(EEC)四年级英语下册教案 Lesson4 What About a Robot(1)

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1、教学内容Lesson4 What about a robot? Part 1 设 计 者董萌萌第 1 课时/总 4 课时备课日期上课日期教学目标知识目标:Vocabulary: birthday, buy, ,present, department storeSentence patterns: Where are you going? To-I want to-能力目标:Can read the passage and understand the meaning Can read the text and understand the meaning 德育目标:To train stude

2、nts to get along well with friends.教学重点Understand the new words and sentence patterns meaning.教学难点Can use the new knowledge correctly.教学准备预习要求Some cards. Tape and recorder .Preview the new lesson.教材分析:本单元设计的内容是为祝贺朋友的生日而购买礼物的情景。着重训练学生挑选和购买物品的对话。本课时学会表达询问要去哪里的句型和想要做某事的表达方式,并通过学习培养学生英语交流能力,养成良好的沟通习惯。教学

3、活动过程设计教学流程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1: Warm upStep2:Greeting to students Good morning,class.Sing a song “happy birthday to you“Whose birthday is on this Greetings. Good morning,teacher.Sing together问候,拉近师生距离。Lead inStep3: PresentationStep3: PracticeStep 4 Production day? Ask the students birthday, and what th

4、ey receive. Show some picturescake 蛋糕 present 礼物Shop 商店1.Listen to the tape and answer the questions:1) Where is Lili going? 2) Why does Jess go to the department store? 3) What does Jess buy for them?2.Anwer the questions. 1)department store 2)Kens birthday is on Friday. 3)A present.3.listen again

5、and follow the tape.4.Learn the new lesson: be going to. 打算去 Im going to. on + week buy sb. sth.= buy sth. for sb. buy him a present =buy a present for him. 1.Listen and chant along. 2.Role play Lili& Jess 3.Listen ang speak 4.Translate into chinese. 5.Check it out.Recite the words Do the exercise b

6、ook. What do you want to buy for your friends?Talk freely. I have recived_.Read these words. Learn the words. Listen to the tape and read the text. Anwer the questions. Read the new sentencesdo a role play.Give the explanation of the title. Then give the tape. Teach the new words.Chant together Do t

7、he role play Follow the tape.Talk freely and Discuss with others.歌曲导入,与本课内容相联系。话题内容有利于充分理解本课情景。通过录音和教师领读使学生掌握正确的读音,使学生能独立阅读本篇文章,通过教师讲解了解本课的重点内容。讲授知识点。对本课进行升华。使学生对交际语言活学活用。板书设计Lesson 4 What about a robot?birthday-生日 Where are you going?buy-买 Topresent-礼物 I want todepartment store 商店 buy him a present

8、=buy a present for him 作业课堂或课后Preview next lesson.Do the exercise book.Conclude the whole lesson.教学内容Lesson4 What about a robot? Part 2设 计 者董萌萌第 2 课时/总 4 课时备课日期上课日期教学目标知识目标:Vocabulary: cost, much, new, watchSentence patterns: What about-? I cant-cost too much. 能力目标:Learn how to ask and answer.Learn

9、how to express can or cant. 德育目标:Make the students feel happy of the successTo train their to make good use of the money.教学重点Understand the new words and sentence patterns meaning.教学难点Can use the new knowledge correctly.教学准备预习要求Some cards. Tape , recorder, and a watch.Preview the new lesson.教材分析:本单元

10、设计的内容是为祝贺朋友的生日而购买礼物的情景。着重训练学生挑选和购买物品的对话。本课学习如何表达给别人提出建议的句子,并会表达自己能与不能的用法以及花费多少。课文内容较短,理解较容易。教学活动过程设计教学流程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1: Warm upStep2: lead inStep3: Presentation1.Greeting to studentsGood morning,class. 2.Sing a song “happy birthday to you“3.REVIEW:Where is Jess going? Why? What does Jess buy for

11、him? Do you know what the present is? 4.Pre -listening: Look at the picture and grasp the main idea. 5.Listen to the tape and answer the questions: 4) Do they buy a watch? 5) Why ? 6.Anwer the questions. 1)No, they dont. 2)watches cost too much.Greetings. Good morning ,teacher. Sing together.Answer

12、the questions,and review last lesson. guessListen to the tape and read the text.Anwer the questions. Read the new sentences.问候,拉近师生距离。歌曲导入,与本课内容相联系。话题内容有利于充分理解本课情景。整体感知课文内容。Step3: PracticeStep 4 Production listen again and follow the tape. Learn the new lesson: What about.? What about a watch? I can

13、t _. I can_. _cost(s) too much. Sth cost some money. 4)Listen and chant along. 5)Role play Lili& Jess 6)Listen and speak 7)Translate into chinese. 8)Check it out.Make a new dialogue: A:what about . B:How much is it? A:It costs _dollars. B:I cant. A:.cost too much. Sum up the lesson. HomeworkGive the

14、 explanation of the title. Then give the tape. Teach the new words.Chant together. Do the role play Follow the tape.Write on their exercise book.Make a new dialogue with their partner.通过录音和教师领读使学生掌握正确的读音,使学生能独立阅读本篇文章,通过教师讲解了解本课的重点内容。讲授知识点。对本课进行升华。使学生对交际语言活学活用。板书设计Lesson 4 What about a robot?cost-花费

15、What about-?much-多少 I cant-new-新的 -cost too much.watch-手表 作课堂Preview next lesson . 业或课后Do the exercise book. Conclude the whole lesson.教学内容Lesson4 What about a robot? Part 3 设 计 者董萌萌第 3 课时/总 4 课时备课日期上课日期教学目标知识目标:Vocabulary: help, like, make, may, robot, look forSentence patterns: He likes- May I help you? Im looking for-.能力目标: Learn how to ask and answer.Learn how to express can or cant



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