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1、Comparison between English language and Chinese languageWhen it comes to compare the English language and Chinese language, different people may have different ideas to say. Some people may argue that the Chinese language is superior to the English language, while others may hold the opposite view.

2、In many peoples views, they think English language may eliminate Chinese language sooner or later. In their opinions, the English language has these advantages: Firstly, some developed countries are using English as their own language, their technologies are more advancing than China and most of the

3、 high-tech literature is written in English, so from this aspect English has more practical value than Chinese. Secondly, the framework of English grammar is clearer than the Chinese, English original memory object is 26 letters and then bring the tone of the record of the initial system requirement

4、s are also as long as the 150 or so. But the initial Chinese vocabulary is one thousand, with phonetic symbols, then the amount of memory it is not a good count, which at least forty times the total matter and some English 1. So in their opinions, they think that the English language is easier to st

5、udy than the Chinese and it is also easier to entry. Thirdly, with the computer universal accessing, the computer is used in our daily lives, and a lot of things that are written in English, because the computer is an American invention. When we are chatting with each other, we may the input of the

6、English language is much simpler than Chinese. In this regard, English is more convenient than the Chinese exchanges in todays network times.From the above, we can know why in many peoples eyes, they the English language is superior to the Chinese language. But from my own perspective, I think the C

7、hinese language is superior to the English language. For one thing, I believe that from the efficiency point of view to see the words express the information. The efficiency of the Chinese language is more efficient than the English language. Because Chinese characters are own to two-dimensional exp

8、ression, while English is the one-dimensional expression 2 .We all know that the two-dimensional medium of expression can achieve the maximum efficiency of information. Chinese and English, English letters corresponding to the strokes of Chinese characters, Chinese characters corresponding to a sing

9、le word in English and Chinese word corresponding to the English phrase. So Chinese and transmission of information advantages are at a glance. For another, Chinese characters as a complex symbol system, its entropy is higher than English. The limit capacity of Chinese characters is 12,366 Chinese c

10、haracters, and the Chinese characters static average value of entropy (entropy) is 9.65 bits, while the English characters static average value of entropy is only 4.03 bits 3. This entropy is reflected in the text, that is, United Nations documents, the Chinese version must be the thinnest. The Fina

11、lly, I think Chinese Characters can embody philosophical speculation, which not only can build a hidden character of Chinese philosophy, but also shape the structure of the Chinese peoples psychology4. On the surface, Chinese is only a symbol and alleging that the corresponding things, but this corr

12、esponds to the back, also pregnant Chinese peoples feelings, habits or instincts, while the English can not achieve that at all.Now we all know that the Chinese language is superior to the English language. Though the worldwide promotion of Chinese language is not plain sailing and it has encountere

13、d many barriers, we all need have confidence to spread our Chinese to the whole world, and let it become the common language of the world.References1 Xu Si Yi. The Characteristics of Chinese and its Research Method M. Language and Translation, 2007(3).2 Xu Si Yi. Linguistics and Applied Research M. Journal of Chinese Language, 2004(10).3 哈特曼、F.C.斯托克(语言与语言学词典(黄长著等译),上海辞书出版社,1981 年,189 页.4 方光魔评索绪尔的语言和言语的区分,方光森语言学论文集),商务印书馆,1997 年,487 页.



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