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1、UnitUnit2 2 ColoursColoursA A LetsLets learnlearn & & LetsLets chantchant一、学习目标:1、 能听说、认读 Lets learn (A)部分 blue, green, yellow, red 等表示颜色的单词。2、 能听懂 Lets do (A)部分的指令语,并能按照指令语做出相应的动作。3、 培养学生学习英语的良好习惯,激发学生学英语的兴趣。教学反思:目标关注了知识、技能和情感二、学习重、难点:教学重点:学习表示颜色的单词 blue, green, yellow, red. 教学难点:“green”一词的字母组合“gr”

2、的发音较难把握,教师要多带读。三、导学流程(一)新课导入,明确目标Good afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. 1Today we are going to learn Unit2 Colours A Lets learn. I divide you into 11 groups. Come on boys and girls. Winner will get presents. First,we sing a song.Hello.【教学反思:歌曲导入,激发学生学习新趣,在唱歌时配上动作,可以使学生的注意力集中】Do you like w

3、athching cartoons? Now lets watch 2cartoon.Then tell me what colour can you see? You can answer my questions with I see_. Today we are going to learn beautiful colours. Look at the teaching aims.【教学反思:孩子们喜欢动画,动画导入新课,孩子们非常感兴趣】(二)指导学习,引导发现:Turn to page 15.This is a rainbow.We can see our new 1friends

4、Wu Yifan、Chen Jie and Sarah.What do they see?(learning tips). What is difficult for your group.Yoy can say 表示什2么颜色的单词我们不会读。呈现新单词 red(哭笑读、贴卡片、课件 、Show me red),yellow(拍手节奏读、贴卡片、课件、Show me yellow),green(gg green 拍卡片、帖卡片、课件、Show me green),blue(大小读、帖卡片、课件、Show me blue).【教学反思:呈现单词新知时,采用游戏,学生兴趣很高】Please lo

5、ok at the beautiful colours on the 3screen.What colour can you see? 每个单词读两遍。Chant:red red I see red.Yellow yellow I see yellow.Blue blue I see blue.Green green I see green.(学生一起唱歌谣,男生女生分组唱。)Its time to play games.Hide and seek. 4【教学反思:游戏巩固单词,可以提高学生的注意力】让学生跟视频、老师读 Lets learn 部分的词汇,边听边读,5边认读边指图,做到眼、手、

6、口、耳、心的结合。(三)、展示交流,融错化疑:(1)小组活动:自己读,对子读,小组读Take out your colourful cards. Practce in groups then show yourselves.For example.red red red red I see red 12I see red, I see green. 小小翻译家 (5)双簧34【教学反思:孩子在小组中展示时,告诉孩子表演方法,就不会让孩子无所事事,同时给他们选择的机会,提高孩子们自主,合作的能力】(3)学生听录音,边说边做 Lets do 部分中的活动。Take out your crayons

7、 and put on your desk. Are you ready? I 1say you do. Say and do.Lets do it to music.23(3)Look at the rainbow .What colour do you see? I see red and .I can sing a rainbow. I can sing a rainbow now.Now Lets listen to the music. Follow the music 123Put up your hands. We sing together.(四)、检测反馈,综合提升:Lets sing a song”colour song”.(五)、整理反思,拓展延伸:Review and homework.教学反思:本课时动画导入,采用了学生喜欢的方式导入新课,学生对新课内容充满了期待。在呈现五个新单词时,每个单词用不同的游戏反复操练,学生即掌握了单词又很有兴趣。在操练单词和句子 I see时用非常押韵的歌谣和两个游戏(whats missing 和转盘游戏)操练,学生很容易就掌握了单词。


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