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1、新课标人教版高中英语必修 4i课题:unit 5: period 1:warming up and readingii 教学理念:普通高中英语课程标准(试验)中指出:“教师应要善于结合教学实际的需要,灵活地和创造性地使用教材,对教材的内容、编排顺序和教学方法等方面进行适当的取舍与调整。”本单元以主题公园为话题,内容贴近生活,容易被学生接受。根据这个特点,笔者把阅读和写作整合在一起,采用任务型教学方法,引导学生通过观察、归纳、对比和总结的方法把握文章内容,并结合实际为学生提供运用语言知识的机会。活动从整体入手,由易到难,步步推进,为学生的语言输入作了充分准备,从而使语言的输出水到渠成。iii教学

2、目标:1. 知识目标:学习掌握一些常用的描绘主题公园的词句和表达法: theme, various, amuse, wonder, unique, preserve, whichever, be famous for, a variety of , be modelled after, etc.2. 能力目标:a. 培养学生把握文章脉络和进行整体阅读的能力;b. 培养和提高英语表达能力,形成用英语获得信息,处理信息以及用英语思维和表达相关话题,运用所学知识解决实际问题。c) 培养学生的写作能力。3. 情感目标:a) 通过了解各种主题公园以及相关知识,激发学生热爱生活、热爱生命的情感b) 通过开

3、展小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,相互学习,相互帮助,培养其团队精神。iv教学重点难点:1. 培养学生的阅读策略以及获取信息的方法,能完成所设置相关阅读与写作任务,提高应用语言的综合能力。2. 如何使学生积极参与课堂,有效完成课堂学习任务。v课前准备:课前指导学生做好充分的词汇和课文预习工作,要求学生通过多种手段了解与主题公园相关的知识。教师做好信息收集与多媒体制作。vi教学方法:1. 单词教学采用猜词竞赛法,把全班分为三个大组进行竞赛。2. 采用 skimming和 scanning阅读教学法。3. 运用任务型小组合作学习法。4. 运用游戏法在本课按四人一组的写作小组开展游戏评比。vii 教

4、具准备:1. 多媒体:展示教学内容,教学程序,相关图片2. 录音机:播放本部分的阅读文章内容。3. 黑板、粉笔:板书重要内容。viii 教学步骤:(课前播放一首迪斯尼英文歌曲“did you ever see a lassie?” 营造气氛,为本堂课创设情境,也为呈现主题作铺垫。)step1 warming up(8)activity 1: have a word competition. (4)设计意图:电脑大屏出示含有本课生词的一些句型,让学生猜测其中所含生词含义。为了鼓励学生积极参与,采用大组竞赛方式。通过单词教学的设计让学生学会本课时重点单词既为后面的阅读扫清生词障碍又培养学生根据语境

5、猜测词义的能力。activity 2: pictures show.(3)设计意图:电脑大屏出示国内外著名主题公园的图片,让学生抢答并作简单描述。activity3: read a letter downloaded from the internet. (1)(信的内容为:next saturday, i will visit the famous theme parkwindow of the world. i am strange here from canada. im 16. i really hope that some chinese students will be kind

6、enough to introduce it for me. thanks a lot.)设计意图:提供此信,为课堂提供了一个写作任务。运用这封信来导课,更能激发学生通过阅读来寻求应答方法的强烈欲望。step2 fast reading -skimming and scanning. (12)skimming: skim the passage to find the main idea of each paragraph, at the same time listen to the tape.(4)para 1. _para 2 . _para 3. _para 4 . _keys: pa

7、ra1: there are various theme parks with various different themes. whichever and whatever you lik ,there is a theme park for you.para2: disneyland (theme, activities)para3: dollywood (them , activities)para4: camelot (them , activities)scanning: scan the passage and do the following exercise.(8)true

8、or false?1. disneyland can be found everywhere.( )2 .you can meet any cartoon character you like in a disneyland. ( )3 .tourism develops where a disneyland is built. ( )4 . dollywood is in the mountains in the southeastern usa. ( )5. dollywood has the only electric train still working in the usa. (

9、)6 . visitors to camelot park can taste candy like that made in ancient england. ( )7. camelot park has an ancient english farm. ( )8. camlelot park has places for visitors to watch and maybe take part in sword fighting. ( )keys:1.f 2.f. 3.t 4.t 5.f. 6.f.7.t 8.t.设计意图:在快速阅读阶段设计简单问题能抓住学生的注意力,段炼了学生快速搜索

10、信息的能力。step3 further comprehension(14)a. read the text carefully to find detailed information.(6)1. what is the purpose of dollywood?2. what kind of people do you think will visit this theme park?3. disneyland is a place to have fun . what will you do if you have a chance to visit disneyland?4. what

11、do you know about ancient english stories?5. what other activities do you imagine there are at camelot park?keys: 1.the purpose of dollywood is to show and celebrate americas traditional southeastern culture. 2. probably a lot of americans will visit this theme park.35. students will give their own

12、answers.b.discussion(3)discuss with your partner and pick out the common features most theme parks have.c.summary(5)ask the students to summarize the passage with their own words.设计意图:精读部分向来是阅读的重点,教师应精心设计阅读任务,指导学生运用细读,寻读技巧去抓住课文要点,获取主要信息,理解文章内涵。step4 gamea job interview(10)1.show some pictures of the

13、 window of the world and tell the students that the theme park needs a guide who can use these pictures to introduce the park in english. suppose you are a job interviewee, how will you introduce it? ask them to work together in their writing group to write an introduction.2. every group choose a re

14、presentative as a job interviewee to apply for the job. the other students are interviewers.3.after their presentation, the interviewers vote to decide which interviewee passes the interview. the writing group the interviewee is from is the best group.设计意图:让学生按写作小组写好世界之窗的简介,最后让他们推选代表去参加面试,其它学生做面试考官。

15、这样全体学生都能参与进来,为学生提供了一个学以致用的机会,同时也让他们了解了外面的世界,激发了他们的学习动力。step5 homework(1)1. write a reply letter to the foreigner from canada.2. find more information on the internet about theme parks.设计意图: 课后作业是课堂教学的延续、深化和补充。(最后评选出最佳活动大组和最佳写作小组,教师给予他们鼓励与表扬。)附:板书设计:unit 5 warming up and readingteaching procedures:step1: warming up (activity 1, activity2, activity 3)step2: fast reading (skimming, scanning)step2: further comprehension (a. read, b. discussion, c. summary)step4: gamea job interview.step5: homework活动大组: group1 group2 group3( ) ( ) ( ) 写作小组: group1


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