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1、Unit4 测试题Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)一. 选择填空 (15 分)( )1. What do you need, Mom? I need potato and onion. A. a; a B. an; an C. an; a D. a; an( )2. Where are you going during the summer vacation? Im going to London. Its in . I hear its beautiful there. A. America B. Australia C. Japan D. England ( )3.

2、 He filled the box books.A. with B. for C. of D. in ( )4. What does the look like? It looks like sugar. A. salt B. butter C. corn D. pepper( )5. are all those gifts, Tommy? $20. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often ( )6. What about Bills driving test? He failed it three times. he passed

3、it last week after much practicing. A. First B. Hardly C. Next D. Finally( )7. Did you follow the “Eat-up” Campaign (光盘行动) this lunch? Of course. The restaurant delicious food to us. A. took B. kept C. bought D. served ( )8. How do most people the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节)? Most of the young people

4、 like watching the dragon boat racing. A. report B. celebrate C. choose D. expect( )9. Please hot water into the blender.A. cut B. mix C. pour D. carry( )10. Whats the next step? Oh, please put some meat between two of bread.A. piece B. pieces C. pieces D. pieces( )11. The meat is too large. Lets A.

5、 cut them up B. cut it up C. cut up them D. cut up it( )12. your books in the bookcase, Jerry.A. Put B. To put C. Putting D. Puts ( )13. can you learn English so well? listening to English songs and watching English movies.A. What; In B. What; By C. How; By D. How; In( )14. Its time the mountain. Ar

6、e you ready? Sorry, I forgot to bring water. A. climb B. to climb C. climbing D. climbed( )15. tomato juice do you need? One cup is enough.A. How often B. How many C. How much D. How long二. 完形填空 (10 分)It was late. Bob left his office and 16 his car home. He was happy and the car ran fast. Suddenly (

7、忽然), a 17 hit the car door. Bob got angry. He got out of the car and caught a boy. The boy had the other shoe in his hand. “ 18 did you throw (扔) your shoe at my car?” Bob shouted at (呵斥) the boy 19 . “Im sorry. 20 I dont know what else to do. My sister got hurt. I cried for help but nobody 21 their

8、 car,” the boy said.Bob 22 and saw a girl lying by the road. “She is my elder 23 . She wanted to cross the road but fell off her wheelchair (轮椅). I couldnt get her back.” Bob was moved (感动的 ). He helped the girl back into her 24 .“Thank you. Youre so 25 ,” said the boy.“Thats OK,” said Bob.Life spea

9、ks to our hearts. Sometimes we dont have time to listen and it will throw a shoe at us. ( )16. A. brought B. saw C. bought D. drove( )17. A. book B. shoe C. stone D. ball( )18. A. When B. How C. Why D. Where( )19. A. angrily B. happily C. excitedly D. friendly ( )20. A. But B. And C. So D. If ( )21.

10、 A. heard B. stopped C. started D. got( )22. A. looked after B. looked at C. looked around D. looked up( )23. A. cousin B. sister C. mother D. aunt( )24. A. car B. bike C. bed D. wheelchair( )25. A. tired B. weak C. kind D. outgoing三. 阅读理解 (30 分)AHi! Im Mary Margaret. In early 2008, I asked my dad t

11、o help me build a website to help animals. He said, “Why not help people by the website?” I liked that idea and Kids Are Heroes (英雄) was born (诞生). Lets meet two of our heroes.Sydney Ford loves dancing and she does really well in it. Sydney raised (筹集) the most money from ticket sales of her perform

12、ances in her school. Sydney taught dancing at summer camps. She also worked with kindergarten classes. She dreams being a performing artist one day.In 2008, at the age of 8, Adam Claggett started collecting (收集) food for others in need. In that year, he collected 88 pounds of food from the neighborh

13、ood. Adam collected food every Easter and Thanksgiving. Since (自从) then, he has collected about 14,000 pounds of food and $5,300 for others. 根据以上内容,选择正确答案。( )26. Mary Margaret started Kids Are Heroes to help .A. animals B. plants C. people D. websites( )27. Sydney Ford gave performances in her to ra

14、ise money.A. neighborhood B. summer camp C. kindergarten D. school( )28. Sydney wants to be a / an one day.A. artist B. teacher C. collector D. singer( )29. Adam collected pounds of food all together (一共).A. 88 B. 5,300 C. 14,000 D. 14,388( )30. The underlined phrase “in need” means “” in Chinese.A.

15、 在危险中的 B. 在穷困中的 C. 在破败中的 D. 在孤独中的BToday was Emilys birthday. She was happy and went home quickly after school. “You have to look for your gift on your own,” her sister said. “Here is the first clue (线索).” She gave Emily a piece of paper. Emily opened the note and read, “Clue Number 1: Look inside the car.” She found a bone (骨头) for dogs and another note in the car. “Clue Number 2: Look at the swing.”


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