外研版(一起)一年级英语上册教案 Module 6 Unit 2(3)

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1、外研版(一起)一年级英语上册教案外研版(一起)一年级英语上册教案Module 6 Unit 2 That is a cat.课题Unit 2 That is a cat.课时4-3教材分析Let students introduce some things by using the sentence pattern of “This is”.The book shows an interesting story and lead students to imitate .And then practice the sentence pattern through different activ

2、ities and games.教学目标1. Students can introduce someone or something far away by using “That is”.2. Students can introduce someone and something nearby or far away fluently.课前准备Courseware, word cards, recorder板书设计Unit 2 That is a cat.This is a cat. That is a cat.This is a dog. That is a dog.教 学 活 动 设

3、计设 计 意 图Warm-up1. Greetings2. Sing a song 3. ChantDesk ,desk. This is my desk.Seat, seat. This is my seat.Teacher, teacher. This is our teacher.Classroom, classroom. This is our classroom.Revision1. Free talk2. Talk about it. Divided students in several groups. Let them talk about some things they b

4、ring by use of “This is”.After that, T checks two or three groups and encourage them to say it completely.Presentation and drills1. Listen Gives students a sound of cat and asks “Whats this?” Lead students to say the word of “cat” and ask them to read it after teacher. 2. Get out of a bag I prepared

5、 before the class and ask “Whats this?” Ask some students to touch and guess it. At last, put it up and write it on the blackboard.Say the word and act as a cat. Let see who can imitate best.3. T plays the recorder and asks students to repeat it.And pay attention to the pronunciation of “this”.Write

6、 it on the blackboard and invite an individual to read it .Then invite two students to say and act. T should give them proper assessment.4.T points to a student far away from her, who is imitating a cat, says “That is a cat.” Write it on the blackboard and lead the class to read it after teacher.T s

7、ays and acts the two sentences and let the class compare “this” with “that”. Making up a chant likes that: “This, this, this is a cat.” Require students to bring some things to classroom and introduce them to others in English. Give every student a chance to communicate with English and encourage th

8、em to open their mouth to speak up.Students in low grades are active and expressive .We should take advantage of this character to learn English by using body language.The chant is easy for students to remember the two “That, that, that is a cat.”5.Get out of the bag again and say “Touch ! Whats thi

9、s?Then let an individual touch and guess what it is. Show the class the dog and say the word. Play the tape and let students repeat. “That is a dog.” “This is a dog.” Write it on the blackboard. Ask students to read it after the tape in pairs and lets see who reads best.Practice1. Open your book and

10、 point to read.2. Group co-operationTake use of the things you bring from home to introduce them with your partners.Consolidation and extension1. Listen, point and say.2. courseware Listen and judge 3. Finish the activity books.sentences.Watch the courseware and let students judge which picture is “This is a ”and which one is “That is a”. To give the class a deep impression.作 业设 计1. Say the chant to your parents.2. Listen to the tape and point to say.教 学反 思



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