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1、润润州区片区合作七年州区片区合作七年级级(上)英(上)英语语教学案教学案润州区片区合作平台 http:/ The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有食吃。课题:课题:Unit3 复习与巩固复习与巩固 主备:吴兰 课型:复习 审核:区七年级英语备课组班级 姓名 学号 【词组复习词组复习】 1. 他最喜欢的科目 his favourite subject 2. 在开放日 on Open Day 3. 开家长会 have a parents meeting 4. 在底楼 on the ground floor 5. 看起来现

2、代 look modern 6. 带领某人参观 show sb. around 7. 在前面 in front of/ in the front of 8. 开会 have meetings/ have a meeting 9. 一个穿白衬衫的男人 the man in a white shirt 10. 在墙上 on the wall 11. 电话里听得清 hear sb. well on the phone 12. 让我想想. Let me see. 13. 向某人问好 say hello to sb. 14. 下课后 after class 15. 与他们一起玩 play with th

3、em 16. 告诉某人某事 tell sb. about sth. 17. 到达学校 get to school 18. 从到 from to 19. 开放/关着的 be open/ closed 20. 阅览室 reading room 21. 各种各样的书 all kinds of books 22. 从图书馆借书 borrow books from the library 23. 远离 far away from 24. 一些教室 a few classrooms 25. 在学校门口 at the school gate 26. 我同学的一些照片 some pictures of my

4、classmates 【重要句型重要句型】 1. Let me show you around. (P32)2. Were now in front of the classroom building. (P32)3. It looks modern. (P32)4. Whos that man in a white shirt? (P32)润润州区片区合作七年州区片区合作七年级级(上)英(上)英语语教学案教学案润州区片区合作平台 http:/ The early bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有食吃。5.When is it

5、open?(P38)6. I go to school on foot every day.(P40)7. It takes me about an hour to get to school. (P40)8.核心语法核心语法 单数复数 第一 人称第二 人称第三人称第一 人称第一 人称第一 人称 主格 宾格 1. The girls name is Helen._ comes from Nanjing. We all love _. 2. My parents are both teachers. _are busy every day and students love_ very much

6、. 3. I have lots of new classmates. Lets me tell you about _. 4. Millie has a little brother._ often looks after_. 【课堂巩固课堂巩固】 一、根据所给中文或单词完成句子。 1. How many _(build)are there in your school? 2. Her dress _(look)very modern. 3. Yao Ming is one of the _(good)players in the world. 4. There are all _(kind

7、)of books in the _(read)room. 5. All the classrooms in this school are big and _(明亮的). 6. -Which is your favourite subject, Jim? -_(地理). 7. The man standing over there is our _(历史)teacher. 8. There are lots of _(现代的)_(build)in our city. 9. We Chinese sometimes_(借)words from English when talking. 10.

8、 Teachers ask us to keep _(日记)every evening. 【课后巩固课后巩固】 一、选出划线部分读音不同的选项。 ( ) 1.A. smallB. alsoC. wallD. walk ( ) 2.A. houseB. aboutC. blouseD. young ( ) 3.A. wrongB. wellC. wholeD. write ( ) 4.A. foodB. bookC. goodD. cook润润州区片区合作七年州区片区合作七年级级(上)英(上)英语语教学案教学案润州区片区合作平台 http:/ The ea

9、rly bird catches the worm. 早起的鸟儿有食吃。( ) 5.A. whoseB. wholeC. whoD. why ( ) 6.A. blackB. knifeC. kiteD. clock 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. There is _ “r” and _ “h” in the world “right.” A. an; an B. a; a C. an; a D. a; an ( ) 2. -_the door, please! -Come in. The door _. A. Be open; opens B. Open; opens C. Be open;

10、 is open D. Open; is open ( ) 3. Amy usually_ from school, but today she goes home by bike. A. walk home B. walk to home C. walks to home D. walks home ( ) 4. Miss Gao often _green trousers. A. put on B. puts on C. wear D. wears ( ) 5. Do you want to ask _to go shopping with you? A. he and I B. I an

11、d he C. me and he D. him and me ( ) 6. -_ does Tom go to school? -By bike. A. When B. What C. Where D. How ( ) 7. _ likes her father and mother _are good parents. A. She; they B. She; they C. Her; Their D. She; they ( ) 8. Welcome _ Sunshine Middle School, boys and girls! A. to B. / C. at D. of ( )

12、9. -_does your mother go shopping? -Once a week. A. How many B. How often C. How much D. How long ( ) 10. My mother is ill, _I have to look after her. A. but B. because C. so D. or ( ) 11. -_,Sandy? -Its 12 September. A. How are you today B. What day is it today C. When is it today D. Whats the date today 三、根据中文翻译句子。 1.明天在学校门口碰头怎么样? What about _ _ the _ _ tomorrow? 2.让我和 Lucy 带你参观黄山湖公园吧。 Let Lucy and _ _ _ _Huangshanhu Park. 3.在底楼有一个图书馆。 There is a _ _ _ _ _. 4.我想要和爷爷问声好。 I would l


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