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1、东北石油大学本科生毕业设计(论文)摘 要随着汽车的日渐普及,一些220V/50 Hz AC作为输入的电器设备,不能直接用在以12V DC蓄电池供电的汽车上,这样就大大限制了这些电器的使用范围,给人们的生活带了诸多的不便。因此,开发一款经济实用车载逆变电源成为一种需求。车载逆变电源作为各种电子产品的供电设备,其质量的好坏极大地影响着电子设备的可靠性,其转换效率的高低和带负载能力的强弱直接关系着它的应用范围。车载逆变电源不仅可为移动交流电源在车辆、船舶上使用,也适合与太阳能电池配合使用,能够方便地为这些电器设备提供交流电。目前车载逆变器通常采用DC/DC高频升压部分和DC/AC逆变两级控制,其中D

2、C/AC逆变有SPWM逆变和方波逆变两种。前者输出电压低次谐波含量少,输出滤波器体积小,但是控制复杂,整机效率较低;后者输出电压低次谐波含量高,输出滤波器体积较大,控制简单可靠,效率较高。功率开关把输入的直流电压转变成脉宽调制的交流电压,然后利用逆变器和高频变压器把交流电压升高,再用全波整流把交流电压转换成直流,最后由全桥变换器把高压直流逆变成所需交流电,再经LC工频滤波得到有效值为220V的50Hz交流电,以驱动负载。关键词:逆变;车载电源;高频变压器东北石油大学本科生毕业设计(论文)AbstractWith the growing popularity of cars, some of 2

3、20V/50Hz AC input of electrical equipment, can not be directly used to 12V DC battery-powered car, thus greatly limiting the use of these appliances to take a lot of peoples lives inconvenience. Therefore, the development of an economical and practical car power inverter into a demand. Car power inv

4、erter for various electronic products, power supply equipment, the quality is good or bad greatly affect the reliability of electronic devices, the conversion efficiency of high and low and with a load capacity has a direct bearing on the scope of its application. Car power inverter for mobile AC po

5、wer not only in vehicles, ships use, is also suitable for use with solar cells, the ability to easily provide AC power to these electrical equipment. Now commonly used car inverter DC / DC high frequency boost section and the DC / AC inverter 2 controls, which DC / AC inverter with SPWM inverter and

6、 the two square wave inverter. The former low harmonic content of output voltage low, the output filter size is small, but the control of complex, less efficient machine; the latter output voltage and low harmonic content is high, larger output filter, the control is simple and reliable, more effici

7、ent high. Power switch to the input DC voltage into AC voltage pulse width modulation, and then use high-frequency transformer inverters and the AC pressure is increased, then full-wave rectifier to convert AC voltage into DC, and finally by the full-bridge converter to AC high voltage DC reverse Bi

8、ancheng necessary, and then by LC-frequency filter to effectively value the 220V 50Hz AC to drive the load.Key words: Inverter; Vehicle Power; High-frequency transformer大庆石油学院本科生毕业设计(论文)I目 录第第 1 章章 概概 述述.1 1.1 引言.11.2 逆变器及其发展.11.3 本文所做的工作.5第第 2 章章 系统的总体设计系统的总体设计.6 2.1 逆变器工作原理.62.2 系统的设计思想.122.3 系统的总

9、体结构.14第第 3 章章 系统的硬件设计系统的硬件设计.16 3.1 电源电路.163.2 逆变和高频电路.163.3 输出电路.203.4 驱动电路.213.5 保护电路.27第第 4 章章 系统的整体调试系统的整体调试.32 结结 论论.33 参考文献参考文献.34 致致 谢谢.36 附附 录录.37东北石油大学本科生毕业设计(论文)1第 1 章 概 述1.1 引言在现代汽车中,特别是在豪华汽车、商务办公车以及一些专用车辆里拥有越来越多的生活、娱乐电器设备和通信设备。这些设备要求汽车里能有一个逆变装置,能将汽车电池产生的12V直流电转换成能使这些电器设备运行的220V/50Hz的交流电。这个装置就是车载逆变电源,又叫车载逆变器。有了车载逆变器便能把家里所有的小家电搬到车上使用,如笔记本电脑、车用冰箱、DVD及各种旅游、野营、医疗急救电器



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