丹凤 七年级英语选修课

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《丹凤 七年级英语选修课》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《丹凤 七年级英语选修课(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、七年级选修课-英语培优班材料(1)Diligence is the mother of success.勤奋是成功之母.词汇。(10 分)A. 根据句意及首字母提示填词。(5 分) 1. I would like a glass of apple juice. OK. Wait a m_, please. 2. Mr. Lee t_ us English. We like him very much. 3. My teacher is a good teacher. He is very k_ to me. 4. What about some chicken? Thats a good i_

2、. 5. Your mothers father and mother are your g_. B. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。(5 分) Can glass you work come 6. Why not _ in and have a glass of milk, Xiao Ming? 7. Xiao Mings father _ in an office. 8. _ you please give me some bread? 9. I often have two _ of milk and some bread for breakfast. 10. Help _ to th

3、e fish, kids.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(5 分)11.他的英语很差。 _ English is very _. 12.他经常和我们一起吃早饭。 He _ _ breakfast with us. 13.请看好你的书。 Please _ _ your books. 14.他很高兴在这。 He is very glad _ _ here. 15.他经常帮梅梅学英语。He often _ Meimei_ her English.完形填空。(10 分)Look at the photo. Its my family. The old man and the old woman are m

4、y 1 . This is my father. He is next to(挨着) his brother, my 2 . This woman is my mother. She is my English teacher. You can 3 three children in the photo. The two girls are my 4 . The girl in a red dress is Nancy 5 the girl in a yellow dress is Susan. Do you know who the boy is? Its me. My grandparen

5、ts live in the U. S. A. I live in Beijing 6 my parents now. My father is 7 . He works in Beijing Hospital. He often has milk 8 breakfast. And he likes to eat 9 . My mother often has some eggs and 10 . I have a big family. ( )1. A. uncle B. auntC. grandparentsD. parents ( )2. A. auntB. uncleC. sister

6、D. brother ( )3. A. seeB. askC. call D. spell ( )4. A. sisterB. girlsC. sistersD. children ( )5. A. andB. butC. orD. so ( )6. A. andB. ofC. forD. with ( )7. A. a teacherB. a driverC. a farmerD. a doctor ( )8. A. forB. toC. inD. on( )9. A. a breadB. some breadsC. many bread D. bread ( )10. A. a orang

7、eB. an orange juice C. two glass of orange juiceD. a glass of orange juice.阅读理解。There are (有) three people in Yang Yangs family. They like different kinds of food. Yang Yang likes rice a lot. But she doesnt like chicken at all. Her father is from Shanxi. He doesnt like rice at all. He likes chicken

8、and bread very much. Her mother is from Dalian. She doesnt like rice or bread at all. But she likes fish and vegetables a lot. They love each other and help each other. ( )1. There are _ people in Yang Yangs family. A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four ( )2. Where does Yang Yangs father come from? A. Shangha

9、i.B. Dalian.C. Fuzhou.D. Shanxi. ( )3. Yang Yang likes _ very much, but her parents dont like it at all. A. breadB. riceC. chickenD. fish ( )4. Who likes chicken? A. Yang Yang.B. Yang Yangs father. C. Yang Yangs mother.D. Yang Yangs parents. ( )5. Yang Yangs mother likes _ very much. A. chicken and

10、breadB. rice C. fish and vegetablesD. chicken 一一.英汉互译英汉互译 1 我家里有四口人._ _ _ _ in my family. 2 这是 Mike 的书包. _ _ _ _. 3 这本故事书是我的. _ story book _ _. 4 琳达喜欢以一些牛奶和两个鸡蛋作为早餐. Linda likes _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 5 我有两个哥哥,他们是 Jack 和 Nick. I have two brothers, _ _ _ _ _. 二二.句型转换句型转换 6,My name is Amy.(改为一般疑问句) _. 7,I lik

11、e bananas very much.(改为一般疑问句 _. 8,My fathers birthday is on January.(改为一般疑问句) _. 9, John and Jim go to work together.(改为同义句;提示:with) _. 10,That cats name is MiMi.(改为同义句;提示:of,名词所有格的另一种形式) _. 三三.适当形式填空适当形式填空. 11 My pencil is black, what about _ (your)? 12 There _(is) many photos of my family. 13 _(do

12、) your mother love them? 14 My favorite vegetables _(am) carrots and tomatoes. 15 These are nine _(potato). 16 This is some _(milk).(C) Mr. Lee is from China. Now he lives in the U. S. A. He speaks Chinese and English. He speaks English very well. Many people study English in a school in New York. S

13、ome students come from Japan and Italy(意大利). Others come from Brazil(巴西) and India(印度). Mr. Lee works in the school. He likes the students very much and the students like him, too. He helps them with their English. Li Ming is a student from China. He speaks Chinese to Mr.Lee, but Mr. Lee speaks only

14、 English to all the students. Their English is very good soon(很 快). Mr. Lee is a good teacher. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )46. Mr. Lee is Chinese but he lives in the U. S. A. ( )47. Mr. Lee teaches Chinese in New York. ( )48. No students are from Brazil or India in the school. ( )49. Only two students are from China. ( )50. Mr. Lee doesnt speak Chinese to his students.书面表达。(15 分)用所给提示写一篇 60 词左右的小短文。 提示: 假如你是 Jim, 来自英国, 现在在北京学汉语。你和父母在一起住, 他们也在北京工作。你在这儿有很多朋友, 常与他们一起吃饭, 中国


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