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1、The Test For Book One 一、短语汉译英。一、短语汉译英。1.合计 2.合计达 3.关心;挂念 4 对感兴趣 5. 就而言 6.经历;经受 7.没有而勉强应付,没有也行 8.记下;放下;登记 9 动身;引起;引爆(炸弹等) 10.故意 11.偶然,意外地 12.与相处;进展 13.使某人理解,使某人接受 14.相爱;爱上(动作) 15.因为;由于 16 幸亏,由于 17.走近;上来;提出 18.现在;目前 19.出现;出版,发表;被获知,为人所知(vi.) 20.利用;使用 21.充分利用 22.例如;像这种的(列举事物) 23 例如(举例说明) 24.在中扮演角色;在中起作

2、用;参与 25. n 不仅仅;多于 26 除了 27.不假思索 28.重新考虑后 29. 关心;忧虑;惦念 30.照顾,照料;喜欢 31.改变主意 32 将记在心中 33.下决心,决定(去做某事) 34.决定去做某事(状态) 35.投降;屈服;让步 36.用完,耗尽;(vt.)分发,散发;发出(光、热等) 37.照常,像往常一样 38.如下 39.建立;使升高;张贴 40 把放回原处/收起;积蓄 41.醒着 42 熬夜 43.立刻;马上(同义短语) 44.结束;终结 45 到末为止 46.掘出;发现,找出 47.许多;大量的 48的数量 49.作为而闻名 50 为/被所熟知 51.轻视,看不起

3、 52 高度评价 53. 为纪念 54.以为骄傲 55. 失业 56.没去上班,在休假 57.事实上 58.求助于;致力于 59 结局是 60 丧失勇气或信心 61 失去希望 62.当权;上台 63 尽自己的最大能力 64.设立;建立 65.开始、着手做某事 66 使爆炸;拉响(警报);引发 67.被判处(徒刑) 二、单项选择。二、单项选择。1. Was it on a lonely island _he was saved one month after the boat went down?A. where B. that C. which D. what2. Was it the lon

4、ely island _he was saved one month after the boat went down?A. where B. that C. which D. what3. What the public is _about is whether medical workers and scientists will be able to find a cure for this new disease in a short time.A. concerning B. concern C. concerned D. to concern4. It is reported th

5、at the government has lightened the burden on the students.Oh, today we are still _from heavy school work,_at preparing us for the entrance examinations.A. suffering;aimed B. suffered;aimed C. suffered;aiming D. suffering;aiming5. Do keep _in an emergency, or things will get even worse.A. calm B. st

6、ill C. quiet D. silent6. It always takes the class a while to _at the start of the class.A. settle on B. settle in C. settle down D. settle up7. Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but _slightly in the afternoon.A. recovered B. restored C. regained D. retained8. Hardly

7、could he_ this amount of work in such a short time.A. get through B. get off C. get into D. get down9. In the evening the car broke down suddenly and the heavy rain _the helplessness of the girl driver on the country road.A. resulted from B. made up C. turned out D. added to10. The bus _the children

8、 _just outside the school gate.A. sets;off B. sets;out C. sets;down D. sets;up11. It was _ he came back from Africa that year _ he met the girl he would like to marry.A. when;then B. not;until C. not until;that D. only;when12.Do you know our town at all?No,this is the first time I _ here. A. was B.

9、have been C. came D. am coming13.Im sorry I didnt phone you,but Ive been very busy _the past couple of weeks.A. beyond B. with C. among D. over14. Always remember to put such dangerous things as knives _childrens reach.A. beyond B. without C. within D. over15. The school isnt the one I really wanted

10、 to go to,but I suppose Ill just have to _it.A. make the best of B. get away from C. keep an eye on D. catch up with16.The school isnt the one I really wanted to go to,so I just want to _it.A. make the best of B. get away from C. keep an eye on D. catch up with17.In order to have a good _of English,

11、 he resigned and went abroad.A. command B. need C. master D. direction18.Im sorry that I cannot accept your _to attend your birthday party,Linda,because Im _to answer all the customers letters tonight by my boss. A. requirement;required B. demand;requested C. request;suggested D. request;required19.The famous film star wore dark glasses so that no one would _him.A. reach B. recognize C. realize D. know20.The movie _J. K. Rowlings Harr


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