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1、高二期末复习动词填空专项训练高二期末复习动词填空专项训练 51._ in Paris for nearly 30 years , he knows about it very well.(live) 2.Aspirin was invented in 1897. However, the basic chemical _ to make aspirin can be found in nature.(use)(课文原句) 3.With so many people _ at the back of the classroom, the lecturer felt a little bit ne

2、rvous.(seat) 4. - Has your father come back from Australia ?- Yes, just now he showed the pictures that he _ in Sydney.(take) 5.Online shopping, when properly _ can save us a lot of time and energy.(do) 6.About 2,500 years ago , the Greek physician Hippocrates, father of all doctors made a juice fro

3、m a tree bark _ (contain)salicylic acid for the same effect.(课文原句) 7.Please tell me the way of you thought of _ care of the garden.(take) 8.He named the liquid _ from the mould penicillin.(make)(课文原句) 9._ to the managers plan to increase the sales, some colleagues refused to attend the meeting.(oppo

4、se) 10._ himself to playing computer games, Li Ming cant help spending too much time surfing the Internet.(addict) 11.Square dancing _ to help maintain fitness has caused conflicts between the Damas and the neighboring residents.(claim)12.Whats the best way to reach you if I have a question during t

5、he day? Im glad you _. Its best if you send me an email.(ask) 13.Although a teenager, Yuan Yuan could resist _ what to do and what not to do.(tell)14.The first painting is called Guilin Heights, _ over three meters tall.(measure)(课文原句) 15.Recently a survey _ prices of the same goods in two different

6、 supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens. (compare) 16.The party will be held in the garden, weather _.(permit) 17._ (lose) his parents, Pip lives with his older sister and her husband Joe. 18._ yourself with positive people, and you will keep focused on what you can do instead of what

7、you cant. (surround) 19.When London was bombed , many underground stations _(function) as bomb shelters.(课文原句) 20._ to the hospital, the badly injured woman was immediately operated on so that she could be saved.(rush)高二期末复习动词填空专项训练高二期末复习动词填空专项训练 61.- “Whats made you so upset?” -“_ three tickets to

8、the pop music concert.”(lose) 2.The fish _ delicious, he did enjoy the meal, which made his mother very happy.(taste) 3.Not only _ aspirin _ vital for reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.(prove)(课文原句) 4.Because of the extreme weather,we ha

9、ve to give up our plan to visit the exhibition_.(hold) 5.He felt _ out after a long trip to the mountainous village.(wear) 6.One theory _(explain ) this phenomenon suggests that acupuncture _(block) pain signals from _ (reach) the brain.(课文原句) 7._ (follow) these tips, and your time _(spend) _ (do)re

10、search on the Internet will be much more worthwhile.(课文原句) 8.The hard life in the mountainous area he has adapted to_ a real challenge to anyone. (mean) 9.Ladies and gentlemen, _ the ceremony , _(intend) to celebrate the schools 100th birthday , are our guests, some famous scientists and artists fro

11、m all over the world. 10.The number of road accidents and the deaths _ (arise) those accidents _ (increase) over the past year.(课文原句) 11.Why else would many films _(adapt ) from classics be successful?(课文原句) 12.Tony lent me the money, _ that Id do as much for him.(hope) 13.Burns divided the poem int

12、o four short sections _ (consist) of four lines each. 14.The class teacher came into the classroom and demanded _(tell ) what had happened. 15._ by his appearance, the young man is a worker.(judge) 16.Lots of empty bottles were found under the old mans bed. He must have done nothing but _ (drink) 17

13、.I appreciated _ (give ) the opportunity to study abroad two years ago. 18._ with the size of the food one can carry, the small ant is the strongest one in the world.(compare) 19.With so much attention _ on the program throughout the country, The voice of China became an instant hit.(focus ) 20.The refugees (难民) ran in all directions to avoid _ (bomb)


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