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1、重庆森博国际教育 沙坪坝三峡广场新华书店旁立海大厦 25 楼1强调强调句(一)句(一)英英语语的的强调强调主要有两种:一是主要有两种:一是强调强调非非谓语谓语(包括主(包括主语语、 、宾语宾语、状、状语语等);二是等);二是强调谓强调谓语动词语动词。 。 (一)(一)强调强调非非谓语谓语 其基本句型是:“It + is/was + 被强调的成分 that/who + 其她成分”。It 没有实意,只起语法作用,引导被强调的部分。当被强调的是人时,可用 who(m)/that, 其他情况用 that。 例如: It was I who / that met Jack yesterday. 是我昨天

2、碰到了 Jack. (强调主语) It was Jack that / whom I met yesterday. 我昨天碰到的是 Jack。 (强调宾语) It was yesterday that I met Jack. 是昨天我碰到了 Jack. (强调时间状语) 这几句话复原为非强调句就是:I met Jack yesterday. It is people, not things, that are decisive. 决定的因素是人,不是物。 (强调主语) 重庆森博国际教育 沙坪坝三峡广场新华书店旁立海大厦 25 楼2It is because the book is very i

3、mportant for my present job that I bought it. 是因为这本书对我目前的工作很有用,我才买了它。 (强调原因状语) It was in the supermarket that I gave the book to him. 是在那家超市里我给了他那本书。 (强调地点状语) 1 强调强调主主语语: : It was John who broke the window. 是 John 打破了窗子。 原句:John broke the window. It is the people who/that are really powerful. 真正有力量的

4、是人民。 原句:The people are really powerful. 2 强调强调状状语语: : (1)强调时间状语。 例如: It was at that moment that he changed his mind. 是在那一刻他改变了主意。 It is every day that Professor Smith goes swimming. 史密斯教授是天天去游泳。 It was not until Saturday that he began to prepare for the examination. 他直到星期六重庆森博国际教育 沙坪坝三峡广场新华书店旁立海大厦 2

5、5 楼3才开始为考试作准备。 注意:这句话的原句是 He did not begin to prepare for the examination until Saturday. 变成强调时间状语,注意 “not” 位置的变化。 (2)强调地点状语。 例如: It was in the library that I met Jack yesterday. 是在图书馆我昨天碰到了 Jack. 原句:I met Jack in the library yesterday. It might have been on the bus that I lost my purse. 可能是在公共汽车上我丢

6、失了钱包。 原句是:I might have lost my purse on the bus. 强调地点状语,也可改为:It was on the bus that I might have lost my purse. It was under the tree that I was sitting then. 当时我正坐在那棵树下。3 强调宾语强调宾语。 。 例如: It was Toms bike that she borrowed, not mine. 她借的是 Tom 的自行车,不是我的。 重庆森博国际教育 沙坪坝三峡广场新华书店旁立海大厦 25 楼4It is his dog t

7、hat hes sold, not his car. 他已卖掉的是他的狗,不是车。 It was a cat that your dog was running after. 你的狗追的是只猫。 4 强调宾语补强调宾语补足足语语: : 例如: It was wonderful that we considered his plan. 我们认为他的计划是绝妙的。 It is Lincoln that they named the aircraft carrier. 他们把那艘航母命名为林肯号。 It was captain that the team chose him. 那个队选他当的是队长。

8、 It was white that Tom was painting the fence. 汤姆当时正在把篱笆涂成白色的。 这句话的原句是: Tom was painting the fence white. 类似的结构有:color the sun red, color the tree green, paint the wall pink 等,这里,颜色作宾语补足语。 It is a fine player that we believe Jane. 我们相信 Jane 是一个出色的选手。 It is the Buckingham Palace that the British Queens office building is called. 英国女重庆森博国际教育 沙坪坝三峡广场新华书店旁立海大厦 25 楼5王的办公大楼被称作白金汉宫。 It is Cadillac that this car is named. 这辆车被命名为卡迪拉克。


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