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1、初三年英语期中测试卷初三年英语期中测试卷 班级 座号 姓名 、从所给选项中,选出与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的解释(10 分) ()1.The flower shop is next to the hospital.You cant miss it.A.cant work in B.can find C.cant find D.cant catch ()2.I saw Betty just now.A.in a short time B.long before C.a moment ago D.on time ()3.The children enjoyed themselves in the

2、 park.A.played very well B.had a good timeC.have a good time D.liked themselves ()4.Mary is a good singer.A.sings well B.works well C.sing good D.work good ()5.Tom said he knew little about the matter.A.knew nothing B.knew something C.knew everything D.knew almost nothing ()6.At first Mary didnt lik

3、e skating,but now she likes it very much.A.At the beginning B.At last C.At once D.First ()7.The boy is good at playing table-tennis.A.like playing B.does well in playingC.often playing D.is playing ()8.This story happened in a village before liberation.A.take me place B.tells C.took place D.take the

4、 place of ()9.They reached Beijing last night.A.arrived in B.arrived at C.got D.got at ()10.She has made several friends since she came here.A.a lot of B.a few C.a little D.much 、单项选择填空(20 分) ()1.It was _ fine weather that day.A.a such B.such a C.such D.such an ()2.I think he _ to see me as soon as

5、he _ Beijing.A.come,reach B.will come,reach C.comes,reach D.will come,reaches ()3.They said they _ go and visit your parents _next week.A.will,some time B.would,sometime C.would,sometimes D.will,some times ()4.Jack is very_.He is_than John and I.He is _of us three.A.taller,tall,the tallest B.tall,mo

6、re taller,the tallestC.taller,much taller,the tallest D.tall,much taller,the tallest ()5.Kate is very_ in history because she thinks it is very_.A.interested,interested B.interested,interestingC.interesting,interesting D.interesting,interested ()6.The policeman said the driver had _to do with the ac

7、cident.A.nothing B.anything C.some thing D.some things ()7.Xiao Ming played _football with_English boy yesterday afternoon.A.a,a B.the,a C./,an D.the,an ()8.Nothing can live _air _water.A.without,or B.with,and C.without,and D.with,or ()9.He asked me _.A.what do you usually do B.what did you usually

8、doC.what you usually do D.what you usually did ()10.You _smoke because you are students.A.neednt B.please not C.mustnt D.arent ()11._did he come to our classroom for just now?A.How B.Why C.Which D.What ()12.I want to _that I cant_Japanese.A.say,speak B.tell,say C.say,talk D.speak,say ()13._your frie

9、nd here when you _next time.A.Pull,will come B.Carry,come C.Bring,come D.Take,will come ()14.It _ yesterday. A. took me two hours to finish the job B. speny me two hours to finish the job C. took two hours me to finish the job D. took me two hours finish the job ()15.I saw him _newspaper when I pass

10、ed his room.A.read B.to read C.was reading D.reading ()16.How much is _and ninety-nine?A.forty four B.fourty-four C.forty-four D.forty for ()17.Is there _ I can do for you?A.something B.anything C.a thing D.everything ()18.-Is must take it back the day after tomorrow.-You can only _ it for 24 hours.

11、A.keep B.bring C.hold D.take ()19.Who is the man over there?He is_.A.a young man B.headmaster C.their driver D.a tall person ()20.Please come to my party if you _free tomorrow.A.will B.will be C.were D.are 、完形填空(20 分)AMan has a big brain.He can think,learn and speak.Scientists once thought that men

12、are different from animals,_1_they can think and learn.They know now that dogs,monkeys,birds can learn too.They are beginning to understand that men are different from animals because they can speak.Animals cant speak.They make noises when they are afraid,or angry or unhappy.Apes(类人猿)can understand

13、somethings_2_than human,one or two of them have learnt _3_words.But they cant join words to make sentences.They cant think _4_us because they have _5_language.Language is a wonderful thing.Man has _6_build a modern world because he has language._7_child can speak his own language very well when he i

14、s four or five,_8_no animal learns to speak._9_do children learn it?Scientist do not really know._10_happens inside our body when we speak?They do not know.They only know that man can speak because he has a brain. ()1.A.after B.if C.before D.because ()2.A.quickly B.quicklier C.more quickly D.quicker ()3.A.few B.a few C.little D.a little ()4.A.as B.about C.like D.over ()5.A.not B.a C.no D.some ()6.A.to able to B.be able to C.able to D.be


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