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1、建设工程监理的法律责任问题研究 建设工程监理的法律责任问题研究 【中文摘要】 研究监理法律责任的目的,是为了对监理的法律责任做一个全面的梳理,并 澄清监理界和有关管理部门对监理法律责任的一些错误认识,明确监理的法律责任构成要件、 责任范围和承担方式,以利于监理事业在中国的进一步发展。本文首先主要介绍现代监理制 度的由来和现代西方监理制度的概况,通过简要介绍中国对现代监理制度引进及其应用现状, 指出我国在移植西方现代工程管理制度时所面临的问题。其次,通过介绍监理法律制度体系 和具体内容,详细介绍了当前的中国监理制度,并分析了监理与工程建设当中各方主体的关系,及 监理活动与其他各方主体活动的区别和

2、联系,分析讨论了监理权利和义务的法律依据、具体 内容和不足之处。再次,详细讨论监理的民事责任,对监理民事责任主体作了明确的界定,分 别分析了监理违约责任和侵权责任构成要件及其归责原则,并对监理单位承担连带责任的情 况进行了论述;讨论监理的行政责任,分析监理行政责任的构成要件及其归责原则;讨论监理 的刑事责任,分析监理刑事责任的构成要件,对监理可能触犯的刑法法条进行了分析和比较, 指出现在对监理刑事责任的追究有不断扩大的趋势,探讨了监理过失犯罪的追诉时效问题。 最后,探讨了工程监理的法律责任制度的完 http:/ 善,提出建立工程监理职业 责任保险制度及建设工程保险制度,以增强监理的抗风险能力;

3、建议重构监理协会及相关认证 单位监管制度,发挥其技术优势和管理优势,改变政府监管职能;合理界定工程监理的法律责 任范围,避免不适当的扩大监理责任,充分发挥监理在工程建设中的作用。因此,监理制度的 完善首先要求完善的法律制度的保障和支持,为提高中国监理业的国际竞争力,我们的监理制 度更应当与工程咨询国际惯例接轨,建立完善合理的监理法律责任体系使得监理敢于承担执 业风险,从而改善监理的执业环境,发挥监理制度应有的作用。结论及观点:1.改善监理的执业 环境,完善监理法律制度及其配套法律制度;2.改革现行的工程监管体制和监管方式,使得工程 建设的各方主体各司其职、各负其责;3.充分认识和发挥监理的作用

4、,避免对监理责任的不当 追究。【英文摘要】 Recently, there are some failed ideas in the project supervision field and the relative management power. Based on this, this article is mainly on the legal liability of the project supervision. It tries to clarify the components of the legal liability, the extent of the legal

5、liability and the methods of bearing the liability.The article can be divided into four parts:In the first part, the article introduces the development of the project supervision system and the profile of the modern supervision system. After the study on the status quo of the application of the proj

6、ect supervision, this article indicates the problem resulted from the adoption of the foreign project supervision.Then in the following part, this article introduces the recent supervision system in china from many aspects in detail, such as the relationship between the supervisor and other subjects

7、 in the building construction, the difference between the supervision and other activities, etc.In the third part of this http:/ article, the writer mainly focuses on the liability of the project supervision. It includes three aspects, the civil liability, the administrative liability and criminal l

8、iability. In the civil liability, the article mainly analyses the components and the criterion of the supervision liability on the breach of contract and the tort.In the administrative liability, the writer analyses the components and criterion of liability of the administrative liability. In the cr

9、iminal liability part, this article mainly concerns on the components of the criminal liability. Also the writer makes a comparison between some criminal regulations that the supervisor may offend. The writer concludes that there is an ever-enlarging tendency for the criminal liability, so it is nec

10、essary to investigate the problem of the limitation of prosecution for the negligence guilty.In the end of this article, the author puts forward three constructive suggestions on the improvement of legal responsibility system: first, an professional insurance policy for project supervision liability

11、 should be established, so as to strengthen the ability of risk resistance; second, reconstruct the project supervision association and other relative supervision authority in order to develop its technical and management advantage; third, build a proper extent of the legal liability of project supe

12、rvision. Therefore, the perfection of the supervision system depends on the effective legal system. Our supervision system should be more integrated with the international practice in project consultation. Suitable liability system of the project supervision can enable the supervisors to take the ri

13、sks involved in taking the job bravely.Conclusion and viewpoints: first, try our utmost to better the career environment and perfect the relevant legal system; second, reform the present project supervision system and supervision way; finally, make fully use of the supervision and the supervisors wh

14、ile avoiding the improper prosecution.【中文关键词】 工程监理; 法律责任; 监管体制 【英文关键词】 supervision for project construction; legal liability; supervision system 建设工程监理的法律责任问题研究中文摘要 5-6 ABSTRACT 6-7 前言 8-10 第一章 建设工程监理的历史沿革 10-16 第一节 西方现代建设工程监理 10-12 第二节 中国对西方现代建设工程监理制度的引进 12-16 第二章 我国的工程监理法律制度 16-30 第一节 现行工程监理法律制度的体

15、系和具体内容 16-20 一、民商法 16 二、刑法 16 三、行政法 16-20 第二节 工程监理的法律地位 20-26 一、监理与政府监督的关系 21-22 二、监理与监理协会的关系 22-23 三、监理与建设单位的关系 23-24 四、监理与施工单位的关系 24-25 五、监理单位与监理人员的关系 25-26 第三节 工程监理的权利和义务 26-30 一、工程监理的权利 26-28 二、工程监理的义务 28-30 第三章 工程监理的法律责任形式、内容和归责原则 30-54 第一节 监理的民事责任 30-43 一、监理民事责任定义 30-31 二、监理民事责任主体 31-32 三、监理民事

16、责任构成要件及其归责原则 32-43 第二节 监理的行政责任 43-47 一、监理行政责任构成要件 44-46 二、监理承担行政责任的归责原则 46-47 第三节 监理的刑事责任 47-54 一、监理刑事责任构成要件 47-48 二、对监理刑事犯罪的法条分析 48-52 三、监理承担刑事责任的追诉时效 52-54 第四章 工程监理的法律责任制度的完善 54-63 第一节 工程监理职业责任保险制度与建设工程保险制度 54-55 第二节 建立监理协会监管制度 55-57 第三节 合理界定工程监理的法律责任范围 57-63 结语 63-64 注释 64-68 参考文献 68-70 后记 70-71



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