教育论文discursive national discrimination

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1、 是小柯论文网通过网络搜集,并由本站工作人员整理后发 布的, 是篇 质量较高的学术论文,供本站访问者学习和学术交流参考之用,不可用于其他商业目的, 的论文版权 归原作者所有,因网络整理,有些文章作者不详,敬请谅解,如需转摘,请注明出处小柯 论文网,如果此论文无法满足您的论文要求,您可以申请本站帮您代写论文,以下是正文。Abstract:Discourse is constitutive and socially constituted. The existence of national discrimination is the result of discourses. Luo Gang

2、Event sharply reflects the contradiction between Japanese and Chinese, to which the discourse-historical approach is applied to analyze its intertextuality of discourses with other field of discourses and the formation of the “othering”, therefore the discursive national discrimination come into bei

3、ngKey words:discourses historicalintertextuality “othering” discursive national discrimination. IntroductionAs the development of discourse analysis and other linguistic areas, the trend of interdisciplinary appears more and more obvious. The melt of linguistic fields and social theories is the main

4、stream in recent discourse research approach. Thereupon, the new branch of discourse analysis Critical Discourse Analysis appears subsequently. It is difficult to give a single definition of Critical Discourse Analysis as a research method. Indeed, rather than providing a particular method, Critical

5、 Discourse Analysis can be characterized as a way of approaching and thinking about a problem. In this sense, CDA is neither a qualitative nor a quantitative research method, but a manner of questioning the basic assumptions of quantitative and qualitative research methods. CDA will enable to reveal

6、 the hidden motivations behind a text or behind the choice of a particular method of research to interpret that text, and it will, thus, not provide absolute answers to a specific problem, but enable us to understand the conditions behind a specific “problem” and make us realize that the essence of

7、that “problem”, and its resolution, which lies in its assumptions; the very assumptions that enable the existence of that “problem”. CDA can be applied to any text, that is, to any problem or situation. There are no specific guidelines to follow. One could, however, make use of the theories of Jacqu

8、es Derrida, Michel Foucault, or Fredric Jameson. The key point is the term “critical”. In Faircloughs words “that, in human matters, interconnections and chains of cause and effect may be distorted out of vision. Hence, ”critique“ is essentially making visible the interconnectedness of things” (Fair

9、clough, 1993). “Discourse” can thus be understood as a complex bundle of simultaneous and sequential interrelated linguistic acts, which manifest themselves within and across the social fields of action as thematically interrelated semiotic, oral or written tokens, very often as “texts”, that belong

10、 to specific semiotic types, that is genres (Wodak, 2001:66).Struggles and contradictions characterized our modern world and human societies. Any kinds of field cant exist independently. The more clear is the boundary of everything, the harder is the communication among people. Truth and reason are

11、mantled by the hypercritical superficial gloss. Any kind of seemed fact is constructed and constituted in the high hilarious discourses. Society is shaped by discourses. Discourses include not only written and spoken languages, but also non-discursive languages, both of which are seen as forms of so

12、cial practice. A discourse is a way of signifying a particular domain of social practice from a particular perspective (Fairclough, 1993:14). On one hand, social actions and context shape and affect discourses, and on the other, discourses influence discursive as well as non-discursive social and po

13、litical processes and actions. In other words, discourses are socially shaped, but it is also socially shaping, or constitutive. This paper based on the theories of CDA is to explore the “problem” of discrimination, especially the Sino-Japan nationalt discrimination. The example data here is a dialo

14、gue between a Japanese overseas students and a radio host named Luo Gang. Through the analysis of their remarks and other subsidiary materials, we can gain a profound understanding of the phenomena of national discrimination, and see how discourses devotes to the growth of such a problem in the worl

15、dwide society. . Analysis of the discursive discriminatory discourse in a Discourse-historical approach Nation and race categories are the product of generations of political struggle and ideological contestation. As the close relation between race and nation, they are always been putting together,

16、when we talk about one of them. Once a nation is founded, the difference of knowledge and identity has been classified. The development of capitalism, imperialism and the emergence of racial and national discrimination depend fundamentally on the labor of one nation seeing their economic and military dominance as evi


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