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1、摘 要I毕 业 设 计 相 关 材 料题 目:城市污水处理厂初步设计(完全混合流态生物工艺)院 (系): 化工与环境工程学院专 业: 环境工程 学 生:班 级:毕 业 设 计 相 关 材 料 清 单序 号材 料 名 称份 数1毕业设计选题表12毕业设计开题报告13毕业设计外文资料翻译14毕业设计小组答辩记录15毕业设计成绩考核表1毕业设计:城市污水处理厂初步设计(完全混合流态生物工艺)II摘摘 要要当今,随着经济的快速发展,人民生活水平的不断提高,环境污染日趋严重,加大城市生活污水治理力度势在必行。现拟建一座城市生活污水处理厂,处理规模为 m3/d。进水水质为 CODCr :250mg/L,B

2、OD5 :150mg/L,SS:200mg/L, NH3-N:40mg/L,NO3-N:10mg/L, pH=7.08.5,出水水质为 CODCr 100mg/L,BOD530mg/L,SS30mg/L, NH3-N 25mg/L,pH=69。根据进出水水质,本设计拟采用完全混合液态的生物工艺,经比选,确定采用周期循环曝气活性污泥(CASS)工艺。CASS 工艺污水呈完全混合液态,对进水水质、水量、PH 和有毒有害物质起到较好的缓冲作用,具有较强的耐冲击负荷能力,同时对丝状菌的生长起到抑制作用,可有效防止污泥膨胀。此工艺具有投资省,处理效果好,运行管理方便等优点,适用于大中型污水处理厂使用。本

3、设计包含污水处理工艺流程的确定,工艺流程中各单元的计算,图纸的绘制等。本工程的实施将显著改善受纳水体水质,同时间接产生经济效益,促进经济可持续发展。 关键词 :污水处理厂;完全混合;CASS 工艺AbstractIIIAbstractNowadays, with rapid economic development, improve living standards, environmental pollution is worsening, and increase efforts to municipal sewage treatment is imperative. Now propos

4、ed a city sewage treatment plant for treating scale m3 / d. The ram water quality is CODCr, BOD5, SS, NH3-N, NO3-N,and pH keep at 250mg / L,150mg / L,200mg / L,40mg / L,10mg / L, and 7.0 8.5, respectively.The treated water quality is CODCr, BOD5, SS, NH3-N, NO3-N,and pH keep at 100mg / L, 30mg / L,

5、30mg / L, 25mg / L,ant pH 6 9, respectively. According to the treated water quality, the design plans to use the completely mixed biotechnology, by comparison, determine to use of cyclic activated sludge system (CASS) process. sawage of CASS process is completely mixed, on water quality, water quant

6、ity, PH, toxic and hazardous substances have buffer role effect, with a strong resistance to shock loading capacity, meanwhile growth of filamentous bacteria is be inhibition to be prevent sludge bulking. This process has the advantage of good Less investment, good effect, easy operation and managem

7、ent .Applicable to large or medium sized sewage treatment plants. The design includes the determination of sewage treatment process, process in the calculation of each unit and drawing the construction drawings. The implementation of this project will significantly improve the water quality of recei

8、ving water, and indirect economic benefits and promote sustainable economic development.Key word: sewage treatment plants; Completely Mixing; CASS process毕业设计:城市污水处理厂初步设计(完全混合流态生物工艺)IV目目 录录摘 要.I Abstract.II 目 录.III 第一章 前 言.1 1.1 设计的目的及意义.1 1.2 设计指导思想.1 1.3 设计的内容及要求.1 1.3.1 主要内容.1 1.3.2 要求.2 1.4 国内外发展概况.2 1.5 设计依据及原则.2 1.5.1 设计依据.2 1.5.2 设计原则.3 1.6 设计原始资料.3 1.6.1 设计规模.3 1.6.2 水质指标.3 1.6.3 气象资料.3 1.6.4 污水排水接纳河流资料.3 1.6.5 厂址及场地现状.


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