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1、UNIT 1Text comprehension:C 1.F 2.F 3. T 4.F 1. The answer to this question can be found in the first paragraph , in which the author implies that for Mayblum the WTC was a symbol of power-for its height and steadiness, and the force of storms was actually nothing to the WTC 2.The author means that t

2、he survival of the people inside the WTC would simply depend on their locations , i.e. where they were at that moment . 3.Refer to Paragraph 9,13,19,and29 .Ramos went to help the panicked workers into a stairwell(on the 78th floor),helped the heavyset man down one more flight to an elevator (on the

3、53rd floor),an d reassured the man he would be staying with him (on the 36th floor). 4.They helped the heavyset man 17floors down the building .They met him on 53rd floor and theirattempt to descend ended on the 36th floor. 5.The sentence implies that Ramos s wife refused to believe that Ramos did n

4、ot make it out of thebuilding. 1.On that morning thousands of people in the WTC were thrown ,all of a sudden into a conditio n of terrible suffering and uncertainty. Mayblum was one of them. 2. It seemed that the tremendous sound of the collapse of the South Tower destroyed the mans h ope of climbin

5、g down the remaining stairs ,and thus took away his remaining energy. Vocabulary 1.burning 2. something ,a situation of a circumstance ,that is dependent on ones location in t he building 3. in an intermittent manner 4. help you 5. Things are satisfactory up to this point. 1. scoffed 2. dilemma 3. c

6、ollapsed 4.pandemonium 5. reassuring 6. rumble 7. glancing at 8.meet up with 1.panicky 2. descends/descended 3. enjoyable 4.expectation 5.morality 6. persuasion 7. stron g 8.energetic A/D/C/B/D/C/A/D 1. amoral /nonmoral 2. disappear 3. wildly 4. uncover /disclose /reveal 5.dissuade 6.happil y/joyful

7、ly/joyously 7. ordinary/common 8. small /thin /slender 1. helpful / helpless 2. childish /childlike/childless 3. active 4. persistent 5. revolutionary 6. successful 7.womanly 8.ladylike Grammar 1.would 2.would 3.used to would 4. used to 5.used to 6. used to 7.would 8.would 9.used t o 10.would would

8、would 1. used to travel 2.was not used to accepting 3. was not used to receiving 4. used to think 5.used to living 6. used to say 7. didnt use to eat 8.am not used to driving 1. insistence 2. habitual action 3. probability 4. willingness 6. probability 7. improbability 8. capability 1. could would m

9、ight might should might 2.could /would should could might could wo uld 3.should should would would could 1.neednt have carried 2.neednt have bought 3. didnt need to tell 4. neednt have had5.needt have stood 6. didnt need to hurry 7. didnt need to open 8. didnt need to tak e 9.neednt have washed 10.d

10、idnt need to work 略 Translation 1. 对有些人来说,生死攸关的是她们所在的位置-不仅仅是哪幢楼,哪一层,更重要的 事大楼的哪个角落 2. 周围噪声震耳,烟雾弥漫,火星四溅,美布勒姆没有意识到,他的朋友朱宏始终就在他 身后的楼梯井里。 3. 她一点一点地拼出了哈里逃生的场景:飞机撞击时,他正在第 87 层楼4. 但是,尽管她绞尽了脑汁,问了无数问题,他拼出的场景还是在第 36 层上逐渐模糊了。1. Thanks to modern technology , the film about that ancient battle gives the audience

11、the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves. 2. That ancient city was devastated by the fire ,but fortunately the stone tablet survived 3. The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had bec ome an orphan in the earthquake 4. In that earthquake , we h

12、eard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their student be hind and laid down their lives. 5. The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 be cause building went off and on for lack of money . 6. In 1980 ,when I met up with her ,she had just

13、returned from abroad with a masters degree. 7. It was my first visit to New York , but I managed to find my way to the little firm,. 8. It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry ,but as a director Xie Jin did it .Unit 2 Text comprehension I. C II. 1 F; 2 F; 3 F; 4 T; 5 T. III. 1. worshi

14、ping youth and fearing growing old. To delay the effects of aging with cosmetics and physical exercises. 2. three. Less concern for ones appearance; less uncertainty about the unknowns in the future; surer self-identity. 3. feel uncertain about what will happen to them and what they should do. 4. us

15、e contrast structure “Being young means/ It means” and “I now/ I no longer” 5. The writer learns the significance that the newer (younger) is not necessarily better, and she can be happier than before as she grows older.IV. 1. Women are less capable of resisting the temptation of fashion than men. 2. make friends with different people in order to find a new identity for yourself.Structural analysis of the text 1. see III 2. 2. Paragraph 3: the last sentence; Paragraph 4: the second sentence; Paragraph 5: the first sentence.Section Four Consolidation Activities Part o


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