
上传人:飞*** 文档编号:37955374 上传时间:2018-04-24 格式:PDF 页数:29 大小:65.82KB
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1、第三部分Small Talk:机上服务用语三百句正常程序Regular Process一、登机Boarding(一)欢迎Grettings1、您好,欢迎您乘坐国航航班!Good morning (afternoon,evening).Welcome aboard Air China.2 、您好,欢迎您乘坐星空联盟成员国航航班!Welcome aboard Air China,a member of Star Alliance. 3 、晚上好!请您出示登机牌。Good morning(afternoon,evening).May I have a look at you boarding pas

2、s? 4、_先生 / 女士,请用毛巾。Mr./ Ms._,may I offer you the hot towel? 5、_先生 / 女士,我们为您准备了橙汁、矿泉水和香槟酒,请问您喜欢哪一种?Mr./ Ms._ , we have prepared orange juice , mineral water and champagne fou you.Which one would you like? 6、_先生 / 女士,您需要换一下拖鞋吗,这样会舒服些。Mr./ Ms._,would you like to put on slippers? It will make you more c

3、omfortable. 7、_先生 / 女士,需要品尝一下香槟吗?我们配备的是卡迪亚香槟。Mr./ Ms._,would you like to try the champagne?We ve got Cartier. 8、天气比较冷,您需要一杯热茶吗?It s quite cold.Would you like a cup of hot tea? ( 二)座位 Seating 1、您好,请从这边通道往前走。Good morning (afternoon,evening).This aisle(way) , please. 2. _先生 / 女士,请从这边上楼梯,楼上是公务舱。Good mor

4、ning ( afternoon , evening), Mr./ Ms._.Business class is in upper deck.Please go this way. 3.座椅排好在行李架上方。Seat numbers are indicated on the overhead compartments. 4.您的座位是20 排 D 座,请跟我来。Your seat number is 20D.Please follow me. 5.麻烦您侧身让后面的旅客过一下。Excuse me.Please give way to the passengers behind. 6.好的,旅客

5、登机完毕后,我帮您看看第一排有没有空座位。Sure,I ll see if there is any vacant seat for you in the first row after boarding. 7.25E座位没有旅客,起飞后您可以去坐。25E is vacant.You can change there after take-off. 8.对不起,您旁边的旅客想和她的孩子坐在一起,您方便跟她换座位吗?Excuse me.The lady next to you wants to sit together with her child.Would you mind changing

6、 seats with her? 9.对不起,我已经沟通过了,但那位旅客还是想坐靠窗的座位。I have talked with that passenger,but he still preferred the window seat. 10.对不起,机上无法办理升舱手续。建议您下次在地面提前办理。I am afraid we can not upgrade you on board .May I suggest you arrange that procedure in advance at check-in counter next time? 11.先生,这里是机组座位,请您回原位。谢

7、谢您的合作!Excuse me,sir,this is the crew seat.May I kindly ask you to return to your original seat?Thank you fou your cooperation. 12.为了使飞机保持配载平衡,请您回到指定的位子上坐好,谢谢您的合作。In order to keep the aircraft in balance ,please return to your original seat.Thank you. 13.对不起,您先在座位上休息,我去问一下(我请地服人员查询一下),马上就回来。I am sorr

8、y.Please take a seat first.I will check it with the ground staff and be back soon. 14.让您久等了,是我们工作的失误。您现在可以坐在15 排 B 座,我带您过去。Thank you fou waiting.It is our fault.Your seat number is 15B.I ll show you the way. 15.您好,您坐的是应急出口的位置,这是说明书,请您看一下,红色手柄不能触碰,在紧急情况下,请您协助我们的工作。Sir/Madam,the seat you are taking is

9、 in emergency exit area.You are kindly requested to read the safety instruction and not to touch the red handle.We do appreciate your help in case of emergency. ( 三)随身物品 Belongings 1. 您的行李太大,行李架里放不下,一会儿帮您托运吧。I am afraid your baggage is too big to go into the overhead compartment.May I help you check

10、 it up? 2. 请取出您行李中的护照、贵重及易碎物品。Could you take your passport ,the valuables,or the fragile items out of your luggage? 3. 您好,这是您的行李吗?请放在您前方座椅下,或放在行李架上。4. 对不起, 先生,您座椅上方的行李架没地方了。我明白您想把包放在身边,我建议您放在前面座椅的下面好吗?Sir,I do apologize that there is no space in the overhead locker above your seat .I understand you

11、would like to keep your bag close to you .May I suggest you stow it under the seat in front of you? 5. 您好,请问这是您的行李吗?这是应急出口,为了安全,请将您的包放在行李架。Sir/Madam,is this your baggage? This is the emergency exit.For your safety,you are kindly requested to put it into the overhead compartment. 6._ 先生 / 女士,我帮您把衣服挂在

12、衣帽间,好吗?Mr./Ms_,May I help you hang up your coat in the closet? 7. 请您把贵重物品和重要证件从口袋里取出好吗?先生,请给我您的登机牌,这样落地前我们就可以找到您还衣服了。谢谢。Sir,could you remove all valuable items and important documents from your pockets? May I have your boarding pass as well? We will return your jacket before landing.Is that alright

13、for you? 二、起飞前 Before Take Off (一) 安全检查 Safety Check 1.请系好安全带,将座椅靠背调整到正常位置。Please fasten your seatbelt and put your seat back upright. 2.您好,我们的飞机已经开始滑行,请关闭您的手机电源。Sir/Madam,our plane is taxiing.Please switch off your mobile phone. 3. 先生 / 女士,我们飞机马上就要起飞,为了您的安全,请您马上回到座位上坐好并系好安全。Sir/Madam, as we are tak

14、ing off shortly,for your safety, please return to your seat and fasten seatbelt. 4. 飞机马上要起飞了,这时候使用卫生间是非常危险的!请在飞机平飞之后再使用,好吗?As we are taking off shortly,its dangererous to leave your seat .Could you remain seated until we get to the cruising level? 5. 您好!根据中国民航的规定飞机上不能使用带有飞行模式的手机。也请您要全程关闭手机,谢谢!Excuse

15、 me,sir.According to the CAAC regulations,all mobile phones including those with flight mode must be switched off throughout the flight Thank you for your cooperation. 6. 先生,我知道这个电话对您非常重要。但是,为了保证飞行安全,我必须请您关闭手机电源。Sir,I understand that this phone call is very important for you .However,for your safety

16、,please ensure that your mobile phone is switched off now.Your compliance is appreciated. 7. 请您把脚踏板收起;调直座椅靠背;收起小桌板,我们的飞机马上就要起飞。As we are taking off soon,piease put your seat back upright,secure your tray-table and footrest. 8. 飞机马上就要起飞了,为了您的安全 (我们随时可以看到外面发生的情况)请把遮光板打开。As weare taking off soon,for your safety ,please make sure your window shades are drawn up.(so that we can see what is happening outside in case of emergency) (二) 客舱准备


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