沈阳故宫英语导游词 Shenyang Imperial Palace

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1、Shenyang Imperial PalaceTour guide:Ellie一、一、On the way to Shenyang Imperial Palace 去故宫的路上去故宫的路上(私家车出行或团队出行可多加内容,如沈阳概况。景点门口接团这部分可以省私家车出行或团队出行可多加内容,如沈阳概况。景点门口接团这部分可以省 略。略。)Many people know the imperial palace called Beijing imperial palace is located in the Forbidden City of our glorious capital Beiji

2、ng . They are emperors palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. However ,there is another imperial palace in Shenyang , the capital city of Liaoning province in northeast of china , and it was famous around the world for its unique Manchu architectural features . These two imperial palaces constitute

3、 one of the world heritage project , imperial palaces of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Shenyang Imperial Palace is one of the well preserved imperial palace in China, which experienced 400-yeaes baptism(bptizm n. 洗礼;严峻 考验)witnessd the glory of the periods of Nuerhachi and his son Huangtaiji. Today Il

4、l show you around this famous senic spot.二、二、Dismount Stele: out of the park 下马碑下马碑(故宫西门停车场门外)(故宫西门停车场门外)Dismount Stele is the symbolized architecture of the palace , tomb ,etc . it warned the people to dismount the horse and walk . The dinsmount stele is 4meters high , 1 meter wide carved clouds pa

5、tterns. The words “ Princes and officials dismount the horses here” .these words were carved in Manchu ,Mongolian and han languages . the mogolian is in the middle , the Han language is on the left, and mogolian language is on the right . according to the system o f the Qing Dynasty , officials who

6、entered imperial Palace must dismount the horse to show their respects to imperial power.三、三、Wende Gateway and Wugong Gateway 文德坊和武功坊文德坊和武功坊Before reaching the front gate of Shenyang Imperial Palace ,the first catching your eyes are two gateways standing across the street . This one before us is Wen

7、de Gateway , and 100 meters away is another one Wugong Gateway . They are symmetrical(simetrikl adj. 匀称的,对称的) and have the same pattern. In China ,Gateway was the symbolic architecture built in palace ,tomb ,temple ,etc . They always made of wood or stone carving . Wende gateway and Wugong gateway a

8、ll made of wood , they are the landmarks in front of the Imperial Palace and the access to royal court.四、四、musical stand in front of the Daqing Gate 大清门前的奏乐亭大清门前的奏乐亭They were constructed for palying music when emperor came and went.五、五、Daqing Gate : ticket office and ticket entrance /check in大清门大清门

9、售票处售票处 和检票口和检票口Daqing Gate is the portal of Shenyang Imperial Palace . It wide as 5 rooms ,there are 3 fixed doors in the middle of Daqing Gate . Stone steps in the back and front were used only for the emperor and senior officials . Other people entered through the small gates on two sides. portal

10、of the palace has the same name with the empire ,called Daqing, it was built from 1627 to 1636.It was not too elegant ,but the symbol of imperial palace , it was decorate beautifully and brightly . so there is a good place to take a photo.六、六、micro landscape 、simulation land table 微缩景观微缩景观/模拟沙盘模拟沙盘G

11、uide map 导览图导览图Now, we can have a full view of Shenyang imperial palace from the micro landscape / simulation land table/ Guide map.The imperial palace in Shenyang was first built by nuerhachi in 1625,when he moved the capital of Late Jin to Shenyang city . after the capital was moved to Beijing , E

12、mperor Kangxi ,qianlong ,jiaqing ,daoguang came back to offer sacrifices to their ancestors tombs for totally ten times . they all lived in Shenyang Imperial Palace for a short time , and increased some new buildings . the whole complex of buildings covers a total area of over 60,000 squre meters, c

13、onsisting of more than 300 rooms . According to the historical stages of architecture and locations ,it can be devided into 3 sections: the eastern section, the middle section and the western section. Each section boasts of unique characteristics. The eastern section contains the very impressive Daz

14、heng Hall and ten pavilions. The middle section was constructed in 1636 , the reign of nuerhachi s son huangtaiji ,this section starts from the Da Qing Gate, with Chong Zheng Hall, the Phoenix Tower and Qingning Palacearranged on a central axis from south to north. The western section was constructe

15、d by order of Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799). Its main structure is the Wen Su Pavilion. In front of this, there are Jiayin Hall ,eastern and western corridors, performing Stage and opera makeup and preparation rooms.七、七、Chongzheng Hall 崇政殿崇政殿Upon entering the Daqing Gate and continuing northward ,we

16、will find the Chongzheng Hall . wide courtyard in front of the hall was the site where princes and senior officials were lined when ceremony was held . Ancient Chinese palaces were usually made up of inner and outer areas. The outer hall area was for the emperor to deal with government affairs ,and for the holding of celebratory ceremonies. Chongzheng Hall is the center of the outer hall area in the Imperial Pala


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