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1、消费时代的女性主体意识 消费时代的女性主体意识【中文摘要】 王海鸰是近年来颇受读者和观众喜爱的作家、编剧。近十年出版了小说 牵手 、 中国式离婚 、 新结婚时代等一系列婚恋题材的小说,这些小说的时代背景都 是改革开放后中国经济高速发展的二十年,她的作品不可避免的烙有消费主义文化的印记。 在这些作品中,王海鸰给我们塑造了一批性格鲜明、印象深刻的女性形象,这些女性在消费时 代的冲击下,她们的思想追求和生活方式等也不可避免的呈现出特殊的发展变化。本文借助 女性主义和消费主义理论,通过对王海鸰作品中一系列女性形象的分析,探讨女性主体意识在 消费时代的变迁。本文包括导论和结语在内共五个部分。导论部分对王

2、海鸰近年来的作品、 研究现状作了简要介绍,并对本文的选题视角、研究意义以及本文涉及的中心概念作了概述。 女性主体意识是指女性作为主体在客观世界中的地位、作用和价值的自觉意识,它随着历史 发展和社会环境的变迁而不断的变化充实。中国社会步入消费时代,女性的主体意识也凸显 出时代的特征,王海鸰以艺术的手笔诠释了女性主体意识在新时代的发展规迹。第一章论述 王海鸰作品中的时代女性。这部分主要从总体上理解、把握王海鸰作品的时代性特征及其 作品的核心观念。第一节论述王海鸰作品的时代特征。消费时代构成了王海鸰作品中女性 主体意识发展的背景。第二节论述王海鸰女性人物的消费时代特征。王海鸰作品中的女性 及其所表现

3、的女性主体意识在消费时代表现出与以往不同的特征,凸显了其独特的价值与意 义。第二章主要论述王海鸰作品中女性人物的主体意识的隐退。女性主体意识的确立和发 展是随着社会的发展而不断变化和丰富的过程,适逢此时中国经济市场化不断深入,中国逐步 进入消费时代,中国的女性主体意识不可避免地受到消费主义的影响。我们在肯定以林小枫 为代表的中国女性勇敢而执着地追求美好生活的积极性的同时,我们也不得不对她们追求高 质量生活的方式提出质疑。她们在这个追求的过程中把自己原来高扬在社会和家庭中的主 体意识自动隐退。第一节从两方面分析了造成女性主体意识隐退的原因。这既有社会传统 因素的影响,也有女性自身认识的原因。第二

4、节分析了女性主体意识隐退的三种表现类型,她 们或自我矛盾,或自我迷失,或自我否定,从而导到夫妻感情断层,引发了许多家庭、婚姻等社 会问题。这完全违背了她们的初衷。第三节分析了女性主体意识隐退后所遭遇的“无名”的 痛苦。她们陷入了失去主体地位的失落、困惑与痛苦中,并在其中自我反思。第三章主要论 述王海鸰作品中女性主体意识的回归。女性经历思想层面的对自己的再认识和生活中自由 空间的自立,走出困惑和迷失,实现思想的升华、女性主体意识的重塑、完整人格的自我体现,这 是一个走向成熟的螺旋式上升的过程。第一节分析女性的精神觉醒。她们在对经历过的困 惑与迷失的反思中重新认识自己后,重塑了独立的人格。第二节分

5、析王海鸰作品中的许多女 性以经济自主权的获得作为找回主体意识的根基,她们以工作为支撑挽留了女性作为“完整 的女人”的尊严,即使不惜以牺牲完整的家庭为代价,她们终于在这个男权主义至上的社会中 找回了自我。第三节分析女性的性觉醒。女性主体意识的内容随着历史发展和社会环境的 变迁而不断的变化充实,而性意识是新时代女性在高扬的主体意识中为之丰富的重要内涵。 结语作了总结性概述。作品展现的女性主体意识在新时代的发展规迹,艺术地诠释了主体意 识随着社会物质文明和精神文明的发展,越来越成为女性自立、自尊、自信、自强的时代精 神和必备品格。【英文摘要】 Wang Hailing is a writer and

6、 playwright who is popular with readers and audience in recent years. She has published a series of novels about love and marriage such as Hold Your Hand, Chinese Style Divorce, New Era of Marriage in recent ten years, and times background of these novels are all concerning Chinas rapid developed tw

7、enty years since Chinas opening up and reform to the outside world. Advent of the consumption society makes her writings unavoidably imprinted with impression of consumption culture. In her writings, Wang Hailing shapes a wide range of female images characterized by vivid character and profound impr

8、ession, whose idea pursuing and living manner unavoidably take on special development and change while impacted in consumption era. Under background of female consciousness and consumption consciousness theory, this paper tries to, by analysis of a series of female images in writings of Wang Hailing

9、, discuss growing and mature process of female subject consciousness in consumption era.This paper consists of five parts including preface and conclusion.The preface makes a brief introduction to writings in recent years and current study situation of Wang Hailing, and makes a summarization for per

10、spective of choosing subject, study meanings as well as relating focus concept of this paper. Female subject consciousness refers to female self-consciousness of status, roles and values as a subject in the objective world, which continuously alters and enriches as change of historical development a

11、nd social environment. Since Chinese society enters into consumption era, female subject consciousness also displays time characteristics. Wang Hailing explains development track of female subject consciousness in the new era by means of artistic writings.Chapter one discusses time female in writing

12、s of Wang Hailing. This part mainly seizes time characteristic of writings of Wang Hailing and core concept of its writings. Section one explains time characteristic of writings of Wang Hailing. Consumption era constitutes development background of female subject consciousness in writings of Wang Ha

13、iling; Section two expounds female in consumption era. Females in writings of Wang Hailing and their female subject consciousness in consumption era represent different feature compared with the past and display their unique value and meaning.Chapter two mainly discusses retreat of subject conscious

14、ness of female character in writings of Wang Hailing. Establishment and development of female subject consciousness is a continuously changeable and abundant process as development of society. Just at this time, marketing of Chinese economy is gradually deepened and China gradually enters into consu

15、mption era, therefore, female subject consciousness of China is unavoidably influenced by consumption consciousness. While we affirm that Chinese females bravely pursues for their wonderful life, such as the role of Lin Xiaofeng , we cant help doubt about their manner of pursuit for high-quality liv

16、ing. Their original subject consciousness about society and family automatically retreated in the process of pursuit. Section one analyzes the reasons to cause retreat of female subject consciousness from two aspects, which is not only influenced by social traditional factor, but also is the reason of self-consciousness of female; Section two analyzes three kinds of representative types concerning retreat of female subject consciousness. They are either



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