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1、高三英语一轮复习学案(高三英语一轮复习学案(Unit 2 句型)句型)制作人 : 杨福云 2016 -9 21 I :学习目标:学习目标: 学习运用第二单元重点句型: 1. with 复合结构 2. be doing.when 3. 祈使句+and you will II:学习重难点:学习重难点: 以上各句型在各题型中的运用 III:高考链接:高考链接: 以上句型是高考高频句型,在近几年的高考题中都有体现,主要体现在语法填 空和改错中。 IV 学习过程学习过程 I).复习复习(我背所以我会)(我背所以我会) i)整理 Units 1-2 所学相关单词的词性变化:stress support s

2、ocial peace complain volunteer treat organize react admire confident violent compete injure tradition celebrate graduate ii)Unit1 书面表达:In the past, Tom used to switch on the TV after rupturing home from school. He preferred watching relaxing cartoons. Watching TV took up most of his spare time, whic

3、h made him tired ,.Recognising this problem ,he decided to get rid of this unhealthy lifestyle, which was a challenge to him. Now ,he often takes part in social activities and takes exercise. II)授新授新(我学所以我会)(我学所以我会) i)用所给词的适当形式填空 1. With so many people _(communicate) in English every day, we can see

4、 it will be more and more important _(have) a good knowledge of English. 2. With all the books he was interested in _(buy),Tom left the bookshop with great satisfaction. 3. With a lot of homework _(do),I cant go skating with you. 4. In summer, she usually sleeps with the windows _(close) 整理 with 复合结

5、构 With +n /pron. + _ 高考链接: 1._ two exams to worry about , I have to work really hard this weekend.(2014,北京) 2.With a lot of difficult problems_(settle),the newly-elected president is having a hard time.(02,上海,春) 3.It was a pity that the great writer died _with his works unfinished.4,Tom received an

6、invitation to dinner, and with his work _(finish), he gladly accepted it.(07 皖) 5. Sorry ,with so much work _(fill) my mind, I almost break down 6.Now that weve discussed our problem ,are people happy with the decisions _(take)(09,全国 I 卷) 易混点辨析: 1. It is said that Chinese people are living for other

7、s, _ the Americans are for themselves. 2. _ travel can broaden your mind , I dont think its a good idea to spend too much time and money on it . 3. As is known to us ,_there is a life ,there is hope.ii)单句语法填空 1. She opened her eyes with a start and was about to cry out _she heard her father urgently

8、 telling to keep quiet. 2. The children _(play) football happily on the playground when it began to rain heavily. 3. The woman teacher ,together with her pupils ,was crossing the street_ a heavy truck drove towards them. 4. The professor had just finished his speech _students rushed out of the class

9、room. 5. We were discussing the problem _ there was a power failure. 整理句型:正在干这时 be doing.when正在这时 be about to dowhen正打算做这时 be just going to dowhen正要这时 be on the point of doing when正要这时 Had just done when刚就在这时 高考链接 1. Tom was walking with her family in a wildlife park _ she was bitten on the leg by a

10、 lion .(04,上海) 2. On Friday ,we were packing to leave for a weekend _my daughter heard cries for help,(11,浙江) iii) 单句语法填空 1._(forget)the past, and youll see the door of a new bright world open before you. 2.Give up smoking ,_ you may die of lung cancer. 3.Call me tomorrow_ I will let you know the la

11、b result. 整理句型祈使句 + and youll 祈使句+or/otherwise 高考链接 1-.English has large vocabulary ,hasnt it? -Yes,_(know)more words and expressions and you will find it easier to read and communicate.(04,上海) 2Start out right away ,_you will miss the first bus.(06 四川) 3. Stand over there _you will be able to see t

12、he oil painting better.(08 全国 II 卷) 4. One more hour_ I will get the work finished. 易混点辨析 1._ (do)morning exercises makes us healthy. 2.By the 1880s, _(rise)incomes meant that many ordinary workers and their families could have holiday at the seaside. 3.改错: Getting up early 课堂练习 1.(2014 湖北高考写作) 我去书店

13、的路上,在一个十字路口等绿灯,这时一个大约十岁的女孩被一辆驶 过的车撞倒了,车辆迅速开走了。 I was on my way to my bookstore and _ a girl of about ten was knocked down by a passing car ,which drove off quickly. 2. 如果你更加努力学习,在学习上你就会取得成功。 _,and you will succeed in your studies. 3.A bit more effort ,and you _(settle) the problem. 4. _(work)harder,

14、 you will succeed in you studies. 5.It is _(amaze)that you should finish such a difficult task in half an hour. 6.Much to my _(amaze),he has made rapid progress in English. 7.Any man will be equal _ the task ,so long as he is careful .You should give it a try. 8.We have to struggle _ all kinds of di

15、fficulties ,from home to abroad. 9The children talked so loudly at dinner that I had to struggle _ (hear) 10.Her _ (promote)to be Sales Manager took everyone by surprise. 课下跟踪练习 语法填空(1)语法填空(2)学习心得:你是否发现,只要你认真复习,可以学的很好,不管基础怎样,只要认真。记学习心得:你是否发现,只要你认真复习,可以学的很好,不管基础怎样,只要认真。记 住:每天记忆,每天积累,充满信心,高考就是你的。让我们不停努力,拼搏到最后!住:每天记忆,每天积累,充满信心,高考就是你的。让我们不停努力,拼


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