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1、2017 届高三语法复习(八)届高三语法复习(八) 情态动词的基本用法情态动词的基本用法1.1)She / sing the song in English. 她能用英语唱这首歌。Mozart / play the piano at the age of three. He sing this song in English in a few hours, too. Luckily, he escape from the big fire in the end. = Luckily, he managed to escape from the big fire in the end.I (wo

2、rk)out the problem , but I was too nervous. 2) -Could / Can I use your bike? -Yes, you . / No,you .3) How could you do such a silly thing? 你怎么能做那样的蠢事呢?4) You cannot be too/over careful while driving. This point cannot be overemphasized.I cannot recommend the film too strongly.I cannot but choose to

3、leave. I cant help but often think of my grandparents.Hearing the bad news, she couldnt help crying 2. 1)May / Might I play basketball this afternoon? Yes, you . / No,you 2) God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!3)What you say may well be true. Her appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize her.

4、Liza well not want to go on the trip she hates traveling.If that is the case, we may as well try. I may as well start off at once. He is very proud. You as well talk to a brick wall, as speak to him. 3. 1)We must work hard. He said that we must work hard. Its getting late. I have to go. / He has to

5、go. There was no bus, so they had to walk home.If there is no bus, we will have to walk home.2)Must I finish the homework ? Yes, you . / No,you / . You play football in the street.你一定不能在街上踢足球。 You / tell him about it.你不必把这件事告诉他。3)If you must smoke, please go out. Why must you be so stubborn?As I was

6、 sitting down to supper, the telephone must ring.The machine must break down at this busy hour.4 .1) You should / ought to keep your promise. We should / ought to stop the waste from polluting our environment. -Ought he to go? - Yes, he . / No, he .2).It is unfair that so many people should lose the

7、ir jobs. You cant imagine that such a gentleman should be so rude to a lady. Why should you be so late? -What s Toms telephone number? -How should I know?I should think you are the very person for the job.5.1) I will stop smoking . Let her do that, if she will. I have told him again and again to sto

8、p smoking,but he will not listen.They asked if I would help them again.- I would / will do anything for you .2) -Would/Will you come and see me next Sunday?Yes, I .Wont you sit down?Would you like to go with me? Would / Do you mind leaving your address?3).He will sit there hour after hour looking at

9、 the traffic go by. Every time she was in trouble, she would go to him for help.When we were boys we used to/ would go swimming every summer. He would go to the park as soon as he was freePeople used to believe that the earth was flatI used to live in Beijing He used to be a writer.Used you to like

10、opera?/ Did you use to like opera?I usednt to like opera/ I didnt use to like opera 4) Fish will die without water. Oil will float on water. Boys will be boys.The door won t open. The wound would not heal.6. 1) Shall we begin our class? Shall the driver wait outside?2)You shall have my answer tomorr

11、ow.He shall be sorry for it one day.Nothing shall stop us from carrying out the plan.It has been announced that candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.7.1) We need to think it over. The old man needs your help.The flower needs watering / needs to be watered.T

12、he little girl dares to speak in public.2) You dont need to worry about it. / You neednt worry about itDo you need to go now? / Need you go now ?He doesnt dare (to) go out at night. / He dare not go out at night.He didnt dare (to )do that. / He dared not do that.Does he dare to go home alone? / Dare

13、 he go home alone?3) I dare say it will be rainy tomorrow.-Need you do the thing right now? -Yes ,I must. / No ,I neednt.8.1)It is pretty cold. Youd better put on my coat. Shed better not play with the dog. 2)I would rather stay here than go home. =I would stay here rather than go home. 2017 届高三语法复习

14、(八)届高三语法复习(八) 情态动词表示推测情态动词表示推测1.1) He must be ill . He looks so pale.There must be something wrong with the computer He must be reading novels now. They are playing basketball.They must have finished their homework.He must have completed his work;otherwise,he wouldnt be enjoying himself by the The r

15、oad is wet. It must have rained last night.-Why didnt you answer my phone call?-Well, I must have been sleeping, so I didnt hear it.2) He may(might)be working in the office. Im not sure.I suppose he may(might)have read about the news in the newspaper. Some people who dont like to talk much are not necessarily shy;they may just be quiet Sorry,Im late.I might have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.附:附: You could be right, I suppose.Don worrythey could


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