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1、编号: 毕业设计(论文)说明书题 目: 乳酸菌的分离及厨余垃圾乳酸菌的分离及厨余垃圾 生产乳酸的实验研究生产乳酸的实验研究 院 (系): 电子工程学院 专 业: 环境工程 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 职 称: 题目类型:题目类型: 理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 工程技术研究 软件开发2009 年 5 月 15 日桂林电子科技大学毕业设计(论文)报告用纸 第 0 页 共 4 页 摘 要L-乳酸是一种重要的有机酸,无论是在工业领域还是在农业方面,L-乳酸都得到了广泛应用。厨余垃圾在我国城市生活垃圾中占有较大比重,随着人们生活水平的不断提高,厨余垃圾的产生量也不断提高,对环境的影响也日益突出,

2、且具有长期性的特点,因此,处理厨余垃圾势在必行。本研究利用厨余垃圾作为乳酸生产的原料,充分利用其丰富的营养物质,实现资源化,具有重要的环境效益、社会效益及经济效益。本研究首先分别从食堂和菜市场采集厨余垃圾和泡菜汁,混合均匀。采用选择培养基分离乳酸发酵菌种,经过初筛、复筛过程,筛选出优良菌株,并采用生理生化指标:触酶实验、H2S 产生实验和明胶液化实验对其进行鉴定,结合其个体形态及群体形态特征,初步鉴定其为乳酸球菌。测定了其生长条件,实验研究表明其最优 pH 为6.57。实验优化了厨余垃圾发酵乳酸的条件,具体如下:C/N 为 25/1、固液比1/12、pH 6.57、发酵温度 30和发酵时间 3

3、6h。在此条件下进行的实验结果表明:乳酸产量可达到 32.5g/L,转化率为 0.47。同时,实验证明了开放式发酵的总糖浓度变化最大,酸度最高,封闭式发酵甚至低于对照组。相比传统的封闭式发酵,开放式发酵能显著提高食物垃圾的利用率。因此,在保证目的产物产量和纯度不降低的前提下,采用不灭菌的开放式发酵是一种较好的发酵方式。关键词:乳酸球菌;厨余垃圾;发酵;乳酸桂林电子科技大学毕业设计(论文)报告用纸 第 1 页 共 4 页 AbstractL-lactic acid is an important organic acid, it has been used in industry field a

4、nd agriculture field widely. Ktichen garbage has a great part in city solid waste in China.With the improvement of living standard, more and more food waste has been produced. At the same time, it influences the environment and has a long-term feature. Therefore, we need some effective technology to

5、 do with food waste. This study aims to produce lactic acid, it could utilze the abundant nutuition of waste adeduately, decrease the pollution and save the cost for acid bacteria production. It can bring important environmental, societal and economic benefits.This study collected ktichen garbage an

6、d pickle liquor from eatery and food market respectively at first, mixing equably. For lactic acid bacteria was isolated using selective media, I filtrated excellent high-yield strain by first and second filtration. After the physiological and chemical experiments including catalase experiment, sulf

7、ureted hydrogen production experiment and glutin liquefaction experiment, integrating the its individual and group characteristics, the isolated strains were identified as lactic acid cocci preliminarily. In addition, I determination its growth condition, experiment shows that the optimum pH is 6.57

8、. Single factor experiment was utilizd to determine the corresponding optimum conditions for acid bacteria production as followed, ration of carbon and nitrogen of 25/1, ration of solid to liquid of 1/12, pH of 6.57, fementation temperature of 30, culture time of 36h. The experiment under the optimu

9、m condition is conformed to be 32.5g/L and the translation rate is 0.47.At the same time, experiments prove that nonsterilized fermentation has higher total suger conversion and acidity than sterilized fermentation, however sterilized fermentation even less than the contrast. Therefore, compare with

10、 the traditional sterilized fermentation, nonsterilized fermentation can improve the utilization of ktichen garbage significantly. So, In the premise of certifying the production and purity not ruduction, using nonsterilized fermentation is a better fermentation mode.Keyword:Lactic acid bacteria;Kti

11、chen garbage;Fermentation; Lactic acid桂林电子科技大学毕业设计(论文)报告用纸 第 0 页 共 4 页 目 录引言.1 1 1 绪论.21.1 厨余垃圾的产生、处理技术现状.21.1.1 厨余垃圾的产生及特征概述.21.1.2 厨余垃圾处理技术现状.21.1.3 国内外厨余垃圾资源化现状.61.2 乳酸的发展现状.61.2.1 乳酸简介.61.2.2 微生物乳酸发酵生产的概况.71.2.3 乳酸用途.71.3 利用厨余垃圾生产乳酸研究现状.91.4 本论文研究的目的、意义和内容.9 2 实验材料与方法.102.1 实验材料.102.1.1 主要原料.102.1.2 菌种.



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