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1、What is mechatronics?(这篇是我自己找的)Mechatronics in Japan originated in the university departments of precision mechanics, a discipline that has been emphasized in Japan since World War 1. After the war, building on the expertise in mechanisms developed for weapon research, they began to specialize in pr

2、ecision engineering and, later, in manufacturing engineering. With the invention of the microprocessor and its incorporation into precision mechanics, the techniques and machinery they developed were assumed under the Japanese effort called “mechatronics“.In the mid-1980s, mechatronics came to mecha

3、nical engineering that is the boundary between mechanics and electronics. Today, the term encompassed a large array of technologies, many of which have becomes well-known in their own right. Each technology still has the basic element of the merging of mechanics and electronics but now may also invo

4、lve much more, particularly software and information technology2.For example, many early robots resulted from mechatronics development. As robot systems become smarter, software development, in addition to the mechanical and electrical system, became central to mechatronics.Mechatronics gained legit

5、imacy in academic circles in 1996 with the publication of the first referred journal: IEEE/ASME3transactions on Mechatronics. In the premier issue, the authors worked to define mechatronics. After acknowledging that many definitions have circulated, they selected the following for articles to be inc

6、luded in transactions: “the synergistic integration of mechanical engineering with electronics and intelligent computer in the design and manufacturing of industrial products and processes.” The authors suggested 11 topics that should fall, at least in part under the general category of mechatronics

7、; Modeling and design Actuators and sensorsIntelligent controlRoboticsManufacturingMotion controlVibration and noise controlmicro-device and optoelectronic systemsautomotive systemsother application A mechatronics design is a control system. One or more inputs are fed to a microcontroller. These inp

8、uts may have to undergo some signal conditioning before being read by the microcontroller. The microcontroller then implements a control algorithm that interprets the various inputs into the appropriate output or outputs4. Again, signal conditioning may be necessary on the output side of the system

9、before driving an actuator or display. In a closed loop system, feedback is received so that the microcontroller is able to monitor and adjust the output as necessary. Providing power to the microcontroller is the last piece of the mechatronic system. In summary, the components of a mechatronic syst

10、em are input, output, a control algorithm, signal conditioning (if necessary), and power什么是机电一体化?在日本,机电一体化起源于一些大学的精密机械院系,是自第二次世界大战以来日本所强 调的一门学科。战后,建立在开展武器研究的机构学专业知识基础上,这些院系开始专门 研究精密工程,进而研究制造工程。随着微处理器的问世及其与精密机械相结合,这些院 系所开发的技术和机器在日本的研究项目中通称为“机电一体化“。在二十世纪八十年代中期,机电一体化是介于机械工程与电子工程之间的交叉领域。今天, 机电一体化包括了大量已经

11、独立发展的技术,这每一门技术都是基于机械工程与电子工程 的融合,同时又融入了很多新的技术,尤其是软件技术和信息技术。例如, 许多早期的机器人起源于机电一体化的发展。随着机器人系统的智能化发展, 不 仅机械系统、电子系统,而且软件技术的发展也成为机电一体化的核心内容。随着 1996 年电气与电子工程师协会/美国机械工程师协会的机电一体化学报的创刊,机电 一体化在学术圈正式获得正式承认。在创刊号上,编者严格定义了机电一体化。在列举了 诸多公开的定义后,他们选择了如下定义发表在刊物上:“工业产品的设计与制造中机械 工程、电子工程以及智能计算机的相互融合” 。编者列举了 11 个方面属于或者至少是部分 归类于机电一体化。造型与设计系统工程触发器与传感器智能控制机器人技术制造业运动控制振动与噪声控制微型设备与光电系统汽车系统其他应用机电一体化设计是一个控制系统。一个或者是多个输入传输给一个微控制器。这个输入信 号经过处理后,微控制器才能读取。然后微控制器进行控制运算,将输入转化为适当的输 出。此外,在驱动触发器或者显示之前,信号处理对于系统的输出部分很必要。在一个闭 环系统,微控制器接收反馈后能够检测和调整输出。在机电一体化系统,微处理器的动力 源也不能漏掉。总而言之,机电一体化系统由输入、输出、控制运算、信号处理(若需要) 以及动力源组成



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