毕业论文--无位置传感器bldc 换相检测方法研究

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《毕业论文--无位置传感器bldc 换相检测方法研究》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《毕业论文--无位置传感器bldc 换相检测方法研究(47页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、题目无位置传感器 BLDC 换相检测方法研究专 业 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师学院名称电 气 信 息 学 院 xxxx 年 xx 月 xx 日无位置传感器 BLDC 换相 检测方法研究Research of Sensorless Commutation for Brushless DC Motor学生姓名 :指导教师 :I摘要无刷直流电动机(Brushless DC Motor,简称 BLDC)是一种典型的机电一体化产品, 它具有可靠性高、寿命长、响应速度快、制造成本低、使用灵活性大等优势,因而越来越 多地受到人们的青睐。转子位置传感器是整个驱动系统中最为脆弱的部分,不仅增加了系统的成本

2、和复杂 性,而且降低系统的可靠性和抗干扰能力,同时还需要占据一定的空间位置。因此,取代 机械式位置传感器而采用其他方法检测转子的位置信号,能扩大无刷直流电机的发展前 景。无位置传感器 BLDC 运行实际上就是要求在不采用机械传感器的条件下,利用电机的 电压和电流信息获取转子磁极的位置,目前比较成熟的无位置传感器 BLDC 运行控制方法 有:反电动势过零检测法、定子三次谐波检测法和续流二极管电流通路检测法。本文首先介绍无刷直流电机国内外的研究现状,详细叙述无刷直流电机的工作原理和 换相过程。对目前存在的多种无位置传感器换相检测方法,通过比较其优缺点,本文最终 选用反电动势过零点检测法,详细叙述其

3、检测原理,并对转子误差产生原因和换相超前、 滞后两种情况进行定性分析。对由于换相引起的转矩脉动进行分析,并提出抑制换相转矩 脉动的方法。最后在 Simulink 环境下建立基于反电动势过零点的换相检测模块,并对其进 行分析。关键词:无刷直流电动机; 无位置传感器; 换相检测; 反电动势过零检测法; SimulinkIIAbstractBrushless DC Motor (Brushless DC Motor, referred BLDC) is a typical mechatronic product, the superiority of it are high reliability,

4、 long life, fast response, low manufacturing cost and great flexibility of use, therefore, it favored by more and more people.The most vulnerable part of the entire drive system is rotor position sensor, not only increases the cost and complexity of the system, but also reduces the systems reliabili

5、ty and performance, at the same time, it needs to occupy some space location. Therefore, instead of the mechanical position sensors, the other methods to detect the rotor position signals will expand the development prospects of the brushless DC motor. On the condition of without using the mechanica

6、l sensor, sensorless BLDC operation is actually get the rotor location by using the motor voltage and current information. Nowadays, the relatively mature sensorless BLDC operation control methods are: the zero cross detection of Back Electromotive Force, the detection method of stator three harmoni

7、c and the freewheeling diode current path detection method.This paper describes research status both at home and abroad about brushless DC motor firstly, and detail the working principle and brushless DC motor commutation. By introducing a variety of sensorless commutation detection methods and comp

8、aring their advantages and disadvantages, the zero cross detection of Back Electromotive Force is the final choice in this paper. Detailing its detection principle. The paper also gives the qualitative analysis of the rotor position detection error and discusses specifically on the two situation: co

9、mmutation leading and delaying. Based on the analysis of the commutation torque ripple , the commutation torque ripple suppression method is put forward. Finally, establish and analysis the commutate detection module which is based on the zero cross detection of Back Electromotive Force in the Simul

10、ink environment.Keywords: Brushless DC Motor; Sensorless; Commutate detection; Back electromotive force zero-crossing detecting; Simulink目录摘要.IAbstract. II1 绪论. 11.1 选题背景与意义. 1 1.2 无刷直流电机的研究. 2 1.3 转子位置信号检测方法综述. 3 1.4 本文研究内容. 42 反电动势法转子位置检测. 62.1 无刷直流电动机的组成. 6 2.2 无刷直流电动机的基本工作原理. 6 2.3 无刷直流电动机的数学模型. 9 2.4 无刷直流电动机的反电动势. 10 2.5 利用反电动势法检测转子位置.113 无位置传感器 BLDC 换相分析.163.1 换相点的确定.



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