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1、1小学英语复习资料小学英语复习资料 (各册课文小对话、重点句型)(各册课文小对话、重点句型)三年级上册三年级上册 M1-M3UNIT 1A:Hello,Im Zhang Xiaoling.Whats your name?B:My name is Janet Webb.Nice to meet you.A:Nice to meet you, too.B:This is my brother Ben.A;:Hi.Ben.Im Zhang Xiaoling.Nice to meet you.C:Nice to meet you, too.UNIT 2A:Good morning,Miss White

2、.B;Good morning,Chen Jiamin.A:How are you?B:Im fine,thank you.And you?A:Im OK,thanks.UNIT4A:Ben!Wash your hands.B:OK,Mun.A:Blow your nose.B:OK.A:Clean your teeth.B:All right.A:And wash your face and brush your hair.B:All right.Unit 5A:Touch your toes.2B:OK.A:Raise your left arm.B.OK.A:Raise your rig

3、ht leg.B:All right.A:Touch your toes.B:All right.UNIT 7A:Whers my pencil,Janet?B:Is it on your desk?A:No, it isnt.B:Is it in your pencil-case?A:Yes,it is. Here it is.Thank you.UNIT 8A:Ben,pack your bag!B:OK.A:Wheres my ruler?B:Is this your ruler?A:No,it isnt. Please lend me your ruler,Jiamin?B:OK,he

4、re you are.A:Thank you.B:Thats OK.三年级上册三年级上册 M4M6 Unit10 Look at the Rainbow A: Look! Whats that ? 看,那是什么? B: Its the sun. 它是太阳。 A: Whats that over there? 那边那个是什么? B: I dont know. What is it in English? 我不知道。它用英语说是什么? A: Its a rainbow. 它是一道彩虹。 B: Rainbow? 彩虹?3A: Heres a picture of a rainbow. 这是一幅彩虹的

5、图画。 B: What colour is this in English? 用英语说这是什么颜色? A: Its red. 它是红色。 B: And thats blue. 那是蓝色 A: Thats right. 对。Unit11 Draw a Picture A: Now children, draw a picture on your paper. 现在,孩子们在你们的纸上画一幅画。 Use your coloured pencils. 用你们的颜色笔。 B: This is a picture of a girl. 这是一幅女孩的图画。 A: Lets colour the hair

6、 black. 让我们把头发涂成黑色。 B: OK. 好。 A: Lets colour the lip red. 让我们把嘴唇涂成红色。 B: All right. 好。 A: Lets colour the apple green. 让我们把苹果涂成绿色。 B: No. Lets colour it red. I like red apples. 不。让我们把它涂成红色。我喜欢红色的苹果。 A: Thats good. 好。Unit13 Its a Spaceship A: Sit down, children. Its story time. 孩子们,坐下。故事时间到了。 B: Hurr

7、ay! A: What is this? Is it a plane? 这是什么?它是一辆飞机吗? B: Yes, it is. Its a plane. 是。它是一辆飞机? A: Lets turn the page. Is it a ball? 让我们翻页。它是一个球吗? B: No, it isnt. 不是。 A: It isnt a plane. It isnt a bird. It isnt a ball. 它不是一辆飞机。它不是一只鸟。它不是一个 球。 B: What is it? 它是什么?A:A spaceship! Now, the story is about a spac

8、eship一艘宇宙飞船!现在,故事就是关于一艘 宇宙飞船的Unit14 Is This a Car? A: Is this a car? 这是一辆小汽车吗? B: No. Its a bike. 不,它是一辆自行车。 A: Is that a bike? 那是一辆自行车吗? B: Em. Its a motorbike. 呃。它是一辆摩托车。 A: Whats that? 那是什么? B: It isnt a car. It isnt a bike. 它不是一辆小汽车。它不是一辆自行车。 It isnt a motorbike. Its a spaceship. 它不是一辆摩托车。它是一艘宇宙

9、飞船。 Unit16 What Shape Is This? A: What are they? 他们是什么? B: Theyre shapes. 他们是图形。4A: What shape is this? 这个是什么图形? B: Its a circle. 这是一个圆。 A: What shapes are these? 这些是什么图形? B: Theyre triangles. 他们是三角形。 A: Are they triangles? 他们是三角形吗? B: No, theyre rectangles. 不,他们是长方形。Unit17 How Many Squares Are Ther

10、e? A: How many squares are there? 有多少个正方形? B: There is one. 有一个。 A: How many circles are there? 有多少个圆形? B: There are four. 有四个。 A: Good. How many fingers are there? 好。有多少个手指? B: Ten. One,two,three,four,five,six,seven, eight, nine, ten. 十个。一,二,三,四,五,六, 七,八,九,十。 A: No. Eight fingers and two thumbs. 不。

11、八个手指和两个大拇指。 B: Yes. 对。三年级下册三年级下册 M1-3 Unit 1 Family Tree Relationship :1.My fathers father or mothers father is my grandfather. 2.My fathers mother or mothers mother is my grandmother. 3.My fathers or mothers brother is my uncle. 4.My fathers or mothers sister is my aunt. 5.My uncles or aunts child

12、is my cousin. 6.My fathers wife is my mother. 7.My mothers husband is my father. 8.My fathers or motherson is my brother. 9.My fathers or motherdaughter is my sister.Unit 2 Who are they Dialogue:A: Whos the old lady with grey hair ? B: Shes my grandmother. A: What about that tall man?B: Hes my uncle

13、. A: Who are the children? B: They are my brother and sister.1. Is Susan your sister? Yes, she is. / No, she isnt. 2. Is Jim your uncle? Yes, he is. / No, he isnt.5形容或描述人的单词: old (年老的) beautiful (美丽的) tall (高的) short (矮的) cute(可爱的) slim (苗条的 ) strong (强壮的) pretty(美丽的)Unit 4 We like your farmDrills:

14、1.Uncle Tim has a farm.2.Do you have any pigs ? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 3.Do you have any goats ? No, but I have some sheep.some 与 any 的用法: 共同点: 都表示“一些”的意思。 区别: some 用于肯定句。any 用于疑问句和否定句。has 与 have 的用法:共同点:都表示“有”的意思。 区别: has 用于主格是第三人称单数。have 与 I , You 搭配,并用于主格是复数。Unit 5 I have cute petsDrills:1.I dont have any pets. What about Janet? She has a turtle and a frog. 2.Becky has a guinea pig.3.Whats a guinea pig ? Its small. It has four legs and a short tail. I ts cute.Animals(动物):dog (狗) cat (猫) mouse(老鼠) pig (猪) fish (鱼) goldfish(金鱼) bird (鸟) rabbit(家兔) horse



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