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1、1重要性重要性如何如何涉及因素涉及因素 be of great importance take into consideration be necessary to should be considered first-besides 而且、此外-in addition 另外 on top of that 除此之外、更严重的是 Strategies: 1. the importance of, 就可以问 how 如:Customer payments: the importance to a company of ensuring that customers pay on time. 提问:

2、How can a company ensure that customers pay on time? 2. how to, 就可以问 why 如:Human Resources: how to introduce new staff effectively to a companys office practices 提问:Do you think it important/necessary/essential to introduce new staff effectively to a companys office practices? Why? 或 Why do you thin

3、k it important for new staff to get familiar with the companys office practices? 3. the factors involved in, 就可以问 what 如:Information technology: the factors involved in successfully delivering services via the internet 提问:What are the other factors you can think of to deliver services via the intern

4、et successfully? 公司利益相关者公司利益相关者 顾客顾客 Customer Relations: how to maintain customer interest in a companys productsAs is know to all, it is very important for a company to maintain customer interest in their products. I think a company should try every possible way to retain its current customers.Firs

5、t, it should always make sure that it provides its customers with quality goods and after-sales service. Second, it should lay enough emphasis on the feedback from its current customers and take prompt action to take care of their needs and demands. Third, if possible it may provide some incentives

6、to its old customers. For example, it can grant a certain discount to them if their purchases reach a certain amount. Apart from all these, a company should design strategies to attract new customers and create transactions with them, to expand their customer base, so to speak. These strategies incl

7、ude product diversification and upgrading.All in all, a company should try its utmost to keep its current customers satisfied with its products and services, and at the same time it should stay ahead of the market through product and pricing strategies. 重视顾客重视顾客 2.12.1 The importance of making custo

8、mers feel valued -maintain the customers loyalty to your products so that you can further strengthen your companys customer base. -valued customers often pay their attention to your companys development and they would like to give you some advice or suggestions which you can use to further promote t

9、he quality of your companys products or services. This will in turn help you to attract more customers and make them feel valued. Therefore I believe that making your customers feel valued is of great importance. 顾客习惯和态度顾客习惯和态度 2.42.4 The importance of finding out about customers habits and attitude

10、s A: as we all know your customers habits and attitude will exert a great influence on the production and sales of your products or services. Customers habits especially their consuming habits will decide to what extent they can accept the price of your products which will directly affect the pricin

11、g of your products. Customers attitudes towards your products or service reflect the quality of your products or services and will decide whether your products or services can remain popular on the market. 2So if you carry out research to find out about their habits and attitudes you can gear the pr

12、oduction and sales of our products towards a right direction. 忠实顾客对产品的意见忠实顾客对产品的意见 3.13.1售后服务售后服务 3.43.4如何赢得新客户(一家客户的潜在风险)如何赢得新客户(一家客户的潜在风险)4.24.2产品和服务实行质量监控产品和服务实行质量监控 3.23.2 How to ensure that a company consistently maintains quality control standards A: first the company should build an independe

13、nt quality control system which can monitor the implementation of quality control at any stage of the production and can report the results directly to the board. Second the company needs an incentive system to encourage and reward the employees who meet exactly the quality control standards and pun

14、ish those who fail. Third the company should ensure that everyone in the company knows the importance of quality control and should keep their employees in mind that their company needs their devotion to the consistent maintenance of quality control standards.重要性:only with goods and services of high

15、 quality can a company maintain its enduring and loyal customers and attract more new customers/ stay ahead in competition as well as in the market /meet requirements of the quality of productsHow to monitor:a special department should be set up to super vise and examine regularlytechnical experts s

16、hould be invited 员工员工 员工进言献策(如何制定、如何评价)员工进言献策(如何制定、如何评价)2.12.1积极性高的员工积极性高的员工 2.32.3 The importance to a company of having well motivated staff A: first a company consists of individuals whose morale is crucial to the image of the company. Its hard to believe that a company full of low-spirited employees can have better performance that the one staffed with well motivated employees. Second, well motivated staff often work h



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