新起点小学一年级英语教案 Unit 13 Shapes(1)

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1、UnitUnit 1313 ShapesShapes 教学目标教学目标: :1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 fly, teach, us, sun, moon.2.初读对话,能听懂、会说和会写句型 What shape is the? Its a/anShow us how to 3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Come to the blackboard and show us how to do it. 教学重点教学重点: :四会单词和句型。 教学难点教学难点: :理解对话内容。 教具学具教具学具: :课件、各种图形等。 教学过程教学过程: :StepStep 1.Warm1.Wa

2、rm upup1.Sing a song. Twinkle, twinkle, little star(歌曲导入课堂教学,便于让学生快速进入英语课堂学习氛围,而且本歌曲与本课时学习的形状类单词有密切联系。)2.Revision.(1)Put the words in the correct order.shape it What ? is课件显示正确答案:What shape is it?(此举重要目的是再现本单元的四会句型,借此让学生复习上节课所学内容。)(2)让学生拼出单词 shapes, 教师随机板书,并齐读课题。(3)Play a game : Quick answer.T: Ask

3、and answer with What shape is it? as quickly as you can, OK?Ss: OK.课件快速闪出各种物体图形,让学生快速问答。(此举主要让学生复习所学的六种图形类单词。通过比反应速度、比语音语调来检查学生的掌握情况。)StepStep 2.Presentation2.Presentation1.Learn “Art”,整体感知对话。T:出示学生熟知的美术教师形象:Whos she?Ss: T: Yes, Shes your Art teacher.Read after me: Art.Ss: Art, Art.T: Good. This is

4、an Art lesson. Today, Miss Li is an Art teacher,too. She is teaching her students about shapes.Lets listen to the tape.For you duty ,Please listen and judge .课件出示问题:The kite is a rectangle.The bag is a diamond.I can see four circles.The sun is a circle ,and the moon is a circle,too.(1)Listen to the

5、tape.(2)Judge.(初听对话,让学生整体感知对话内容。然后教师设计一个比较简单的listen and judge,让学生带着任务去听录音,便于学生仔细听对话内容,提高听的质量。在 Correct 的过程中,教师可以适当重复一下录音的内容,加深学生对于对话内容的印象。)2.Learn “teach, sun, moon, fly.”(1)T:Miss Li is teaching .课件出示“教书”图片Please read: teach, teach.Ss: teach, teach.T: Who can spell it?S1: t-e-a-c-h , teach.T: Good!

6、 Look at me ,手势辅助:teach us .Ss: teach us .T: Miss Li is teaching her students about shapes.Look,What shape is it?课件出示太阳。Ss: Its a circle.T: Whats this ? Ss: Its a .T: sun. There are three letters in the word,Can you guess?S1: s.T: Yes. S2: n. S3: s教师板书。Ss: s-u-n, sun.T: Good! Is this the sun? No, it

7、s the moon.Ss: moon.同法让学生根据单词发音猜出字母组成。T: We can say : The sun is a circle, and the moon is a circle,too.(教师采用听音猜字母的方式来展开四会单词的教学,很有新意。然后根据太阳、月亮的形状总结出 The sun is a circle, and the moon is a circle,too.紧密联系对话内容展开教学。(2)T:Look ,What am I doing ? 教师画简笔画:一男孩放风筝。Ss: Youre drawing.T: Yes. Whats the boy doing

8、?He is flying a kite.出示单词:fly.Ss: fly, fly. fly a kite. T: What shape is the kite ?Ss: Its a .T: Can you draw a circle?Ss:Yes.T: Show us how to Draw.Ss: .(把对话重点内容在教学中逐一解决,便于分散教学难点。)3.Listen to the tape again.再次听课文录音,同时出示课文动画,让学生观看。T: Answer my questions.What shape is the boys kite/bag?What shape is

9、the moon/sun?4.Read after the tape.齐读、男女生读。StepStep 3.Practice.3.Practice.1.分组阅读对话并展示。教师把学生分成五组,每组阅读一部分对话内容然后展示,教师适当奖励。2.T: Can you read ?Ss: Yes.T: Lets have a reading match.课件出示 Apple tree.学生自由选择苹果完成任务并根据完成任务情况,小组竞赛。(这样设计主要是为了激发学生朗读对话的兴趣,借此培养学生正确的语音语调和说英语的勇气,并激发学生学习的兴趣。)3.连句成篇。教师把刚发给学生的对话,让学生排列成完整

10、的对话内容。(主要让学生把熟读的对话片段重新整合成今天所学习的对话,注意对话教学的完整性。)StepStep 4.Homework.4.Homework.1.小组完成朗读任务,可以举行朗读比赛,要求附上录音磁带.2.找出课文中的 What shape is the? Its a/anShow us how to ,并造句。3.预习 Part E,完成任务:How to make a New Year card ?(作业的布置也体现出一定的层次性,学生可以根据自己的能力来完成相应的任务。并且学生在找出文中的四会句型时,又可以整体阅读对话。此外,预习任务的布置,重在让学生养成良好的预习习惯,并不是简单的预习即可,而是带着任务去预习,使预习更有实效性。)


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