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1、 Unit1 How often do you exercise?一首字母填空(20 分;每小题 2 分) 1. He writes to his father once_ a month. 2. Everyone likes to surf the Internet_. 3. You must be a_ctive_in class. 4. Eating junk_ food is bad for your health. 5. There are many diffence_ between the twins? 6. There is some m_ilk_ in the bottle.

2、 7. Sandy doesnt like badminton, so she s_ plays badminton. 8. If you want to be h_ealthy_, you should eat fruit and vegetables. 9. You should not a_lways_ eat noodles for supper. You should try other f ood. 10. You are not fit, and you should change your l_ifestyle_ 二词组翻译(20 分;每小题 1 分) 1.结实 2.一种食品

3、3. 至于,关于 4. 试图(努力)做某事 5 聚会 6.一天许多次 7.两块面包 8.改变我的饮食和生活方式 9.一个健康的人10.对有益 11.对和善 1213.大多数学生(两种表达) 14.与相同15.提高英语 16.学生活动的调查17.睡着 18.有几分不健康 19. 一周三次 20.最喜爱的电视节目三、单项填空(共 30 分;每小题 2 分) ( )1. _ the students usually go to have pizza. A. MostB. SomeC. Not all ofD. None( )2. Her father _ time. A. usually waste

4、B. never wastes C. hardly ever wasteD. always wasting( )3. A: How often does Lara play the trumpet? B: _ once or _ a week, Im not sure. A. May be, twiceB. Maybe, twice C. Maybe, two timesD. May be, two time( )4. A: Why dont you try the Si Chuan food? B: I cant stand the pepper. I want to _. A. keep

5、good healthB. keep in good healthy C. keep health D. keep healthy( )5. Why _ their mother only buy one ice-cream? A. doB. isC. areD. does( )6. You see, Im not very healthy, _ I always exercise. A. andB. butC. althoughD. so( )7. A: Ill give the boys _ to eat. B: Oh, I know fish and salad. A. somethin

6、g healthyB. healthy something C. anything healthy D. healthy anything( )8. Im blind, but Im _ happy, I try to read by my hands. A. kindB. neverC. kind ofD. not( )9. I think “I will always love you”is one of _ songs of Whitney Huston. A. the bestB. prettyC. goodD. better( )10. Shooting is a healthy s

7、port, _? A. OKB. all rightC. is itD. right( )11. Is her lifestyle _ yours or different? A. the sameB. same as C. same toD. the same as( )12. What _ people usually do _ Thanksgiving Day? A. do, inB. do, onC. does, atD. are, with( )13. Im hungry. _ will supper be ready? A. How longB. How oftenC. How m

8、uchD. How soon( )14. What _ the differences between your habit and _? A. are, hersB. is, hisC. does, herD. do, his( )15. A: _ do you write to your parents? B: Once a month. A. How oftenB. How longC. How muchD. How many四、用所给单词的适当形式填空:(20 分;每小题 2 分) 1. Ann_ (go) to the police station this morning. 2.

9、Look! The students _ (swim) in the river. 3. Li Lei often _ (help) me with my Chinese. 4. Where _ (be) you last night? 5. What about _ (play) football now? 6. _ (Have) breakfast helps you keep fit. 7.I have some _ (knife). I can lend one to you. 8.He brushes his teeth _ (two) a day. 9. My_(eat)habit

10、s are pretty good. 10. You must eat more vegetables and keep _(health). 五介词填空 (共 10 分;每个 2 分) 1.Here are the results_ the student activity survey.2.The results_“watch TV”are interesting. 3.Thanks for coming in _the interview. 4.Lily is good_math.5.Im good_all the children。Answer一 1.once 2. Internet

11、3. active 4. junk 5. differences 6. milk 7.seldom 8.healthy 9.always 10.lifestyle 二.1. fit and healthy 2.a kind of food3.as for 4. try to do sth5. have a party 6.ma ny times a day 7.two pieces of bread 8.change my diets and lifestyles 9.a h ealthy person 10.be good for 11. be good to 1213. most stud

12、ents/most of the students 14. the same as 15. improve your English 16. the results of the student activity survey 17. fall asleep/go to sleep 18.(be)kind of unhealthy 19. three times a week 20. favorite program三 CBBDDCACADBDAA 四 1. went 2. are swimming 3. helps 4. were 5. playing 6.Having 7.knives 8.twice 9. eating 10. healthy 五1.of 2.for 3.for 4.at 5.with/to


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