university life, I know how to study efficiently and work for my success. At university, everything needs to be

14、 dealed with by ourselves, including study. Its all our own business. The teachers no longer urge us to study diligently. Its very different from our high school study. And here is my learning experience. Learning is a process. So we should do it step by step. Setting goals and making plans should b

15、e the first. We should know what we want to get and how to get it. Make sure our goals and make the plans clear. The plans must be specific and operable. Then, we can make our direction right. Meanwhile, using proper learning strategies is important, too. So, in our plans, we should choose some meth

16、ods that suit us. Next, concentrate on reaching our goals. Never be tempted away by other things. Thus, we can improve our study efficiency and the effects will be very clear. In addition, do not often change minds. Otherwise, we can get nothing at last. Then, be a brave person. Never be afraid of problems and difficulties. Once begin the plans, we should give ourselves to the process. It may be hard, but try to enjoy the tough time. In a w


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