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1、A. 米利都学派 Milesiansa. 泰勒斯 Thale1.一个色雷斯 Thracian 女仆说,曾嘲弄泰勒斯因走路时太关注于天象,而疏忽了脚下的状况,因而掉入了陷阱中。 (出自 柏拉图 Plato Theaetetus)2.泰勒斯,关注到来年橄榄将获大丰收,于是他在冬天时以低价,雇入了大量的压榨机,并于来年收获季节以高价,雇出这些压榨机,从而获取大量利润。以此证明哲学家若是愿意,他们可以获得财富,但这并不是他们所感兴趣的,他们正真感兴趣的是所谓的知识或者智慧。 (出自 Aristotle, Politics)3.在米底人 Medes 和吕底亚人 Lydians 第六年的战争中的一天,双方

2、作战时,忽然白天变成了黑夜。据人说对这一事件泰勒斯作出了预测。 (出自 Aristotle, Politics)据人说,有人据此事件推测,指日食,发生于 585 B.C.4.有人说,泰勒斯是第一个研究天象,和预测日食的人,就如 Eudemus 在天文学的历史中所写到的。Heraclitus,Democlitus 口称为其见证人。Herodotus,Xenophanes 口称对其表示敬意。 (出自 柏拉图 Diogenes Laertius,I, 23)5.有人说,归功于泰勒斯的功绩,观察发现了北斗七星的天象,这一发现指引了腓尼基Pheonician 人航海时确认方向。(出自 Callimach

3、us Iambus, I, 52, 191 Pfeiffer)6.有人说,在 Ionia 遭到战败破坏前,泰勒斯,米利都人,腓尼基人的后裔,建议爱奥尼亚人:建立一个独立的立法机关,并将其所在地建在 Toes, 因其在爱奥尼亚的中部,而其他城市仍在原地居住,并成为一个共同群体。(出自 Herodotus,I,170)7.当他来到 Halys 河,他帮助了吕底亚国王 Croesus 渡过了他的军队。这个传说是这样,简言之,当时那些桥还没有造起来:当克洛伊索斯不知怎样使自己的军队渡过河去的时候,当时在营中的泰勒斯说,能够帮助把河水分开,让那在营地左面流的河水也在右面流。他是这样实行他的计划的:以阵地

4、上游不远处的地方作为起点,他叫人挖掘了一道新月形的深沟,如此,河水就脱离了原来的河道,沿着沟,通过营地的后方,随后再经过营地的旁边注入从前的河道。这样河水就被分为两股,而士兵都能够涉过河了。(出自 Herodotus, I, 75)8.有人说,泰勒斯说大地居于水之上,飘动,尽管同样的论述不适用于,水支持地面那样之于水本身。9.泰勒斯说,世界是由水支持的,并像船一样航行于像水上,当我们说到晃动时,那其实是因为水的运动所致。(出自 Seneca, qu Nat, III, 14)10. 有人声称,必须有某些自然的质料,一种或多于一种,由这些质料,其他的东西得以成为现实。泰勒斯,这类哲学观点的发现者

5、,声称那质料是水。(出自 Aristotle Metaphyics 983b 6)11. 泰勒斯看上去,像他们所说的那样,设想灵魂是有活力的,如果他说磁石有灵魂,我说他指的是磁石能移动铁块。 (出自 Aristotle, de anima 405a)12. Aristotle 和 Hippieas 说,泰勒斯将灵魂也赋予那些所谓的非活的物体,他以磁石和琥珀作为例子。(出自 Diogenes Laertius, I ,411a 7)13. 有人声称,灵魂和宇宙搅和在一起,也许泰勒斯我想也认为所有的东西都充满着神。(出自 Aristotle, de anima 411a 7)14. 泰勒斯说,世界

6、的意识是神,所有东西的总和是有灵魂的,充满了精神,通过基本元素水渗透到神的力量中,而使之移动。(出自 Aetius, I, 7, 11)英文原文THE MILESIANSa.ThalesA witty and attractive Thracian servant-girl said to have mocked Thales for falling into a well while he was eager to know the things in the sky, but that what was behind him and just by his feet escaped his

7、 notice.(Plato, Theaetetus 174a)When they reproached him because of his poverty, as though philosophy were no use, it is said that, having observed through his study of the heavenly bodies that there would be a large olive crop, he raised a little capital while it was still winter and paid deposits

8、on all the olive presses in Miletus and Chios, hiring them cheaply because no one bid against him. When the appropriate time came there was a sudden rush of request for the presses. He then hired them out on his own terms and so made a large profit, thus demonstrating that it is easy for philosopher

9、s to be rich, if they wish, but that it is not in this that they are interested.(Aristotle, Politics 1259a)In the sixth year of the war, which the Medes and Lydians had carried on with equal fortunes, an engagement took place in which it turned out that when the battle was in progress the day sudden

10、ly became night. This alteration of the day Thales the Milesian foretold to the Ionians, setting as its limit this year in which the change actually occurred.(Aristotle, Politics, I,74)Some say he was the first to study the heavenly bodies and to foretell eclipses of the sun and solstices, as Eudemu

11、s says in his history of astronomy, for which reason both Xenophanes and Herodotus express and admiration; and both Heraclitus and Democritus bear witness for him.(Diogenes Laertius, I ,23)For the victory belonged to Thales, who was clever in judgment not least because he was said to have measured o

12、ut the little stars of the Wain, by which the Phoenicians sail.(Callimachus Iambus, I, 52, 191 Pfeiffer)Useful also was the opinion, before the destruction of Ionia, of Thales, a man of Miletus, being a Phoenician by ultimate descent, who advised the Ionians to have a single deliberative chamber, sa

13、ying that it should be in Teos, for this was in the middle of Ionia; the other cities should continue to be inhabited but should be regarded as if they were demes.(Herodotus I 170)When he came to the Halys river, Croesus then, as I say, put his army across by the existing bridges; but, according to

14、the common account of the Greeks, Thales the Milesian transferred the arny for him. For it is said that Croesus was at a loss how his army should cross the river, since these bridges did not yet exist at this period; and that Thales, who was present in the army, made the river, which flowed on the l

15、eft of the army, flow on the right hand also. He did so in this way; beginning upstream of the army he dug a deep channel, giving it a crescent shape, so that it should flow around the back of where the army was and passing the camp should flow into its old course once more. The result was that as s

16、oon as the river was divided it became fordable in both parts.(Herodotus, I, 75)Others say that the earth rest on water. For this is the most ancient account we have received, which they say was given by Thales the Milesian, that it stays in place through floating like a log or some other such thing for none of these rests by nature on air, but on water as thouth th same argument did not apply to the water supporting the earth as to the earth itself.(Aristotle, de caelo 294a 28)For Thales said


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