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1、1在阳江市阳东一中高三(在阳江市阳东一中高三(15)班的听课反)班的听课反 思思罗厚健2015.11.27 我受邀到阳东一中听课、学习,在该校的高三(15)班听了一节高效课堂背景下的高三一轮阅读复习课,收益良多。教学步骤教学步骤Step1 Ss read the vocabulary together. Step2 Ss explain the topic.Step3 Ss read the passage individually. (5)Setp4 Ss chosen from groups read the passage, and others correct it voluntari

2、ly if they have any doubt. Step5 present three questions in Chinese on the blackboard, and then get Ss to correct and explain. Step6 Ss read the vocabularies on the textbook one by one and some Ss help rectify.Step7 Ss finish单词狂背自测单 (10)The lesson is hosted by two Ss and T support if necessary. 教学反思

3、教学反思1、该课课型属于高三英语阅读复习课。能做到回归课本,突出重点(3 问 5 答和词汇积累) ,针对考查内容有的放矢,较好。2、学生参与度高,表现欲强,并能充分体现学生的课堂主体地位。23、学习过程合作学习意识强,情感属于自然流露,有利学生素质提升。4、课堂设计合理,有自学有讨论,有呈现有检查,有主体有补充,较好。5、建议:把狂背自测单多样化,让学生自由选择检测方式,满足各层次学生需求。可供选择的检测方式一:可供选择的检测方式一:Unit 4 Body language 一、请根据各句上下文的意义,选择正确的单词填入空白处。第一组:adult, yawn, curious, express

4、, general, major, gesture, action, represent, chest1 When people become tired or bored, they often _. 2 My English is so poor that I can hardly _ myself. 3 My car needs some _ repairs, so it will be days before I get it back. 4 The bullet(子弹) hit him in the _ and he died soon. 5 As a saying goes, _

5、speak louder than words. 6 He _ his country in the mens 100-meter finals and won a bronze medal. 7 I dont know their language but we can communicate with each other by using different _. 8 The cooking oil is running out. Please go and get some at the _ store nearby. 9 Young children are often _ abou

6、t everything new to them. 10 This film is for _ only, so children under 18 are not allowed to see it.第二组:stranger, avoid, facial, introduce, cheek, punish, similar, comedy, spoken, approach, touch, agreement, misunderstand11 In order to _ being robbed of your things, youd better not go out at such a

7、 late hour. 12 He _ me to a Greek girl at the party and soon we became good friends. 13 Whoever breaks the law should be _. 14 This is a romantic _ and gives us lots of laughter. 15 We heard the sound of a car _. 16 In most countries people show _ by nodding their heads up and down. 17 People from d

8、ifferent cultures may sometimes _ each other. 18 After seeing the film, I was _ to tears. 19 As long as you keep practicing speaking, your _ English will become better and better. 20 I bought this hat yesterday. It is _ to yours.321 I kissed her on the _ and said goodbye to her. 22 Just smile! You k

9、now a smile is the universal _ expression. 23 Weve told our daughter not to speak to _.二、把下列短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):be likely to at ease shake hands (with sb) in general 1. _, Japanese cars are reliable and breakdowns are rare. 2. It _ rain, for dark clouds are gathering. 3. People usually _ when

10、meeting for the first time. 4. I never feel completely _ with him.可供选择的检测方式二:话题单词挖空可供选择的检测方式二:话题单词挖空19. A Misunderstanding 一场误会In general, spoken statements are the major way of communication, but body language and facial expressions also have such kinds of function. For example, yawning means being

11、 not interested and turning ones back to someone or swinging your fist shows your anger. But what those gestures really mean is subjective in different cultures. Thus, misunderstandings happen now and then in todays world of cultural crossroads. Once, representing the Adults Education Association, I

12、 went to the airport to meet an official of high rank from Columbia and take him to his dormitory and then to the canteen. After the flight arrived, I saw a man looking around curiously. So I approached to greet him. He suddenly dashed to hug me and kissed me on both cheeks. As a young girl, I felt

13、truly embarrassed and put up my hands to defend myself. His false smile told me that he had lost face. Later, I received a cassette from him, in which he recorded his apology. On hearing that Columbians were more likely to kiss others, I soon felt at ease. 通常通常说说来来,口口头头表达表达是人们交流的主要主要方法,但是肢体语言和面部面部表情

14、也有这种功能功能。 例如,打哈欠打哈欠意味着不感兴趣,背背对对别人或向其挥舞拳拳头头表达的是愤愤怒怒。但是在不同的文化 中那些手势表达的真正意思是很主主观观的的。由此,误误会会就时不时地发生在今天这个文化交叉交叉碰撞的世界里。 有一回,我代表成人代表成人教育协协会会到机场去接一位从哥哥伦伦比比亚亚来的高级级官员,我得带他到宿宿 舍舍和食堂食堂。当他的航班航班到达时,我看见一名男子好奇地好奇地东张西望,于是走上前去走上前去和他打招呼打招呼。 他突然猛冲猛冲过来拥拥抱抱我,还亲了我的脸颊脸颊。还是个年轻姑娘的我感到真真尴尬,不由自主举起 手来保保护护自己。他的假假笑告诉我他感到丢丢了面子了面子。

15、后来,我收到他送来的一盒磁磁带带,里面录了他的道歉。当听到这只是因为哥伦比亚人更 倾倾向于向于见面时互相亲吻时,我很快就感到轻轻松安心松安心了。可供选择的检测方式三:教材挖空可供选择的检测方式三:教材挖空 The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from 4Britain. After I met them and then introduced them to each other, I was very surprised. Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek! She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence. I guessed that there was probably a major misunderstanding. Then Akira Nagata from Japan came in smiling, together with George


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