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1、 Unit 3 Travel journal 导学案导学案主备:冯新书主备:冯新书参与教师:夏惠琴,吕亚丹参与教师:夏惠琴,吕亚丹Period I Warming up & ReadingLearning aims: 1. Ss will be able to learn things related to travel, e.g. the place ,the fares and transport, etc.2. To know something about the Mekong River through reading.3. Students can use what they ha

2、ve learned to describe a trip.4. Students should realize if they want to be successful, what personalities they should have.Emotion goals:There are so many beautiful places in China and the whole world. We should love our country, love the whole world and love nature.Learning difficult and important

3、 points:1. Learning procedure Understand the text well.2. Try to master the useful new words & expressions in this period.Learning procedures:一一课课前前Step1 Talking about the topic of travel journal.Do you like travel? How do you record your travelling? Please say something about it . _ _ _ Step2 Readi

4、ng Task 1 : Scan the text quickly,match the main idea with each paragraph:Para.1 A. The preparation before thetrip and details about Mekong river Para.2 B. Different attitudes between wang kun and wang weiPara.3 C. Deciding to take a great bike trip along the Mekong river Task2: Choose the best answ

5、er.1 The text is about _.A the author and her sisters plan about their winter holidayB the experience during the author and her sisters trip in QinghaiC anecdotes(轶事) that happened during their tripD the author and his sisters plan and preparations for their trip2 The first paragraph tells us that t

6、hey will have a travel towards the _ of China.A northeast B southeast C southwest D northwest3 In his sisters opinion, she finds the way of getting the right place by _.A searching the river B searching the source of the river C watching a map D watching the sun4 It is hard to breathe in Qinghai Pro

7、vince _.A because the weather is cold B because of the high altitude C because of the rivers D because of the low altitude 5 From the text we can infer _.A their trip will be very difficult B their trip will be very easy because they have prepared a lotC they must be successful after enough preparat

8、ionsD they knew very well about the Mekong River beforeTask3: Read Para1 carefully and answer the questions.1.How many people are there in the story?Who are they?_2. What was their dream?_3. Who planned the trip to the Mekong?_Read Para.2 and answer the following questions.1.What kind of person is W

9、angwei?_2.How do you know ?_3. Where is the source of the Mekong River and which sea does it enter? _4. Is it a difficult journey along the Mekong River? _5.Can you find some words to describe the feelings of Wang Wei about the trip?_Read Para.3 and fill in the blanks.The Mekong River begins at _, m

10、oves _and passes through_.Half of it is in _.It enters _.Then it travels slowly through _ where rice grows.At last ,it enters _.Task4: Reconstruction of the text.Wang Kun and his sister Wang Wei have dreamed about taking a great trip by _1_ since middle school._2_ was Wang Wei who first put forward

11、the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. And she _3_ their cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang to be interested in cycling. Wang Wei insisted that they _4_ find the source of the river and begin their journey there, though Wang Kun told her that the source of the river is in Qinghai Province and the journey would begain at an altitude of _5_5,000 meters. After they_6_ up their minds, they began to make some preparations.From a large atlas they learned the river begins at a glacier on a Tibetan mountai


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