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1、美国电力标准美国电力标准(ANSI electric standards)中文名称中文名称英文名称英文名称ANSI ATIS0600311-2007直流电力系统.电信环境保护DC Power Systems - Telecommunications Environment ProtectionANSI ATIS0600328-2007从物理应力和放射影响及直流电力系统相关要求中 对远程通信线路进行保护Protection of Telecommunications Links from Physical Stress and Radiation Effects and Associated R

2、equirements for DC Power SystemsANSI C29.1-1988电力绝缘子.试验方法Electrical Power Insulators, Test Methods forANSI C37.16-2000低压电力断路器和交流电力电路保护器的优选额定 值、相关要求和应用建议Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers and AC Power Circuit Protectors, Preferred Ratings, Related Requirements and Application Recommendations forANSI

3、C37.17-1997交流和通用直流低压电力断路器的断开装置Trip Devices for AC and General Purpose DC Low-Voltage Power Circuit BreakersANSI C37.46-2000电力熔断器和熔丝切断开关规范Power Fuses and Fuse Disconnecting Switches, Specifications forANSI C37.50-1989开关设备.封装式低压交流电力线路断路器.试验程序Switchgear Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enc

4、losures Test ProceduresANSI C37.51-2003金属封装低压交流电力断路器开关设备组件.合格试 验规程Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage AC Power-Circuit-Breaker Switchgear Assemblies - Conformance Test ProceduresANSI C37.85-2002电力开关用交流高压电力真空断路器的 X 射线辐射 极限Interrupters Used in Power Switchgear, X-Radiation Limits for AC High-Voltage Power Vacu

5、umANSI C57.12.51-1981三相,高压601至34500伏,低压208Y/120至4160伏容 量不小于501千伏安,通风干式电力变压器的要求Dry-Type Power Transformers 501 kVA and Larger, Three-Phase with High-Voltage 601 to 34 500 Volts, Low-Voltage 208Y/120 to 4160 Volts, Requirements for VentilatedANSI C57.12.52-1981三相,高压:601至34500伏,低压:208Y/120至4160伏, 容量不小于

6、501千伏安,密封干式电力变压器的要求Dry-Type Power Transformers, 501 kVA and Larger, Three-Phase with High-Voltage 601 to 34 500 Volts, Low-Voltage 208Y/120 to 4160 Volts, Requirements for SealedANSI C84.1-2006电力系统和设备的美国国家标准.电压额定值(60Hz)American National Standard for Electric Power Systems and Equipment - Voltage Rat

7、ings (60 Hertz)ANSI C93.3-1995电力线载波线路陷波器的要求Requirements for Power-Line Carrier Line TrapsANSI CC1-2005变电站的电力连接Electric Power Connection for SubstationsANSI T1.337-2004网络电力传输系统的最大电压、电流和功率级的要 求Requirements for Maximum Voltage, Current, and Power Levels in Network-Powered Transport SystemANSI/ASABE/ISO

8、 3767-拖拉机、农林机械、电力草坪机和园艺设备.操作者Tractors, machinery for agriculture and forestry, powered lawn and garden equipment - 2,AMD 1-3-2006控制和其他显示符号.第2部分:农业拖拉机和机械符 号Symbols for operator controls and other displays - Part 2: Symbols for agricultural tractors and machineryANSI/ASAE S323.2-1989草坪与花坛电力设施的规定Defini

9、tions of Powered Lawn and Garden EquipmentANSI/ASHRAE 118.1-2008燃气、电力和燃油热水器额定值的测试方法Method of Testing for Rating Commercial Gas, Electric, and Oil Service Water Heating EquipmentANSI/ATIS 0632000-2005电信.防高空电磁脉冲(HEMP)的指定电信中心局和类 似机构的高空基线电力保护Telecommunications Above-Baseline Electrical Protection for De

10、signated Telecommunications Central Offices and Similar-Type Facilities against High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse (HEMP)ANSI/CEA 600.31-1997电力线物理层和介质规范Power Line Physical Layer and Medium SpecificationANSI/CEA 600.38-1997电力线/RF 符号编码子层Power Line/RF Symbol Encoding SublayerANSI/CEA 633.31-2000电力线物理层

11、一致性Power Line Physical Layer ConformancceANSI/CEA 709.2-A-2000控制网络电力线(PL)信道规范Control Network Powerline (PL) Channel SpecificationANSI/ICEA S-108-720-2004额定电压46至345KV 的挤压绝缘电力电缆的标准Standard for Extruded Insulation Power Cables Rated Above 46 through 345 KVANSI/ICEA S-76-474-2005中性线支撑的额定值600伏特的抗风化挤制绝缘电力

12、 电缆组件Neutral-Supported Power Cable Assemblies with Weather-Resistant Extruded Insulation Rated 600 VoltsANSI/ICEA S-97-682-2007多用途屏蔽的电力电缆额定电压546kV 用标准Standard For Utility Shielded Power Cables Rated 5 Through 46 kVANSI/IEEE 1015-2006工业和商业电力系统用低压断路器的推荐实施规程 (蓝皮书)Recommended Practice for Applying Low-V

13、oltage Circuit Breakers Used in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (Blue Book)ANSI/IEEE 1015/Cor1-2007工业和商业电力系统用低压电路断路器应用的推荐 实施规程.技术勘误1Recommended Practice for Applying Low Voltage Circuit Breakers Used in Industrial and Commercial Power Systems - Corrigendum 1ANSI/IEEE 1048-2003电力线保护接地用指南Guide

14、 for Protective Grounding of Power LinesANSI/IEEE 1070-2006电力传输模块恢复结构元件设计和试验指南Guide for the Design and Testing of Transmission Modular Restoration Structure ComponentsANSI/IEEE 1120-2004海底电力和通信电缆的规划、设计和安装中所考虑 因素的指南Guide to the Factors to Be Considered in Planning, Design, and Installation of Submari

15、ne Power and Communication CableANSI/IEEE 1138-1994电气公用设施电力线用复合光纤接地线(OPGW)的标 准结构Standard Construction of Composite Fiber Optic Groundwire (OPGW) for use on Electric Utility Power LinesANSI/IEEE 1159-1995检测电力质量的推荐实施规范Recommended Practice on Monitoring Electric Power QualityANSI/IEEE 1234-2007屏蔽电力电缆系统

16、故障定位技术指南Guide for Fault Locating Techniques on Shielded Power Cable SystemsANSI/IEEE 1235-2000地下电力电缆和管道用可识别护套的特性指南Guide for the Properties of Identifiable Jackets for Underground Power Cables and DuctsANSI/IEEE 1260-2007用电力导线预报、测量和分析 AM 广播再辐射的指 南Guide on the Prediction, Measurement, and Analysis of AM Broadcast Reradiation by Power LinesANSI/IEEE 1276-2006液浸式电力变压器的高温安装材料的使用指南Guide for the Application of High-Temperature Insulation Materials in Liquid-Immersed Power Tran



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