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1、1摘要摘要我国从 2005 年 7 月 21 日开始实行以市场供求为基础,参考一篮子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度。随着我国汇率制度改革越来越市场化,一方面它给商业银行带来了机遇,另一方面汇率的频繁及更大幅度的波动也使得一直习惯于固定汇率制度的我国商业银行暴露于风险之中,给商业银行的汇率风险管理带来了更大的挑战。对汇率风险进行有效的管理已成为我国商业银行风险管理中的重中之重。近期,人民币汇率再次成为公众关注的焦点,人民币升值压力进一步增大。因此,对人民币升值背景下我国商业银行的汇率风险管理进行研究具有重要的理论和现实意义。关键词:人民币,升值,商业银行,汇率风险,研究;关键词:人民币,升值

2、,商业银行,汇率风险,研究;AbstractPhotography portrait photography as a main class, increasingly penetrated into every aspect of our lives. Due to technical limitations, the early birth in portrait photography, photography as a painting material for providing the tools and means, many portrait painting artist a

3、nd graphic artist through this way to complete their paintings, they often spend more time to fix the image, not simply to consider the subject of temperament and character, the majority of the expression and action figures are for the painting works and services. With photography and technology con

4、tinues to progress, exposure time is shortened, the emergence of a new development direction of photography. Photos can convey the content and form of art is constantly given new ideas, images of the character expression also started lively, verve capture became a portrait photographer s most import

5、ant issue, there are many photographers began to seek personal style is evident in the photograph, through these photographs convey information to clear the photographers intentions, and in order to photography as a creative medium to express themselves on the beautiful art 2exploration. Today, alth

6、ough we have mastered the various high-tech convenience means, especially the emergence of digital image, in which we can seek to than any previous era more external form, but we may ignore some portrait of intrinsic charm and temperament. With the portrait photography theory abound and develop, man

7、y portrait photographer further understanding to the importance of the art of portrait photography and its development towards the important influence, therefore in the film and performance process to the object to be shot as the center, to mining shooting the object character based continuous portr

8、ait photography of exploration, but also through the portrait photography photographer self expression and pursuit of art. Whether the photographer self-expression or mining subject character, in the creation of any kind of choice will be a photographers subjectivity, through the analysis of portrai

9、t photography subjectivity this proposition, to explore the development of portrait photography.Key words: portrait photography, art, characteristics, research;目录目录摘要.1 Abstract.1 目录.2 一、汇率风险的定义、分类及影响.3 1.1、汇率风险的定义.3 1.2、汇率风险的分类.3 1.3、汇率风险的影响.4 二、商业银行汇率风险的衡量.4 2.1、净外汇敞口风险模型.4 2.2、VAR 模型.5 2.3、VAR 方法的优点和缺点.5 三、商业银行汇率风险管理方法.6 3.1、表内管理方法.6 3.2、表外管理方法.6 3.3、表外管理方法的优势.7 四、人民币汇率制度改革及对我国商业银行的影响.8 4.1、人民币汇率体制发展阶段.8 4.2 人民币汇率制度改革的原因分析.9 五、人民币升值后我国商业银行汇率风险管理面临的挑战.935.1、商业银行在员工综合素质和管理文化上存在差异.9 5.2、商业银行在体制因素上存在的差距.


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