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1、西安科技大学硕士学位论文陕西旅游业竞争力的现状及对策研究姓名:王芹申请学位级别:硕士专业:产业经济学指导教师:于立新2011Subject : Shaanxi Tourism Industry Competitive Situation and Countermeasures Specialty : Industry Economics Name : Wang Qin (Signature) Instructor: Yu Lixin (Signature) ABSTRACT The opportunity and challenge co-exist in the development of

2、 Shanxi tourism industry, at the same time, there are many restrictive factors. This paper begins with the major premise that the development of Shanxi tourism must participate in market competition, focuses on doing research into the actuality and countermeasures of Shanxi tourism competitiveness.

3、First the paper defines some related concepts about regional tourism competitiveness from the point of theoretical analysis, then according to the difference of the importance of influence degree of tourism sustainable development, the regional tourism competitiveness factors are divided into core c

4、ompetitiveness, basic competitive power, environmental competitiveness three levels, thus establishes the theory framework about provincial tourism competitiveness evaluation. Secondly according to the core, basis, environment “three-ring structure” analysis paradigm and the selection principle of i

5、ndex system, developing the evaluation index system of provincial tourism competitiveness in groups, and through the experts investigation method to determine the weights of each index, eventually constructed comprehensive evaluation model of provincial tourism competitiveness. Fore more, extensivel

6、y investigate and collect all kinds of assets conditions and process factors which influence Shanxi tourism competitiveness, processing data without outline through the evaluation model tourism, Comprehensively evaluate the development present situation of Shanxi tourism competitiveness, and obtain

7、the current situation ranked 18th in tourism market in 2009. Finally, by comparising the quantitative analysis of each index, obtain a result that the key factors which influence Shaanxi province tourism competitiveness level are tourism resources, infrastructure, economic development level and the

8、level opening; And based on which, according to comparative advantage and the strategic planning theory, this paper puts forward ascending countermeasures tourism competitiveness of Shaanxi province:rely on the advantage resources, adhere to the market as the guidance, strengthened high-quality good

9、s construction; strengthen tourism infrastructure construction, optimize tourism industrial structure, build the good tourism environment; develop economy vigorously, improve the level of economic development of Shanxi province; constantly expand opening to the outside world, improve the level of op

10、ening of Shanxi province. Key words : Shanxi Tourism Industry Core Competitive Power Basic Competitive Power Environmental Competitive Power Type of Thesis: Application Research1 绪论 1 1绪论 1.1 研究背景以及意义 1.1.1 研究背景 近年来旅游及旅游业的发展非常迅速,已经成为当今世界最大的经济活动之一。经历30多年的风雨历程,我国旅游业不断发展壮大起来,作为第三产业的新秀,其强大的产业关联性对于整个国民经济


12、等条件存在着差异,旅游业发展也表现出明显的不平衡性。为了更加有效地发挥旅游业对区域经济的推动作用,各省区普遍存在着明确其在旅游市场中所处的竞争地位、寻找其旅游业竞争优势、改善其旅游业竞争劣势的强烈需求。 竞争力理论为旅游竞争力研究提供理论基础,它是在此基础上兴起和发展起来的。旅游竞争力是区域旅游资源优势、旅游产业发展潜力、市场开发及支持能力的综合反映。全球旅游业的飞快发展、旅游市场竞争力的日益加剧,使得促进旅游业可持续发展,提高旅游业竞争力成为一个亟待解决的课题。在这一社会背景下,国内部分学者相继开展了省区旅游竞争力的研究。但是研究主要停留在我国旅游业的国际竞争力和旅游企业竞争力的层面,在研究

13、方法上也主要是以定性分析为主;尚未建立省区旅游竞争力的统一的评价指标体系。有关针对省区旅游竞争力评价的部分研究,其大都评价指标忽略了它的间接构成要素,从而仅局限于旅游产业的本身,所以难以客观全面地揭示我国各省区旅游经济的战略地位。 陕西省自80年代初开始发展旅游业以来,一直受到政府的高度重视,把旅游产业作为支柱产业优先重点发展,在“十一五”期间,陕西旅游业也取得了良好的业绩。然而,随着旅游产业的不断升温,作为相对独立的政治经济利益主体的各省区之间,尤其是地理相邻的省区之间,旅游竞争愈演愈列,出现了企业利润降低、争夺客源市场等不利于省区旅游业发展的现象,严重制约了省区旅游业的发展。目前,旅游业竞

14、争力已不仅仅西安科技大学硕士学位论文 2 是各区域旅游资源之间的竞争,而且涉及到生产要素是否高级,产业发展环境是否良好等等。陕西省旅游竞争力的研究尚处于初步的探索阶段,研究成果也比较少。陕西虽是旅游资源大省,但还远不是旅游经济强省,近年旅游业发展速度亦相对缓慢,所以如何有效提升陕西省旅游竞争力已经成为发展陕西旅游业不可回避的问题。在旅游市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,陕西旅游业要重振雄风,必须对其竞争力现状进行系统的分析研究,认清其优劣势,并在此基础上制定合理的发展对策、赶超对策。 1.1.2 研究意义 (1)理论意义 本论文通过综合分析与评价陕西旅游业竞争力的现状和水平,深化省区旅游业竞争力研究的理

15、论和方法;并通过构建科学系统的评价指标体系,在一定程度上表现出省区旅游业的内外影响因素及影响因素与其之间的因果作用关系,从而更加透彻、全面地分析这个既巨大又复杂的旅游业竞争力系统。因而可以为各省在当今如此激烈的旅游竞争环境中,正确认识其在旅游业市场中所处的竞争地位以及自身旅游业的优势和劣势,制定符合实际并且可行的旅游业发展战略,推进旅游业发展,提升旅游业竞争力方面提供重要的指导意义。同时,通过本课题研究工作的开展,可以进一步充实和完善区域产业竞争力理论,促进旅游学、经济学、管理工程及战略管理等相关学科的发展与融合。 (2)实践意义 针对省区旅游竞争力研究的实际意义 因为各省区普遍存在明确其自身



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