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1、1任务型写作专题:写作句式任务型写作专题:写作句式一、写作常用连接词一、写作常用连接词举例举例For example, For instance, Takefor example. As a saying goes, “No pains, no gains.” not only A but also B such as A, B, C and so on. including A, B and C A and B, as well as C列举列举For one thing, For another, First of all, In addition, Besides, Whats more

2、, Finally, Last but not least, Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly On one hand, On the other hand, 转折转折but, however = nevertheless, on the contrary因果因果because, since, as a result, therefore, so that 比较比较compared with, similarly时间时间at first, in the beginning, and then, later, after that, after a while, finall

3、y now, at present, in the past, recently, immediately, soon, suddenly, at that moment, as soon as, from now on, at the same time, notuntil目的目的because of this, in order to让步让步although, even if, no matter how条件条件as long as, if, unless并列并列not onlybut also, both and , eitheror, neithernor, as well as强调强

4、调without doubt, above all总结总结in a word, all in all, generally speaking, in conclusion观点观点in my opinion, as far as Im concerned, as for meExercise: 1.1. 我有很多爱好,例如集邮,写作和唱歌。我有很多爱好,例如集邮,写作和唱歌。hobbyhobby habithabit 习惯习惯 I have many hobbies, including collecting stamps, writing, and singing. 2.2. 信心、勇气和信念

5、对我们的生活很重要。信心、勇气和信念对我们的生活很重要。 Confidence and courage, as well as belief/ faith are very important to our life. 3.3. 把我自己的经历作为例子。与大多数同学相比,我不够努力。把我自己的经历作为例子。与大多数同学相比,我不够努力。 Take my own experience for example. Compared with most students, I dont work hard enough. 4.4. 最终,我开始明白为什么一些人无论怎样努力都没办法成功。最终,我开始明白

6、为什么一些人无论怎样努力都没办法成功。 Finally, I began to understand why some people couldnt succeed no matter how hard they work. 5.5. 总而言之,整个社会都应该关注环保问题。总而言之,整个社会都应该关注环保问题。 In a word, the whole society should pay attention to the problem of environmental protection. 6.6. 为了找出学生喜欢上网的原因,我们班进行了讨论。为了找出学生喜欢上网的原因,我们班进行了讨

7、论。 In order to find out the reason why students like surfing the Internet, our class had a discussion. 二、写作常用句式二、写作常用句式1. 概括概括 The passage/ author highlights the importance of 本文、作者强调了本文、作者强调了的重要性。的重要性。 The author intends to tell us that 作者想要告诉我们作者想要告诉我们 The story / passage is mainly about2eg: 这篇文章想

8、要提高人们保护环境的意识。这篇文章想要提高人们保护环境的意识。 The passage intends to raise peoples awareness of environmental protection. 这篇文章向我们介绍了电子书这篇文章向我们介绍了电子书(e-book)是什么以及电子书的发展。是什么以及电子书的发展。 The passage introduces to us what an e-book is as well as the development of e-book. 作者告诉我们她在暑假做志愿者的经历。作者告诉我们她在暑假做志愿者的经历。 The author

9、told us her experience of working as a volunteer in summer holiday. 作者告诉我们教会孩子独立生活的技能很重要。作者告诉我们教会孩子独立生活的技能很重要。 The write states that it is important to teach children some skills of living by themselves. 2. 议论议论 I cant agree more with what the author said. 我完全同意作者的观点。我完全同意作者的观点。 I agree with the aut

10、hors opinion that 我认同作者我认同作者的观点。的观点。 I dont agree with the author. 我不认同作者的观点。我不认同作者的观点。 Im strongly against what the author said. 我强烈反对作者的观点。我强烈反对作者的观点。 In some way, I agree with the opinion that , but also think that 某种程度上,我赞成某种程度上,我赞成,但是,但是 What the author said sounds reasonable, but 作者所说的听起来有道理,但

11、是作者所说的听起来有道理,但是 After reading the passage, I was lost in thought. 读完短文,我陷入了沉思。读完短文,我陷入了沉思。 The reasons for this can be listed as follows. 这个问题有以下几个原因。这个问题有以下几个原因。 There are several reasons that contribute to this problem. 有几个原因导致了这个问题。有几个原因导致了这个问题。 Different people have different opinions on 不同人对不同人

12、对有不同的观点。有不同的观点。 Opinions on vary from person to person. 对对的观点因人而异。的观点因人而异。 As a coin has two sides, also has advantages and disadvantages. 正如事物都有两面性,正如事物都有两面性,也有其优点和缺也有其优点和缺 点。点。 Its time that we took effective measure to solve the problem. 我们是时候采取有效措施来解决这个问题了。我们是时候采取有效措施来解决这个问题了。 eg: 我认同作者所说的因特网在我们

13、生活中扮演着重要作用的观点。我认同作者所说的因特网在我们生活中扮演着重要作用的观点。 I agree with the authors opinion that the Internet plays an important part in our life. 某种程度上,我认同作者的观点,但我也认为网购对一些人来说并不是最佳的选择。某种程度上,我认同作者的观点,但我也认为网购对一些人来说并不是最佳的选择。 In some way, I agree with the authors opinion, but I also think that shopping online may not b

14、e the best choice for some people. 3. 记叙记叙 What the author said reminds me of my own experience. 作者所说的让我想起了我自己的经历。作者所说的让我想起了我自己的经历。 It occurs to me that my friend has a similar experience. 我突然想起我朋友有一次相似的经历。我突然想起我朋友有一次相似的经历。 Many people have gone through such experience, and so do I. 很多人都有这样的经历,我也是。很多人都有这样的经历,我也是。 Take me as an example. 把我作为一个例子。把我作为一个例子。 When it comes to the importance of , a good example jumps into my mind. 当谈及当谈及的重要性,一个好例子在我脑海里出现。的重要性,一个好例子在我脑海里出现。 There was a time when I 曾经我



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