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1、章: I think money is the root of all evil. The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. Most people commit crime for obtaining money . People who think money can bring many benefits to them come to no good.我认为金钱是万恶之源,人们对于金钱的追求驱使人们去骗去偷。绝大多数人为了得到钱 去犯罪。那些人觉得钱可以给他们带来许多好处的往往都得不到好结果。 赵:well,

2、I dont think money is the root of evil. In my opinion , it is peoples endless desire for money that is truly evil. Of course with money we can buy a lot of things that we need or we like. But if one person has an endless desire for money and goods , he will do whatever to get the money and thus, eve

3、n sacrifice other peoples benefits, happiness or lives.呃呃,我不认为金钱是万恶之源。在我看来,人们对于金钱的无止境的欲望才是真正的万 恶之源。理所当然的,我们可以用钱买许多我们需要和喜欢的东西。但是如果一个人对金 钱和物质有无止境的欲望,他会为了金钱什么都做,甚至会牺牲其他人的利益、幸福和生 活。 周:wow, I agree what you said. Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything. A miser may think that “money ta

4、lks,” but if you only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love.钱是的确重要,但是金钱无法买到一切。吝啬鬼可能会认为“金钱万能,“但是如果你只是给 您注意赚钱,你可能失去很多东西,像健康、友谊和爱。 张:Yeah, I really money is important. It can be used buy food、clothes、books and so on. The thing we can not chan

5、ge is money can meet our needs of life. what do you think? 是的,我真的觉得钱很重要,他可以用来买食物、衣服等等。它也可以满足我们的生活需 要。 你们怎么认为? 章:Of course,Money can buy lots of things , but there are many things that money can not buy . Like health and happiness , even a whole family .没错,钱是可以买到很多东西,但是也有东西是钱买不到的,像健康、幸福,甚至是一个 完整的家庭。

6、周:I can not agree with you more . I dont think we should regard money as everything. Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a comfortable life. What we should do is to use it appropriately and not become misers. This way, all of us can lead a happier lives.我认为我们不应该

7、认为金钱是一切。钱只是一个工具,可以帮助我们解决问题或使我们能够 过舒适的生活。我们应该做的是用它的合理性,以及不会成为守财奴。这样,我们所有的人都 可以把一个更快乐的生活。 赵:But something is wrong in the world. It is people”s greedy that drives them crazy. It cause many social problems. Meanwhile, most problems that people complain is social problems.we cannot control people”s atti

8、tude towards money.但是在这个世界上有些事情出了故障,正是人们对于金钱的贪婪让他们迷失本性,我们无 法控制人们的金钱观。这个造成了很多的社会问题,同时,人们抱怨做多的问题也是社会 问题。我们无法控制人们对于金钱的看法 张:Oh, please, let us think about this question. If we have no money ,I cannot imagine what our life will be ? And I think everything around us is empty .I cannot stand I have no mone

9、y. If the times come,I would rather to leave this world. 请等等,让我们思考一下这个问题:如果我们没钱,那我们的生活将会是怎样?我认为我们现在所拥有的每件东西都是空的。 章:um ,you really like a money fan. Undeniably,money plays an important role in our life. So how to set up the correct attitude towards money is very essential for our life.And I think it

10、can help many children save money.不可否认的是,钱在我们的生活中充当着重要的角色。所以怎样建立一个正确的金钱观在 生活中是至关重要的。 赵:Generally speaking, it is not a bad thing that we like money , but one should not get too greedy. Money itself is nothing but a token of value. So we firmly believe that money is not the root of all evil.总的来说,我们喜欢

11、钱不是一件坏事,但是不应该太贪婪。钱本身什么都没有的除了可以 带走它的价值。所以我们应该坚信钱不是万恶之源。 周:Different people have different attitudes towards money. For example, some of the rich are very mean with their money, while some of them are quite generous. Some people lack of money but they are not absorbed in pursuit of wealth while some p

12、eople regard money as everything. As far as I am concerned, money is necessary for all of us, but it is not all for us.不同的人对于金钱持有不同的态度。 比如说,有些有钱人花钱很吝啬,而有些则很慷慨。 有些人缺钱用但不沉迷于追求财富,而有些人则把金钱视为一切。在我看来,金钱对于我 们是必需的,但金钱不是我们的全部。 张:It is very different about how we treat money. In a word,money is not everything,but without money,we can do nothing. We should set up the correct attitude towards money about ourselves总而言之,钱不是万能的,但没有钱是万万不能的。我们应该树立好我们自己的金钱观。



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