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1、华中科技大学本科生学习指南41光电信息工程专业本科培养计划Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Optoelectronic Information Engineering一、培养目标 Educational Objectives 培养德、智、体全面发展,具有系统、扎实的理论基础和在信息的获取、传递、处理及应用等方面 具有较宽广的专业知识、较强的英语语言能力和实践动手能力,良好的人文素质和创新精神,并在激 光科学与工程、光纤通信技术、光电系统与信息处理、光电子集成器件技术等方向具有特色的高素质 人才。毕业生能在研究院所、高等院校、信息产业部门及其相关领域

2、从事信息科学与技术的研究、系统 集成与设计、开发等方面的工作。Aiming at preparing all-rounded, high-quality talents with international competence, this program will enable students to be solid grounded in basic theory, wide-ranged in specialized knowledge, capable of practical work and particularly specialized in Laser Science an

3、d Engineering, Optical Fiber Communication Technology, Optoelectronic System and Information Processing, Optoelectronic Integrated Devices. Students can be fit into jobs in IT department research centers and colleges. They can do research, design and develop the integrated system in Information Scie

4、nce and Technology area.二、基本规格要求 Skills Profile 毕业生应获得以下几个方面的知识和能力: 1扎实的数理基础; 2掌握光学与光电子学、电子与信息科学的基本理论和方法; 3解决本学科领域内的科研及工程问题的能力; 4了解本学科的发展动态; 5较强的英语语言能力; 6文献检索、资料查询的方法和撰写科学论文的能力; 7较好的人文社科知识和人文素质,以及较强的协调、组织能力; 8较强的创新精神。As students of this program, you will gain: 1Solid grounding in maths and physics;

5、2Basic theories and methods of Optics, Optoelectronics, Electronics and Information Science; 3The competency in solving the problems in specialty of scientific research and engineering; 4Knowledge of the development of the discipline; 5Mastery of English; 6Basic methods of literature survey, file re

6、trieving and scientific thesis writing ability; 7Solid grounding in humanities and arts and ability of managing and organizing; 8Innovative thinking.三、培养特色华中科技大学本科生学习指南42Program Features 指导思想:拓宽学科基础,坚持理工交叉,突出专业特色,重视科学实践,适应市场导向,发展学生个性。 培养特色: 1、在信息学科大类培养框架下,光电信息工程(工)和光信息科学与技术(理)两专业的专业基础 课设置实施交叉。 2、坚持将

7、学科资源转化为优质教学资源的理念,设置“光电创新实践”及选拔优秀学生进入科研 团队参加科研等科学实践等环节。 3、在两个专业中,共同设置 4 组学科特色鲜明、市场需求旺盛的专业方向限选课和近 30 门专业 任选课,供学生选修。Instruction: broadening the subject groundings, aiming at inter-discipline development in Science and Engineering, featuring in specialty competence, stressing on scientific practice, mee

8、ting the market requirements, and developing the initiatives of the students as well. 1. Under the framework of the Information discipline, the two specialties of Optical Information Science and Technology and the Optoelectronic Information Engineering are set the basement knowledge same. 2. Transfo

9、rming the disciplinary resources into superior educational resources. Introducing the innovative scientific methods in the optoelectronic practices course and recommending the excellent students to scientific research teams to do scientific practice. 3. The two specialties share four groups of limit

10、ed electives, which are discipline-featured and the market required. There are nearly 30 non-limited electives in specialty to meet the students needs.四、主干学科 Major Disciplines 光学与光电子学、电子与信息科学Optics and Optoelectronics, Electronic and Information Science五、学制与学位 Length of Schooling and Degree 修业年限:四年

11、Duration: 4 years 授予学位:工学学士Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering六、学时与学分 Hours/Credits 完成学业最低课内学分(含课程体系与集中性实践教学环节)要求:197Minimum Credits of Curricular(Comprising course system and intensified internship and practical training):197 完成学业最低课外学分要求:5Minimum Extracurricular Credits:5 1课程体系学时与学分Hours/Cr

12、edits of Course System华中科技大学本科生学习指南43课程类别课程性质学时/学分占课程体系学分比例()必修1128/70.542.2通识教育基础课程选修96/63.6 学科大类基础课程必修600/37.522.5学科基础课程学科专业基础课程必修560/3521.0 专业课程选修288/1810.8 合计267/167100Course ClassifiedCourse NatureHrs/CrsPercentage (%)Required1128/70.542.2Basic Courses in General EducationElective96/63.6Basic C

13、ourses in General DisciplineRequired600/37.522.5Basic Courses in DisciplineBasic Courses in DisciplineRequired560/3521.0Courses in SpecialtyElective288/1810.8Total267/167100 2集中性实践教学环节周数与学分Weeks/Credits of Intensified Internship and Practical Training 实践教学环节名称课程性质周数/学分占实践环节总学分的比例() 军事训练必修2/26.6 电工实习

14、必修2/26.6 生产实习必修3/310.0 课程设计必修8/8 26.8 毕业设计(论文)必修15/1550 合 计30/30100Internship Membership of the group which is entitled as Excellent Social Practice Group by the Communist Youth League of HUST or Hubei Province2CET-6Students whose Band-6 exam scores accord our requirements2CET Oral ExaminationA、B、C3

15、, 2, 1 National Computer Rank ExaminationWin certificate of Band-2 or higher2Win certificate of programmer2 Win certificate of Advanced Programmer33Examinations in English and ComputerNational Computer Software Qualification Win certificate of System Analyst4Win first prize3 Win second prize2Univers

16、ity Level Win third prize1 Win first prize4 Win second prize3Provincial Level Win third prize2 Win first prize6 Win second prize44CompetitionsNational Level Win third prize3 Authority JournalsPer piece3 Important JournalsPer piece2 General JournalsPer piece15Thesis (Published or read) Conference ProceedingPer piece1Note: In HUST Sports Meeting, the first and the second prize, the third to the fifth prize, and the sixth prize to the


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