(人教新版)五年级英语下册教案 Unit 5 Lesson 30(2)

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1、人教新版五年级英语下册教案人教新版五年级英语下册教案 Unit 5 how much is it?周次15课时3课题Lesson 31学习目标1Greeting: How to make a telephone call? Whats wrong with you? Im 2 Learn the dialogue学习重、难点How to make a telephone call? How to write the negative?与本课有联系的新旧知识点May I speak to Miss Liu?教教 材材 分分 析析知识点的延展You should go to see a docto

2、r.策策 略略 安安 排排突出重点突破难点的方法(所述方法应与重、难点一一对应)Act with the scene given.Make up the new dialogue教具准备Pictures and a tape. 课课 前前 准准 备备学生准备(知识的准备:要体现预习内容。学具的准备。 )Listen to the tape教学方案的构建教学环节学习内容师生活动我的修改Warming upPresentationPractice1 Look and say2 Free talkLearn the words and phrase:Dont worry about doesnt f

3、eel well call her speak to have a headache go to school take good care of1 I am ill todayI have a headache.2 Kate is ill. She should go to see a doctor.3Dont worry about your lessons. Ill help you with your lessons.4 Take good care of yourself.5 Learn the dialogueMake up a mew dialogue.Read the words and phraseAct out a new dialogue with the scene given.Read and writeLook and talk about the pictures.Listen and repeat.Ask and answer in pairsPractice in groupsTry to act it out本课亮点通过电话语言连接课文 板书设计Lesson 31I have a bad coldTake good care of yourself教学后记美中不足介词正确搭配



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