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1、教育类教育类Some people hold the view that nowadays history is of little meaning, while others argue that history still plays a significant role in our life. What is your opinion? Discuss both views, and give yours.It is quite understandable that everyone looks at history in a unique way. Some say history

2、 is of little importance as it is accidental and dated, and that only the present and future really count. Others maintain that regular reviewing history will teach us to be wiser and far-sighted to the future. In this essay I will make a tentative analysis of both views before presenting my own per

3、ceptions of history.People clinging to the former opinion argue that firstly, everything happens by chance. What happened yesterday means simply the past, and is highly unlikely to repeat itself. As a famous philosopher put it, “You can never step in the same river twice.” Moreover, as circumstances

4、 change constantly, it follows that the past practice and knowledge are dated and can say nothing meaningful about a different world. When paper bills and credit cards are widely accepted, no one will insist on using ancient currencies such as shells and heavy metal coins.However, a series of counte

5、r reasons are also found with the opposite side. To begin with, knowledge, old and new, is unexceptionally based on past experience. Without history, human beings probably still remain in infant ages. One can hardly imagine the conveniences of cars and computers without early inventions of horse-dra

6、wn carts and calculators. More importantly, history enlightens human mind by offering recorded cases for reference before making crucial decisions. “History is a magic mirror, in which you see the relationship between the past and the future.” Historians often say. Last but not least, history always

7、 arouses great interest among scholars, which leaves it an inexhaustible treasure for study.From the above comparison, we can safely say, history is not only an important subject of study for social sciences, but also is useful and essential for human evolution.Useful Expressions1. maintain:认为2. far

8、-sighted:有远见的3. by chance:偶然,凑巧4. paper bills:纸币5. insist on doing:坚持做某事6. a series of:一系列7. to begin with:首先8. be based on:建立于9. last but not least:最后10. arouses interest:引起兴趣Advanced Phrases1. in a unique way:以独特的方式2. be of little importance:不重要3. accidental and date:偶然的、过时的4. count:是重要的5. a tenta

9、tive analysis of:试探性的分析6. perceptions of:对的理解7. cling to:坚持8. You can never step in the same river twice:没人能两次踏入同一条河9. horse-drawn carts:马拉车10. inexhaustible treasure:无尽的宝藏 教育类教育类Unemployment rate becomes increasingly high in many countries. Some people think that only primary schooling should be of

10、fered to the public and there is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree?I totally disagree with the opinion that secondary schooling should leave out those who have no hope of finding a job after graduation. This i

11、s not only outrageous discrimination against intellectually difficult students, but will eventually worsen the issue of low employment rate.Primarily, when differentiated to be “suitable” or not to receive secondary education, all students will first be labeled as “hopeful” or “hopeless” for employm

12、ent. Leave alone the feasibility of selecting the right candidates years before they actually enter the job market, students who are labeled “hopeless” and thus have to quit school will experience bitter psychological frustration and untold desperation about their future. Many of them may bear this

13、unfavorable label in their mind for years or even for life.To make things worse, denying secondary education to the young people equals depriving them of many valuable job skills and career advancement opportunities, and lead to deterioration of the job market. The main purpose of secondary schoolin

14、g is to provide general knowledge in different subjects to students preparing them for higher education or technical and vocational trainings. A lack in secondary education may render technical and vocational trainings difficult for youngsters to digest, cause more illiteracy in technology as well a

15、s skills, and consequently activate the vicious circle of higher unemployment rate.Considering the above analysis, we must equally offer opportunities of secondary schooling to the public, to protect the young peoples basic education rights, and build their confidence as well as skills for future ca

16、reer.Useful Expressions1. secondary schooling: 中级教育2. leave out: 把排除在外3. worsen the issue of: 使问题变得更糟4. Leave alone 且不说5. the feasibility of doing:做的可行性6. enter the job market: 求职7. bare in mind: 记住8. To make things worse: 使事情变得更糟的是9. vocational trainings:职业培训10. build the confidence for: 树立信心Advanced Phrases1. outrageous discrimination against intellectually difficult students:对于智障学生的令人愤慨的歧视2. be labeled as:被视作3. differentiate: 分化,区别4. quit school: 辍学5. bitter psychological frustration


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