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1、Unit11-12 1. suggestion n.2. perform vt.3. traditional adj.4. variety n.5. satisfy vt.6. intelligence n.7. comedy n.建议表演;执行传统的多样性使满足智力;智能喜剧8. exhibition n.9. treat v.10. announcement n.11. musical adj.12. contain vt.13. spread vt.14. record vt. road B. coming; way C. to come; road D. to come; wayBma

2、ke way forput sb. in the way of sth.put sb. out of the wayby the way; on the / ones way; in the way挡道,妨碍在路上为让道给某人获得的机会暗杀,除去,拘禁顺便说一下3. The magic, many strange creatures and the adventure Harry comes acrossThe thought came across my mind.=It occurred to me thatcome aboutcome alongcome downcome back发生再

3、努力一点,赶快 塌陷,崩溃,(物价,气温)下降, (雨,雪等)落下 回来,再度流行1.偶然发现或遇见 2.出现于中come fromcome income offcome on come outcome overcome roundcome through出身于,来自,源自涨潮;上市,开始流行;上台执政;吸引发生,成功, 进展,脱落,掉下来吧,进步,雨/季/夜/病到来显现,消息传出,真相大白,出版从远处来,改变立场/意见非正式访问,改变观念,再来度过遭遇/受伤/危险,打通电话come tocome upcom e uponLast week I was on business in Beiji

4、ng and_my old roommate, who said Li Jian, a friend of us, _ a car accident the month before.A.came across; had come up B.ran into; met withC.came across;had met with D.met with;came across恢复知觉,达到,升至,降至草木长出地面,发生,(to)达到,( with)赶上突袭,偶然发现/遇见C4the exciting musical style fromlive in the western styleDo yo

5、u have a chair in this style?in styleout of styleLong hair is of course_. Even girls love wearing short hair.A.out of style B.out of modernC.behind the time D.in the latest styleA过西式生活流行地,优雅地,豪华地过时They are living in style.作风,方式,风格; 款式; 风度,品格6. so the next time you look for a tape the moment/the minu

6、te/the instantevery time each time(the) last timeany time the second timeI recognized him_I saw him.A.moment B.the minute C.while D.any time一就每次就 每当时上次时无论何时在第二 次时B相当于一个连词词组,“(当)下次的时候”,引导时 间状从.Next time you come in, please close the door.5. Jk Rowling has written a series of booksa television seriesa

7、 series of articles about pollutiona series of car accidentsHe suffered a series of mishaps.Two_ of textbooks, will have been tried.A.series B.serie C.copy D.set 电视连续剧一系列有关污染的文章一连串车祸一连串不幸 A一系列,一连串7. what to do about his life.I must do something about these broken windows.I dont know _ to do about hi

8、m.I dont know _ to deal with him.whathow8. There is no choice in this matter.make a choice have no choice but to do sth.作出选择别无选择只能9. the power of love.brain power the power of hearingbeyond(out of) ones powerwithin ones powercome into power/take powerin power in ones power智力听力力所不及力所能及上台掌权当权在控制之下10.

9、when he is in trouble.Whats the trouble?Thank you for your trouble.have trouble in doinghave no trouble in doingput sb. to the trouble of doingask/look for troubletake great trouble to do怎么啦?不辞辛苦做某事自找麻烦,自讨苦吃毫不费力使某人陷入困境做某事遇到困难谢谢你费神。get into trouble他使他父母头痛不已。陷入困境He is a great trouble to his parents. D

10、ont trouble to see me off at the station.Dont trouble about that.别劳驾到车站来送我了。别为那事担心。Thank you for the trouble you have_to find me the book.A.made B.had C.put D.takenD11. other style to create musiccreate, invent, discoverIt is labour that _ the world.Columbus _ America in 1492.Paper was _ in China.cr

11、eatesinventeddiscoveredinvent产生以前没有的东西,多指物质上create产生以前没有的东西,多指精神上discover找到一直存在却未被人认识的东西; http:/ 重庆时时计划群 wld28xoy 城下,却因为没有通行证而被拦下,就算他绞尽脑汁也不得入,于是便在城外的客栈盘旋了数十天,终于,等来了雪城一年一度的玉兰花 节。玉兰花是雪城神圣的存在,象征着高洁美丽,每年玉兰花开的时候都会举办玉兰花节,城门大开三天,普天同庆。往往这时候,就是 雪城最热闹,最繁华的时候。城主府。“60,你听,外面的鞭炮声多响亮啊?最近你日日读这烈女传憋闷坏了吧,不如木月陪你出去 走走,散

12、散心?”“我看是你憋闷坏了想出去吧?我近日读这书并不觉苦闷,越发的来兴致,那样活泼的节日并不适合我,我今日准许你 出去玩,别太晚回来就行。”“哎呀,60。你会说话时会背诗,四岁学四书,六岁五经皆通,八岁诗经倒背如流。你也不需要考女状元, 这才思已是一般人都所不及的,为何日日还要抱着书本不放,不如跟木月出去走走,万一来了诗掉还能流传一副墨宝岂不妙哉?”这时初 月端了茶进来,嬉笑着木月说道:“我当是什么事情呢?原来是你这丫头教唆着60出去逛,要是你想玩便出去就是了,何必拉着60,我看 你这是仗着60脾气好,非拉着60做她不愿意的事情,等晚间回了老太爷,看老太爷怎么收拾你。” “好姐姐,我这不是怕6

13、0憋闷吗?错过 这次玉兰花节就又得等一年,这60实在不想去就不去嘛,我错了还不行,姐姐千万不能告诉老太爷,不然肯定会罚我的。”“你这是不怕 老太爷罚你,而是怕他罚你,你见不到你的阿牛哥吧?”“哈哈”初月笑出声,连带着纪雪芙也忍俊不禁,连连摇头。“行了,你两 也不必再争,既然如此,那就陪我出去走一走吧,看看我雪城的百姓生活状态,体验民生民情。”“是,只是那边老太爷得去回禀一下, 您先更衣,我这就打发丫头去告诉老太爷一声。”“嗯,衣服不要太繁复太艳丽的,绝对不能抢了玉兰花的风头,把我那件素色白底丁香 花的裙子拿来就好。”“是,只是您今天梳的头发是流云鬓,配这裙子正好。”这时打发去给老太爷回话的丫头也回来了。“启禀60,老 爷说了,这玉兰花节一年一回,让60去看看也好,只是刚好少爷从田里收租回来,便要少爷陪你一起,路上也好有个照应。” “知道了, 你下去准备吧。” 打扮好的纪雪芙盯着面前铜镜里的自己,肤白胜雪,明眸齿皓,活脱脱一副美人像,很难看出她只有17岁的样子,便生 的这样好。“60,少爷来了。”“快请进。”不一会,丫鬟掀起门前帐幔,走进来一个翩翩公子,棱角分明,不得不赞叹雪城纪家真是好 基因。“妹妹,你可收拾好了?”“都已准备妥当,我们可以走了。”“等等,夜里风大,还是让初月给你带件披风,有备无患。”“还 是少爷想的周到,这些丫头也太不细心了,我这就拿上,还请少爷60先行


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