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1、怎么知道自己是否缺钙呢?科学且简单的方法是去医院作血钙含量测定。正常人的血钙维持在 218-263 毫摩尔升(9-11 毫克分升) ,如果低于这个范围,则认定为缺钙。但对于 60 岁以上的老年人,由于生理原因,老年人甲状旁腺激素长期代偿性增高,引起了“钙搬家”,使血钙增高,这样,测量结果就不能真实反映体内钙的含量。此时,就应进行骨密度测量。 在日常生活中,我们还可以根据一些症状进行自我诊断。 (1)儿童 当孩子出现下面一些症状时,就应诊断为缺钙:不易入睡、不易进入深睡状态,入睡后爱啼哭、易惊醒,入睡后多汗;阵发性腹痛、腹泻,抽筋,胸骨疼痛, “X型腿、 “O”型腿,鸡胸,指甲灰白或有白痕;厌食

2、、偏食;白天烦躁、坐立不安;智力发育迟、说话晚;学步晚,13 个月后才开始学步;出牙晚,10 个月后才出牙,牙齿排列稀疏、不整齐、不紧密,牙齿呈黑尖形或锯齿形;头发稀疏;健康状况不好,容易感冒等。 (2)青少年 青少年缺钙会感到明显的生长疼,腿软、抽筋,体育课成绩不佳;乏力、烦躁、精力不集中,容易疲倦;偏食、厌食;蛀牙、牙齿发育不良;易过敏、易感冒等。 (3)青壮年 一般情况下,青壮年都有繁重的生活压力,紧张的生活节奏往往使他们疏忽了身体上的一些不适,加之该年龄段缺钙又没有典型的症状,所以很容易掩盖病情。当有经常性的倦怠、乏力、抽筋、腰酸背疼、易过敏、易感冒等症状时,就应怀疑是否缺钙。 (4)

3、孕妇及哺乳期妇女 处于非常时期的妇女,缺钙现象较为普遍。不过,随着优生优育知识的普及,人们对此期缺钙的症状较为熟悉。当她们感觉到牙齿松动;四肢无力、经常抽筋、麻木;腰酸背疼、关节疼、风湿疼;头晕,并罹患贫血、产前高血压综合征、水肿及乳汁分泌不足时,就应诊断为缺钙。 (5)老年人 成年以后,人体就慢慢进入了负钙平衡期,即钙质的吸收减少、排泄加大。老年人大多是因为钙的流失而造成缺钙现象。他们自我诊断的症状有老年性皮肤病痒;脚后跟疼,腰椎、颈椎疼痛;牙齿松动、脱落;明显的驼背、身高降低;食欲减退、消化道溃疡、便秘;多梦、失眠、烦躁、易怒等。 当然,检查是否缺钙,最可靠的办法还是去医院请专科医生检查诊

4、断,然后在医生的指导下服药治疗。How do you know if a calcium deficiency? Scientific and simple method is to go to the hospital for blood calcium content determination. Normal human serum calcium was maintained in the 2.18-2.63 mmol / L ( 9-11 mg / dl ), if below this range, is recognized as a calcium deficiency. Bu

5、t for people aged 60 and over, due to the physiological reasons, the elderly long-term compensatory increase in parathyroid hormone, caused “ calcium moves “, so that calcium increased, so, the measurement results can not reflect the in vivo calcium content. At this time, should carry on the bone mi

6、neral density measurement.In daily life, we can also according to some of the symptoms of self diagnosis.( 1) for childrenWhen the child has some of the following symptoms, it should be diagnosed as a calcium deficiency: fall asleep not easily, not easy to enter the state of deep sleep, sleep, love

7、crying easily awakened, sleep hyperhidrosis; paroxysmal abdominal pain, diarrhea, cramps, sternal pain, “ X type leg, “ O “ type leg, chicken, nail or gray a white mark; anorexia, eclipse; daytime irritability, be on tenterhooks; mental development later, late talkers; toddler late, 13 months after

8、the beginning of teething toddler; later, 10 months after the teeth, teeth are sparse, irregular, does not close, the teeth are sharp or jagged black; sparse hair; health status not good, easy to catch cold.( 2) adolescentsAdolescent calcium will be obvious growth pain, cramps, leg is soft, PE poor

9、results; fatigue, irritability, distracted, tired easily; eclipse, anorexia; cavities, dental dysplasia; allergy, easy to catch cold.( 3) in young adultsIn general, young adults have heavy life pressure, nervous rhythm of life often make their neglect of a number of physical discomfort, together wit

10、h the age of calcium deficiency and no typical symptoms, so it is very easy to conceal illness. When there is regular burnout, weakness, cramps, backaches, easy to allergies, cold and flu symptoms, should be suspected if the calcium deficiency.( 4) in pregnant and lactating womenIn the very period w

11、omen, calcium deficiency is more common. However, with the birth of knowledge popularization, people more familiar with the symptoms of calcium deficiency in this period. When they feel loose teeth; limb weakness, often cramps, numb; backaches, joint aches, rheumatism pain; dizzy, and suffer from an

12、emia, antenatal hypertension syndrome, edema and shortage of milk secretion, it should be diagnosed as a calcium deficiency.( 5) in elderly peopleAs adults, the body slowly into a negative calcium balance, namely calcium absorption, excretion increase decrease. Older people are mostly because of the

13、 loss of calcium caused by calcium deficiency. They self diagnostic symptoms of senile skin itching; heel pain, lumbar, cervical pain; loose teeth, deciduous; marked kyphosis, height loss; loss of appetite, gastrointestinal ulcers, constipation, insomnia, dreaminess, dysphoria; irritability.Of cours

14、e, check whether the calcium deficiency, the most reliable way to go to the hospital to ask the physician diagnosis, then under the guidance of a doctors medication. 钙主要存在于虾皮、芝麻酱、牛奶、小鱼和海带中。另外,在许多青菜中,如 圆白菜、荠菜、萝卜等也含有丰富的钙。还有句话说:“鲜鱼配豆腐,补钙最迅 速”。这些都可以补钙老年人缺钙会造成很多疾病,最常见的是骨质疏松症。 患者骨骼变得细小而空洞,犹如浮石般脆弱易断。老人如何补充

15、钙质呢?最基 本的应注意以下 3 点: 一、补钙莫忘食醋 补钙的最好办法是从食物中摄取。含钙较多的食物有牛奶、 鸡蛋、猪骨头汤、鱼虾、黄豆、萝卜缨、芹菜、韭菜等。但是,补钙时莫忘吃 醋,有人做过这样的实验,把经人为引起骨质疏松的老鼠分为普通食物组和吃 醋食物组(钙的摄取量相同),一个月后检查两组老鼠骨头的强度,结果发现吃醋食物组的老鼠骨强度明显增加。因为醋与食物中的钙能产生化学反应,生 成既溶于水又容易被人体吸收的醋酸钙。因此,提倡食物中加点醋,如常吃糖 醋排骨、糖醋鱼等。二、注意食物中钙磷的比例 钙在人体内的吸收和利用还常 常受到其他成分的影响,对钙的吸收利用率影响较大的是钙磷的含量比例。当 钙和磷的比例在 1112 时,钙的吸收率最高。在食品中,钙磷之比在此 范围内的要数水产品,所以,补钙应多吃些水产品为好。 三、宜在夜间补充钙质 因为夜间患者最需要钙,而且最容易吸收。由于夜间入 睡后不进食物,但人体血液中仍需要一定数量的钙,这时只有从体内唯一含钙 部分骨骼中索取;另一方面,由于就寝时人体的含钙量较少,因此,临 睡前摄取钙质能很快被吸收。


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