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1、考点归纳拓展基础知识通关考点归纳拓展基础知识通关写 作 必 备基础词汇1burden n 负负担2reward v. 奖赏奖赏3pressure n. 压压力4creative adj. 富创创造力的5outstanding adj. 杰出的必考话题2 家庭、朋友与周围的人考点归纳拓展基础知识通关6diligent adj. 勤奋奋的7admire 钦钦佩;欣赏赏8be tired out 疲劳劳9bring up 抚抚养10behave oneself 举举止规规距11be pleased with 对对满满意12lose heart 灰心;泄气 考点归纳拓展基础知识通关提分句型1It is

2、 a common phenomenon in society that people are getting politer than they used to be.人们们比过过去更有礼貌,这这是社会上的普遍现现象。2Nowadays more and more people are concerned about .当今,越来越多的人关心自己的健康。考点归纳拓展基础知识通关3In order to arouse his fathers attention of health,Li Ming reminded him of the bad effect of smoking.为为了唤唤醒他

3、父亲对亲对 健康的意识识,李明提醒他吸烟的害处处。4According to the survey,the number of the smoking people is tremendous.根据这项调查这项调查 ,吸烟者的数量是惊人的。 考点归纳拓展基础知识通关美 文 赏 析素材示例 (2011江苏卷)下面这这幅照片展现现了女儿为为回家的妈妈妈妈 拿包的情景。请请根据你对这对这幅照片的理解用英语语写一篇短文。你的短文应应包含以下内容:(1)描述照片内容,如情景、人物、动动作等等;(2)结结合自身实际实际 ,谈谈谈谈 你的感想;(3)举举例说说明你能为为家长长减负负做些什么。 考点归纳拓展基

4、础知识通关注意:(1)可参照图图中文字及下面文章开头头所给给提示,作必要的发挥发挥 想象;(2)词词数150左右。开头头已经经写好,不计计入总词总词 数;(3)作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。The burden of students has been a hot topic for years,but the load of parents has received little attention,especially from their own children._考点归纳拓展基础知识通关The burden of students has been a hot topic f

5、or years,but the load of parents has received little attention,especially from their own children.As can be seen from the picture, a mother comes back home,tired out.To ease the pain in her back,a little girl removes the heavy load from moms shoulders and mom with a big smile on her face is deeply m

6、oved.佳作播报 考点归纳拓展基础知识通关The picture makes me lost in thought.Parents spare no effort to bring us up. They are always devoted selflessly to us and dont expect any reward.As their children,we must do something to ease their load.Firstly,we must behave ourselves and not make them worry about us,which wou

7、ld reduce their mental pressure. Secondly,we can do something small,such as making a cup of tea,preparing a simple meal or turning on light music for them when they return from work,which sometimes makes a great difference to them.Finally,we should help them do some housework regularly.考点归纳拓展基础知识通关1

8、.tired out.是形容词词短语语作伴随状语语。模拟拟 I stopped working and went home,cold and hungry.我又冷又饿饿,停下工作就回家了。2with a big smile on her face是with的复合结结构。模拟拟 I just sat there with tears in my eyes, unable to say a word.我只能坐在那儿,眼含泪水,一句话话也说说不出来。考点归纳拓展基础知识通关3.,which would reduce their mental pressure.此句是由which引导导的非限制性定语语

9、从句。模拟拟 I said nothing ,which made my teacher very angry.我什么也没说说,这这使得我老师师非常生气。 考点归纳拓展基础知识通关.核心单词1_adj.紧张紧张 的;焦虑虑的2_adj.严严格的;严厉严厉 的3_vt.(故意)避开4_vt.讨厌讨厌 ;不喜欢欢5_adv.立即,即刻6_vt.承认认考点归纳拓展基础知识通关7_adj.有趣的;可笑的_vt.娱乐娱乐;使快乐乐_n娱乐娱乐 ;快乐乐8_adj.精力充沛的_n精力;能源9_adj.聪聪明的_n智力10_adj.有组织组织 的;有系统统的_vt.组织组织 _n组织组织 11_adj.耐心

10、的n.病人_adv.耐心地_n耐心12_vt.感激_n感激;欣赏赏考点归纳拓展基础知识通关13_vt. 但不可以说It is sure that.。(2)be sure of表示主语感到“有把握,确信”,be sure to do表示主语“一定,必然会”,指别人的看法。 考点归纳拓展基础知识通关 as a result结结果经经典例句The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only was teachers energy saved, but students became more interested in the lesso

11、ns.教学中计计算机的使用,不仅节仅节 省了老师师的精力,而且学生对课对课 程产产生了兴兴趣。 (1)as a result of 因为;由于(2)result in 导致result from 起因于;由造成考点归纳拓展基础知识通关They departed as a result of the endless quarrels.The endless quarrels _ their departure.Their departure _ the endless quarrels.由于无休止的争吵,他们们分手了。答案 resulted in;resulted from考点归纳拓展基础知识通

12、关【巧学助记】考点归纳拓展基础知识通关集 训 中 心.对比填空 1用与result有关的短语完成下列句子He works harder. _, he has made rapid progress._ his working harder, he has made rapid progress.His carelessness _ so many mistakes.So many mistakes _ his carelessness.答案 As a result;As a result of resulted in;resulted from考点归纳拓展基础知识通关2用与sure有关的短语完

13、成下列句子Mother _ all the lights are turned off before she goes to bed every night.I _ he will succeed in the college entrance examination.I _ his success in the college entrance examination.答案 makes sure that am sure that;am sure of考点归纳拓展基础知识通关.单项填空1(2014青岛高三一模)A lot of research and studies have shown

14、that Trench oil(地沟油), taken out from kitchen waste, _ the increase of cancer.Aresults in Battends toCsticks to Dobjects to 答案 A 考查动词短语意义。句意:很多研究表明来自厨房垃圾的地沟油会导致癌病机率的增长。result in“导致”;attend to“处理”;stick to“坚持”;object to“反对”。考点归纳拓展基础知识通关2I looked through my homework _ that nothing had been missed.Amaking sure Bmade sureCto be made sure Dto make sure答案 D 句意:我浏览了一下我的作业,确保没落下什么东西。不定式短语作目的状语。考点归纳拓展基础知识通关核 心 句 型 Shes kind and patient, and she explains English grammar so clearly that even I can understand it! 她很和蔼蔼,并且有耐心,她解释释英语语语语 法非常清楚,甚至连连我都能理解! (1)句中包含了“so.


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