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1、毕毕 业业 论论 文文题目:我国机电产品出口问题研究以东莞普林斯机电设备有限公司为例学院:江西理工大学应用科学学院姓名:xx专业班级:国际经济与贸易 102 班学号:xxxxxxx指导老师:xxx我国机电产品出口问题研究以东莞普林斯机电设备有限公司为例摘 要机电行业是民生行业,是众多行业的根基,一个国家的发展必须建立在强大的机电 行业的基础上。在全球经济一体化的大环境下,各行业经济发展的道路平棘不一,机电 产品出口贸更是跌宕起伏,但从大体上看,机电产品行业仍保持着高增长率,并始终独 占世界经济行业老大的地位,而一个国家的发展便不得不依附于机电行业的崛起。 本文通过对我国自改革开放以来的机电行业

2、的发展航程和目前整个机电行业所展现 的一个状态加以分析总结,在以小看大通过对东莞普林斯的机电产品外贸发展之路为引 子综合各方面因素论述了我国机电行业的为什么出口受阻、为什么海外市场国越来越难 开发以及揭露了自身出现的问题如:出口结构不合理、市场分布不合理、企业运营管理 不合理、产品更新换代慢、国家地方政府的饮鸩止渴政策。从国际大体上描述国际贸易 环境变化对中国机电行业带来的不利影响。之后总结种种诸多不足,借以提出个人无才 之见。文章的阐述证明了企业自身的发展需要提升出口产品的创新度和质量、行业商会 和政府政策的扶持以及转化我国机电产业出口战略和概念是应对国际贸易壁垒的重要手 段。关键字:机电产

3、品;技术壁垒;自主创新;贸易保护主义;产品结构IThe mechanical and electrical products export problem research in our country-Blince machinery and electronic co.ltdABSTRACT Mechanical and electrical products industry is one of the largest industries in the international market, the industrial countries and some developing

4、countries regard the expansion of mechanical and electrical products as an important strategic goal of economic development. In the process of change in the world economic development, mechanical and electrical products exports despite ups and downs, but overall world economic growth has been higher

5、 than the growth rate of world trade and development, plays an increasingly important role in world economic activity . Based on the course and the status of research on the development of Chinas machinery and electronic products, focuses on the export of electromechanical products experienced natio

6、nal technical barriers exist on the export market structure and distribution problems, lack of internal and export of electromechanical products revealed the existence of their own as well as macro lack of policy support; Foreign describe the adverse effects of environmental change on international

7、trade brings. And on this basis, the proposed related coping strategies. Article highlighted the development of enterprises in order to promote their products to enhance the export structure, industry and policy support for the mechanical and electrical products, is an important means to improve the

8、 quality of export of electromechanical industry to deal with international trade barriers.Key words: Mechanical and electronic products;Technical barriers;Independent innovation;Trade protectionism;Product structureII目 录摘 要.IABSTRACT.II引 言.11 我国机电产品出口背景及意义.21.1 机电产品的定义.21.2 机电产品出口背景分析.21.2.1 机电产品国际

9、贸易的重要性.21.2.2 加入世界贸易组织对我国机电产品出口的双面影响.21.3 机电产品的出口对我国经济增长的意义.21.3.1 机电产品出口横向上可以拓宽贸易增长点,纵向上可以扩大对外贸易规模.31.3.2 扩大机电产品出口有利于我国机电行业技术水平的提高.31.3.3 扩大机电产品出口可以增加国家利税收入,提高企业经济效益31.3.4 扩大机电产品出口可以创造就业机会,增加就业.32 我国机电产品出口情况分析.42.1 我国机电产品出口发展历程.42.1.1 开始阶段(20 世纪 50 年代-1984 年).42.1.2 发展阶段(1985-1994 年).42.1.3 飞速发展阶段(1995-至今).42.2 我国机电产品出口现状及原因.52.2.1 出口规模不断扩大,市场相对集中.5III2.2.2 出口结构趋向合理化.52.2.3 主要贸易方式依然以加工贸易为主.53 我国机电产品出口面临的问题.63.1 机电产品出口面临的技术壁垒问题.63.1.1 技术壁垒的定义及主要形式.63.1.2 技术壁垒


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