保山市第三届体育运动会田径项目成绩分析 毕业论文

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1、曲靖师范学院本科毕业论文曲靖师范学院本科毕业论文论文题目:论文题目:保山市第三届体育运动会田径项目成绩分析保山市第三届体育运动会田径项目成绩分析作 者: 学号:学 院: 体育学院 年 级: 2009 级专 业: 体育教育指导教师: 职称: 助 教日 期: 2012 年 10 月曲靖师范学院教务处制曲靖师范学院教务处制曲靖师范学院本论文(设计)经答辩小组全体成员审查确认符合曲靖师范学院本科(学士学位)毕业论文(设计)质量要求。答辩小组签名姓 名工 作 单 位职 称主席成员答辩日期:原创性声明本人声明:所呈交的论文(设计)是本人在指导教师指导下进行的研究工作成果。除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外

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5、of the second session of the sport of track & field results in Baoshan CityAbstract: This article by comparative analysis of Baoshan City, the second, third two sports will be track and field events resultsFrom which reveals the status quo, the level and characteristics of sports development in Baos

6、han CityTo identify the main problems of Baoshan City athletics and the development of the advantages and potential projectsAnd make recommendations accordingly and Countermeasures thisIn a short period of time to narrow the gap between the level of Baoshan City and other areas of athleticsProvide a

7、 reference。Baoshan City sportsCity held every four years the citys sports eventFor the development of the citys sports。 City transportation will help test the overall strength of the citys sports successfully heldAlso reflects the mutual differences of the city each county department competitive spo

8、rts development level as well as the strength of each team competitive sportsCity Games in competitive sports tournament results revealed the basic direction as well as the development trend of the future development of competitive sports in our city。In this paper, the methods of literature, expert

9、interviews, and the number of statistical and other research methodsTo select nearly twice the achievements made by the citys various competitive sports team and related delegations sports scores as surveyAnalysis of by situation of competitive sports achievements in nearly two Games sports represen

10、tative on the city。The results show thatThrough by city nearly two-time National Games Sports Performance comparison with other regionsby Longyang District delegation latent advantages of the project declinedThe competitive level decline。City urgent need to improve by quality by athletes teamby impr

11、ove by old training modelImprove the scientific throwerCoaches of walking in by forefront by by development by by competitive sports。This paper attempts to study of by city on the basis by by nearly two Games Sports Performance ResearchProvide some theoretical support for by development by competiti

12、ve sports by the city。Key words: Baoshan City ;Two-time Games;Track and Field Achievement;Result Analysis 目录1 引言.12 文献综述.12.1 国内外研究现状 .12.2 对上述状况的评述 .23 研究对象与方法.23.1 研究对象 .23.2 研究方法.24.结果与分析.34.1 保山市近两届体育运动会金牌榜上的位置与状况分析 .34.2 对田径项目成绩统计分析 .44.3 保山市竞技竞技体育的发展对策 .75 结论与建议.95.1 结论.95.2 建议.9参考文献.10致谢.11附录.1211 引言引言保山市第三


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