(陕旅版)四年级英语上册教案 Lesson 2(2)

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1、(陕旅版)四年级英语上册教案(陕旅版)四年级英语上册教案 Lesson 2 Come to see my uncles family!教学目的及重难点分析:教学目的及重难点分析:1.会说会用这些句子:Who is this?Who is that?This/That is my dad.His name is2.会说会用会写这些单词 who uncle aunt cousin3. 复习物主代词 my his her 。4. 学会认读 Sam Smith Nancy Smith Billy Smith.课前准备:课前准备:1.准备第 10 页挂图。2.教师准备自家的全家福照片。3.学生准备自家的

2、全家福照片 。4.教师准备小女孩 Ann 的手偶。5.教师准备 who uncle aunt cousin 单词卡片。 教学过程教学过程1. 热身(Warming up)展示第 10 页挂图 ,让学生看图,教师(A)同小女孩 Ann(B) 的手偶进行对话引出话题 。A: Is this your dad?B: Yes.A: Whats his name?B: His name is Bob Smith.A: Who is that?B: He is my uncle.A: Whats his name?B: His name is Sam Smith.A: Is that your Mum?B

3、: No.A: Who is that?B: She is my aunt(示图中的人婶婶).A: Whats her name?B: Her name is Nancy Smith.A: Who is the boy?B: He is my cousin. (示图中的人小男孩) His name is Billy. Billy Smith. 2. 新课展示(New Presentation)句型词汇学习:1) Who is that?“Who” is to ask something about a person. Who 是个疑问代词,问人的身份, 谁。学习这个单词时,引导学生学习字母组合

4、 wh/ h / 的读音。我们询问某人的身份时会问:Who is this? Who is that?Who is he? Who is she? Who is the girl? Who is the boy? 等。The answer can be:He is She is 2) He is my uncle(指示主图中对应的人).She is my aunt. (指示主图中对应的人) .按音节拼读拼写单词:un-cle uncle 注意单词重音。在英语中,叔叔,伯伯,舅舅等与父母同辈的男性 都是 uncle 如:That is my uncle. He my dads brother.爸

5、爸的兄弟This is my uncle, too. He is my Mums brother 妈妈的兄弟 .Hello, Uncle Liu.你好,刘叔叔。老师指着主图中的叔叔问答:-Whats his name? -His name is Sam Smith.他叫山姆。板书:uncle- Sam Smith. 老师指着主图中的婶婶问答:Who is that? She is my aunt.师生一起拍着桌子大声读:aunt aunt aunt出示词卡,拼读拼写单词: aunt在英语中,婶婶,姨姨,姑姑等与父母同辈的女性都是 aunt 。如:Mums sister is my aunt.

6、Dads sister is also my aunt.再指着主图中的婶婶问答:Whats her name? Her name is Nancy Smith.他叫南希。板书: aunt- Nancy Smith.3)Who is the boy? He is my cousin.向学生出示词卡,师生一起拼读拼写单词: cou-sin cousin cousin 是堂兄妹 ,children of my uncle and aunt.叔伯家的子女,男孩女孩都叫 cousin 。如: The boy is Billy. Billy is my cousin.The girl is my cous

7、in, too .Her name is Sue. 比利是我的堂兄 ,那女孩是我的堂妹,她叫苏。3.播放 Listen and read 部分录音.听,并跟读这些句子。4. 巩固活动:1) Ask and answer in pairs.可让学生看着第 10 页的挂图两人一组进行问答。Who is this? This is Who is that? That isWho is he? He is Who is she? She is Who is the girl?Who is the boy?2)游戏活动:Guess 活动。把一个学生蒙上眼睛,班上另一个学生跟他打招呼 “Hello!”,其

8、他同学问:Who is he/she? 让他听声音猜:Is he /she ? 猜对了,大家给予鼓励“Yes. You are clever.” You are right.” 猜错了,大家可以给他更多的信息,让他再猜两次 “No. He is tall. Try again.” “Sorry. He has big eyes. Try again.”一次猜对了给 3 分,两次猜对了给 2分,三次猜对了给 1 分。5. 播放 Listen, look and match 部分录音.听并连线,看看哪个句子和那幅图意匹配。6.Lets practice(II)看图说话。读一读这段文字,看她是怎么介

9、绍她的家庭的。小组活动:每个同学先把自己的家庭成员的情况列出来,再拿出自己的全家福在小组内把家庭成员给大家逐一介绍。 要尽量多的介绍他们的个人情况,如年龄,职业,高矮,胖瘦,眼睛大小,头发长短等。Name age what elseI: Dad:Mum:Uncle:Aunt:Cousin:7. Lets play.做做玩玩说说:让学生把自己的家庭成员和叔叔家或姑姑家的家庭成员如图那样列出来,写上他们的名字。 My family Uncles familyDad Mum uncle auntI cousin 然后把一个家庭做成一个小卡片,两人一组,玩石头剪子布。 赢家在对方(输家)的卡片里随意挑一张,读出上面的人名,输家要立即说出这个人是自家的什么人,如: He is my uncle .Or: She is my Mum.


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