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1、第 1 页 教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设 恒恒谦谦教育教学教育教学资资源源库库 适用于新课程各种版本教材的教学适用于新课程各种版本教材的教学 全国统一客服电话:400-715-6688Unit 6Accidents! 本单元围绕学生日常生活中可能发生的事故,比如说日常生活、交通、运动、厨房等情况展 开教学活动,让学生提高安全意识,远离危险,学会保护自己;不伤害自己,不伤害他人;同时, 让学生发挥想象力,创造力,模拟情景,学会合作; 而祈使句让学生结合实际练习;帮助学生 提高了辨别是非、对错的能力。 一、教学目标:一、教学目标: 高频词汇careful, actor, accid

2、ent, serious, patient, rule, safety, drop, height, bathroom, careless, instead, soap, edge, save, warn, recover 常考句型Be careful with knives! How terrible! Dont be scared!知识重点语法学习祈使句,正确使用这类句子,来告知人们什么事应 该做,什么事不应该做。 听在一定的时间内保持注意力的集中,并能够获取听力材 料所提供的有关事故的特定信息。 说能够根据情景,发挥想象力,用所学知识来描述事件、 人物和人物的感情。 读通过文章的学习,感

3、受事故带来的悲惨,引起我们对在 灾难降临之际如何自救的思考。技能 写通过写作训练,掌握用英语来描述事情的特征及发生的 先后顺序,要有连贯性和逻辑性。二、教学设计:二、教学设计: 在本单元的教学设计中,采用了任务型教学途径,并借助了多媒体等教学辅助手段。游戏和 竞赛贯穿于整个教学过程,使学生保持浓厚的学习兴趣。为本课设计了做游戏、图片鉴赏、竞猜、 讨论、以及小组、讨论等多项活动,充分体现了“做中学”的新课程理念。在实际教学中,引导学 生围绕各种事故开展一系列活动,帮助学生认识到安全的重要性;引出“怎样使生活更安全”这一 话题,促使学生参与积极讨论,以便于学生通过交流掌握交通多方面的情况。Less

4、on 41 After an Accident I. Teaching goals: Instructional objectives: 1. Help the students grasp the main idea of this passage and useful expressions. 2. The students use creative role-play to review and learn vocabulary about accidents. Educational objectives 1. To improve the students ability of co

5、-operation, analyzing the problems and communication in English. 2. To strengthen the students consciousness to obey the traffic rules and learn how to protect themselves. II. Difficult points: 1. Useful phrases: accident, refuse acting, victim, pretend, warning, reporter, dont have to, have an acci

6、dent1. Please Take Care! 2. Important sentences:2. Why didnt you listen to my warning? 3. Are you badly hurt, Jenny? III. Teaching aids: multimedia, tape, recorder, flashcard第 2 页 教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设 恒恒谦谦教育教学教育教学资资源源库库 适用于新课程各种版本教材的教学适用于新课程各种版本教材的教学 全国统一客服电话:400-715-6688IV. Teaching procedures: S

7、tep 1. Discussion Come to “Think About It”. Let the students discuss the three questions in small groups and help them to understand what is an accident? What should we do when we meet an accident? Write down the suggestions and teach the students what to do with an accident. For example: Call the p

8、olice. Call 110 / 120. stop the traffic take care of the victim (Encourage the students to find more ways to help others, care about the others.) Step 2. Review Show the pictures of traffic signs to the students one by one quickly, and get the students to know the meaning.Step 3. Leading-in We must

9、know some signs and warnings, protect ourselves. Now look at the pictures: What are they doing? Did they have an accident? Read the text and answer the questions below: 1. What are they doing? 2. What does Jenny want to be? 3. What do Brian and Danny want to be? 4. Why is Jenny angry? (Let the stude

10、nts answer the questions quickly. The teacher can have a competition among the students.) Step 4. Exercise 1. I want to do something. 我想演戏。 do 此处的意思可以解释为“演出”。 e.g. We did only comedies this season. 这个演季我们只演喜剧。 e.g. Mr. Smith will do Hamlet. 史密斯先生要扮演哈姆雷特。 2. I dont have to pretend. I am her friend. 我

11、没有必要装。我就是她的朋友。 (1) dont have to neednt do sth. dont need to do sth “不必做某事”的意思。 it is unnecessary to do sth. e.g. There is a lot of time left. We dont have go hurry. 时间还很多,我们不必着急。 e.g. She doesnt leave at once.第 3 页 教师备课、备考伴侣 专注中国基础教育资源建设 恒恒谦谦教育教学教育教学资资源源库库 适用于新课程各种版本教材的教学适用于新课程各种版本教材的教学 全国统一客服电话:400

12、-715-6688她没有立刻离开。 (2) pretend 意思是“假装,佯作”,后接动词不定式或宾语从句。 e.g. Why dont you pretend to be Jennys friend? 你假装詹妮的朋友不好吗? e.g. She pretended to be studying when his mother came back. 当妈妈回来时,她假装在学习。 3. Are you badly hurt, Jenny? 詹妮,你伤得很重吗? badly 此处的意思是“非常;在很大程度上”,常与表示匮乏、需要等词语连用或与表示 不良情况的词语连用。例如: The school

13、is badly in need of history teachers. 这所学校急需历史老师。 He wants to see her badly. 他很想见到她。 badly 还可以作“不好;不适或不能令人满意的方式”解。例如: They played football badly. 他们球踢得很糟。 4. I told her to stop, but she refused! 我告诉她停止,但她拒绝了! refuse 动词,意思是“谢绝,推辞;不准,不肯”。 Refuse + 名词。例如: He refused the gift. 他拒绝了礼物。 refuse + to do 例如:

14、 The children refused to listen to me. 这些小孩子不肯听我的话。 Step 5. Class activity Divide the class into groups of three. Ask each group member to take one of three roles and act out the dialogue. Step 6. Play about accidents 老师可以提供不同事故的场景供学生参考。 在活动中让学生体验 How to respond to an accident. Step 7. Summary Step

15、8. Project 1. Revise the useful expressions. 2. Write a short passage about how to face an accident.Lesson 42 Be Careful, Danny! I. Teaching goals: Instructional objectives: 1. Help the students grasp the main idea of this passage and useful expressions. 2. Teach the students how to write a report a

16、bout an accident. Educational objectives: 1. To improve the students ability of analyzing the problems and communication in English. 2. To strengthen the students consciousness to safety and learn how to protect themselves. II. Difficult points: 1. Useful phrases: careful, ceiling, serious ladder, injure, fault, ambulance, fall on top of 1. Isnt it beauti


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