(外研版)五年级英语下册教案 Module 5 Unit 1(6)

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1、外研版五年级英语下册教案外研版五年级英语下册教案 Module 5 Unit1 Its big and light.题目 Decisions语言功能选择适合自己的东西并称述理由学习任务Its light and big. Its easy for you 运用任务比较两种事物,发现其优点及缺点;选择合适自己的物品并说明理由;描述一个物品;根据描述找出物品。模块分析本模块引导学生学会选择适合自己的物品,并会用英语说明理由。Unit1 让学生学会比较事物之间的不同,能够根据描述指出说的是哪一个东西。Unit2 中通过试衣服的场景,引出 Its easy for him.的句型。用形容词描述图片。在

2、读词的过程中体会字母组合 oa, oy, oo 在单词中的发音课时划分及教学内容第一课时:Unit one of module5第二课时:Unit one and some Exs on Activity Book. 第三课时:Unit 2 of Module 5 第四课时:Review this Module and do Exs on Activity Book第一课时第一课时 教学目标教学目标 1)语言知识目标:学会 heavy, light,broken, pocket 等单词,并会使用。学会用英语描述事物的特征。让学生学会比较事物之间的不同,能够根据描述指出说的是哪一个东西。 2)语

3、言技能目标; 能用 Its big and light. 进行对话交流 3)情感态度目标; 有兴趣听说英语,乐于开口,敢于模仿 4)学习策略目标; 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,积极运用 Its big and light.进行对话交流,能根据录音模仿听说英语。 2 教学重点难点 1)新授单词:light broken heavy pocket 2)新授句型:Its big and light. Its got two pockets. 3 难点:学会用英语描述事物的特征。 4教学准备: 图片,录音机,单词卡 两个包5教材分析; 本课要解决的主要知识点是“Its big and light

4、”并通过一系列的课堂活动,创设语境巩固、运用着句型。 6课堂教学程序:.一、Warming up:1. little teacher teach a sentence.(Tlille Your pronunciation is very good. Thank you. )2. Greeting. T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you? S: Im fine, thank you. And you? T: Im fine too. Are you happy today? Ss: Yes, Im happy.T: Great! 3 Review (形容词)

5、(1)T: Now, lets chant and act .Ok? Ss. ok!My eyes big, big, big My nose small, small, small My pencil long long long.My pen short short short.My bag nice nice nice.(2) Well done, class, thank you ! Today we are going to learn M5, U1. At first, lets review some words:(tall short , big - small, long -

6、 short, fat-thin, new old, cute, beautiful, clever, shy.图片配单词,) .引导学生说句子。【设计意图:课前用英语和学生进行简单的日常会话,可以拉近学生与老师的距离。对已学的词组进行,为接下来的新课教学打下了良好的基础。 】(二)New words learning(单词,句子学习) 1 T: (出示两个包 )T: look, I have got two bags. (引导学生说)The black bag is big . The yellow bag is small. Now I put a dictionary into the

7、black bag. Let me carry them now. The black bag is heavy. The yellow bag is light.单词卡教 heavy, heavy. The black bag is heavy. Light, Light. The yellow bag is light.Now who want to carry these bags?This row, one by one please.T_S1: How do you feel?(引导学生说) The black bag is heavy. The yellow bag is ligh

8、t.TS1 Well done. Pass them to him/her.(T: Excellent .wonderful. very loudly, your reading is very clear. )T: The black bag is big .The black bag is heavy. So we can say: The black bag is big and heavy.课件出示句子:The black bag is big and heavy.(读两遍)T: Nice work. What about the yellow bag.(引导学生说) The yell

9、ow bag is small and light.(T: How clever you are.)Drill:T: So I think you can describe something like this. Who try?S2/S3/S4(评价学生)T: (举起黑包)Can you find that :Its got two -T-S5 Clever! Your pronunciation is very good. I think you can be little teacher. Come here. Please.S5 教 pocket.T(课件出示 Its got two

10、 pockets.) Can you teach the sentence? S5 教 Its got two pockets.T (You did a good job. Thank you)This word? Who can be little teacher?S6 teach: brokenTS6. Your pronunciation is very good(通过“我”当小老师及学生之间用英语互评的教学活动,师生共同创设了一种民主和谐的英语学习气氛,较好地形成了师生互动和生生互动.教师把课堂真正还给学生,让学生成为学习的主人,教师成为学生平等的对话者. 进一步体现正在研究的课题(评

11、价课题)在课堂上的生成效果。 )2 巩固:把全部单词再读一遍(三)Text learning (课文学习)1 T: Our good friend Lingling will come back China .Ms Smart will buy a new bag for her. Lets listen to the tape recorder, Then answer some questions: (1) what does Lingling need? Why (2) Which bag has got four wheels? (3)Which bag did they buy? w

12、hy(课件出示问题lets listen)(T: now, please answer some questions; NO.1who tries? (She needs a new bag)NO.2 (The blue one)NO.3 (The blue one. Because its big and light. Itll be easy for her.)T-S7 Yes, you are right. Thank you, good answer. Thank you T-S10 Well done! Thank you . ) (让学生通过听课文录音,了解课文内容,并有意识地加强

13、学生的听力训练.提高比赛的形式提高学生对此环节的兴趣,再次体现评价课题.)2 Read the text in pair (小组比赛的形式进行课文朗读,并由学生对此环节进行评价)Make a dialogue.3T: Im so glad that you speak English very well. . Now please describe something with your good friend, or by yourself.For example: The elephant is big and heavy. Its got two small eyes, two, big

14、 eras, and a long nose. (long, short, big, small, tall, old, young, new, fat, thin, heavy, light, cute, new, old, broken, .nice, beautiful) 1What did you eat for breakfast/lunch/supper. or What are you going to eat for breakfast/lunch/supper2Whats your favorite food/fruit/toy/sport/skirt/animal.3 Do you like (4)好朋友相互介绍。(五) Class is over. T: Time is up, boys and girls. You did a good job. Im proud of you .Thats all for today. 1课结束.2小结课堂评价.教学反思:



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